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Center for Injury Research and Policy Summer Institute


Explore examples of our Summer Institute course offerings.

Principles and Practice of Injury and Violence Prevention (305.670.79) will be offered hybrid, June 16-18, 2025. We encourage participants to attend in-person for the best experience. Specific times for the hybrid class sessions will be announced here. The institute instructor is Shannon Frattaroli, PhD, a professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management.

This competency-based course uses a problem-solving paradigm to introduce the principles and practice of injury prevention. Students use class lectures in behavioral, biomechanical, environmental, epidemiological, legislative, policy and community partnership approaches to injury prevention to develop a strategy for addressing a specific injury problem. Students work in groups for practical application sessions to develop skills learned in the lectures. At the conclusion of the course, the groups present their strategies for addressing the injury problem they have been assigned and receive feedback from their peers and the instructors.

Advanced Injury Institute I: Overdose Prevention will meet virtually, June 23-24, 2025. The upcoming institute course number, instructor, and times of the virtual class sessions will be announced here. 

Advanced Injury Institute II: Suicide Prevention will meet virtually, June 25-26, 2025. The upcoming institute course number, instructor, and times of the virtual class sessions will be announced here. 

The Injury Summer Institute broadens, advances, and challenges existing skills and knowledge of injury prevention students and/or multi-disciplined injury prevention practitioners. It applies the National Core Competencies for Injury and Violence Prevention to the selected Injury or Violence topic for the term. In addition to the interactive synchronous context, students engage with recorded content and apply public health principles to their own communities to promote skill building and experiential learning.