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Mixed Methods Research Training Program for the Health Sciences

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Mixed Methods Research Training Application

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We are no longer accepting applications for 2023. The deadline for submission was Friday, January 13, 2023 at 5pm Eastern Time. The MMRTP Retreat will be held virtually from June 12-15, 2023.

Instructions for Preparing an Application

Applicants should upload the following information for review as a single PDF document in the following order:

  • Cover page stating the title of the concept paper, the name of the applicant, mailing address, and contact information (including e-mail and phone number);
  • A one-page statement indicating the basis for interest in attending the summer course and joining the learning community, with a description of their current program of research and plans for funding, mentoring and scientific advisory needs, and other gaps that could be addressed by participating in the Mixed Methods Research Training Program;
  • A 2-page concept paper (or full draft application) describing the research project, including questions, aims, and general approach, to employ mixed methods that the Scholar will develop into a submitted proposal;
  • A letter from a mentor or supervisor at their home institution;
  • A letter from their employer or institution supporting the time to attend the course and participate in the activities before and after the summer course;
  • NIH biosketch including other support; and,
  • A current curriculum vitae.

Applicants that have successfully submitted an application will receive a confirmation page.

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