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Our publications keep professionals informed on the most important developments and issues in health security and biosecurity.

Showing 201 - 220 of 464 results

Expediting Development of Medical Countermeasures for Unknown Viral Threats: Proposal for a “Virus 201” Program in the United States

Publication Type

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the devastating potential impact of new infectious diseases on the United States and the world. More than 104,000 Americans have already died, communities are shut down, and huge economic losses are occurring here and around the world. The profound effects of this pandemic should galvanize the US Congress to do everything in its power to prevent this from happening again. There are an average of 200 epidemics requiring international response each year, and the next fast-moving, novel infectious disease pandemic—“Virus 201”—could be right around the corner.

Editor's Note, May 7, 2021: The proposed Virus 201 Program has been renamed the Disease X Medical Countermeasure Program.

Digital Contact Tracing for Pandemic Response: Ethics and Governance Guidance book cover

Digital Contact Tracing for Pandemic Response: Ethics and Governance Guidance

Publication Type

As public health professionals around the world work tirelessly to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is clear that traditional methods of contact tracing need to be augmented in order to help address a public health crisis of unprecedented scope. Innovators worldwide are racing to develop and implement novel public-facing technology solutions, including digital contact tracing technology. These technological products may aid public health surveillance and containment strategies for this pandemic and become part of the larger toolbox for future infectious outbreak prevention and control.

Katelyn Esmonde
Amelia Hood
Brian Hutler
Alan Regenberg
Matthew Watson

Plague: Still a Threat, but Evidence and Preparedness Are Keys to Fighting Back

Clinical Infectious Diseases
Publication Type

Plague is an infectious disease that has haunted the human species for millennia. The Justinian Plague in the 6th century and the Black Death beginning in the 14th century were civilization-shattering events, the effects of which were felt long after plague had dissipated [3]. What conferred this capacity on plague was its virulence, its transmission characteristics, and a lack of effective countermeasures, which did not appear until the 20th century.

Plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, continues to cause disruptive and deadly outbreaks, especially in resource-limited areas. Recent outbreaks in Madagascar and Uganda have triggered domestic turmoil, large-scale antimicrobial prophylaxis of case contacts and health-care workers, and concern for international spread [4, 5].

Christina A. Nelson
Gene Drives report cover image

Gene Drives: Pursuing Opportunities, Minimizing Risk

Publication Type

In the future, it may be possible for humans to manipulate entire ecosystems with little continuous input through the use of emerging biotechnologies. Gene drives are one such technology, themselves derived from nature, with the potential to make directed and highly specific modifications to the genetics of entire populations, with repercussions for whole ecosystems. While there has been extensive public analysis of the risks and benefits of gene drives for the control of malaria, which will likely be their first practical application, this report anticipates the world after that initial application.

Here we make recommendations for the responsible governance of gene drives as a used and normalized tool.

Lane Warmbrod
Rachel West
Georgia Ray
Marc Trotochaud
Filling in the Blanks: National Research Needs to Guide Decisions about Reopening Schools in the United States

Filling in the Blanks: National Research Needs to Guide Decisions about Reopening Schools in the United States

Publication Type

Most elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools across the United States have been closed since March in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Schools that are able to do so have replaced classroom education with remote learning, using a range of tools and approaches. As of the publication of this report, governors from most US states have recommended or ordered that schools remain closed for the remainder of this academic year, affecting more than 50 million public school students. While a few schools may reopen before the end of the current school year, most schools, students, and their families in the United States are now facing uncertainty about whether or how schools will resume for in-class learning in the fall.

Misinformation and the US Ebola communication crisis: analyzing the veracity and content of social media messages related to a fear-inducing infectious disease outbreak

BMC Public Health
Publication Type

The Ebola communication crisis of 2014 generated widespread fear and attention among Western news media, social media users, and members of the United States (US) public. Health communicators need more information on misinformation and the social media environment during a fear-inducing disease outbreak to improve communication practices. The purpose of this study was to describe the content of Ebola-related tweets with a specific focus on misinformation, political content, health related content, risk framing, and rumors.

Divya Hosangadi
Marc Trotochaud
Operational Toolkit for Businesses Considering Reopening or Expanding Operations in COVID-19

Operational Toolkit for Businesses Considering Reopening or Expanding Operations in COVID-19

Publication Type

This operational toolkit has been developed to help business owners who are considering reopening or expanding their operations to determine their establishments’ risk of transmission of COVID-19 and how to reduce it.

As displayed in the figure below, the Operational Toolkit consists of 3 parts: an instruction manual; a business risk worksheet; and an assessment calculator.

Operational Toolkit for Businesses

As some governments begin to lift strict public health measures and move into the next phase of their outbreaks of COVID-19, local, state, and federal authorities are planning for the gradual reopening of businesses and resumption of economic activity. While planning for a staged approach to business resumption must be coordinated by local, state, and federal authorities, individual organizations should start planning for how they will restart or expand their operations so that modification and mitigation measures will already be in place when work can resume and the new ”business as usual” can commence.

This operational toolkit allows business leaders to work through a 4-stage process to obtain an overall risk score for their business and to identify considerations for reducing both operational and individual level risks posed by COVID-19. The overall score represents the inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 that may occur in a business and possible changes to daily operations and policies that can lower the inherent risk of exposure. This toolkit is intended to provide businesses with a starting point in their planning to reopen or expand their operations by identifying their risk levels for contributing to the spread of COVID-19 and providing them with a list of mitigation measures to implement that will increase the safety of their employees, clients, customers, and community. 

The 3 parts of the Operational Toolkit include:

  1. An Instruction Manual (PDF)
    Instructions that explain how to complete the 4-stage Business Risk Worksheet and Assessment Calculator.
  2. A Business Risk Worksheet (PDF)
    A 4-stage step-by-step worksheet for you to report and understand your business’s overall risk of spreading COVID-19 and how your business operations can be made safer.
  3. An Assessment Calculator (XLSX)
    An Excel spreadsheet you will fill out to receive a calculated risk score and a modification score.

Estimated Demand for US Hospital Inpatient and Intensive Care Unit Beds for Patients With COVID-19 Based on Comparisons With Wuhan and Guangzhou, China

Publication Type

In the 2 months after the first report of 4 cases of atypical pneumonia in Wuhan, China, on December 27, 2019,1 the cumulative number of confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the city rose to 49 122, with 2195 deaths by the end of February 2020.2 On January 23, Wuhan city shut down in response to the quickly evolving epidemic. All public transportation within, to, and from the city was suspended, and residents were barred from leaving. An estimated 9 million people remained in the city after the lockdown.3 Strict social distancing measures were also implemented, including the compulsory wearing of face masks in public.

Ruoran Li
Qi Tan
Megan B. Murray
Marc Lipsitch
National Action Plan for Expanding and Adapting the Healthcare System for the Duration of the COVID Pandemic: cover

National Action Plan for Expanding and Adapting the Healthcare System for the Duration of the COVID Pandemic

Publication Type

The COVID-19 (COVID) pandemic has led to unprecedented action and innovation in the US healthcare system; at the same time, it has presented extraordinary challenges and risks. Through dramatic augmentation of surge capacity, deferral of other services, and implementation of crisis standards of care, hospitals in many locations have been able to absorb the blow of the first peak of COVID cases and continue to provide lifesaving care to both COVID patients and others with life-threatening emergencies. But many communities are just beginning to experience the full force of the pandemic, and in every location, the healthcare response to COVID has come at a very dear price. Healthcare facilities have sustained huge financial losses, and healthcare workers’ health and well-being have been put at high risk. New standard operating procedures and work processes have been improvised, and many old lessons have had to be relearned.

Richard Waldhorn
Matthew Watson
Elizabeth L Daugherty-Biddison

How Should U.S. Hospitals Prepare for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)?

Annals of Internal Medicine
Publication Type

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is on the verge of being declared a pandemic. As of 7 March 2020, a total of 423 cases and 19 deaths, including several non–travel-related cases, areas of sustained community transmission, and a nursing home outbreak, have been reported (). Best-case estimates suggest that COVID-19 will stress bed capacity, equipment, and health care personnel in U.S. hospitals in ways not previously experienced (). How can health systems prepare to care for a large influx of patients with this disease?

Vineet Chopra
Richard Waldhorn
Laraine Washer

State by state implementation of Zika virus testing guidance in the United States in 2017 and 2018

Preventive Medicine Reports
Publication Type

In 2015 and 2016, outbreaks of the Zika virus began occurring in the Americas and the Caribbean. Following the introduction of this new threat, the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued testing guidance for the nation’s state public health laboratories. We collected and analyzed testing guidance for all fifty states and the District of Columbia for both 2017 and 2018. In both years, state testing guidance was consistent for men and non-pregnant women, but there was notable variation in guidance for pregnant women. In addition, there were changes between the two years as testing algorithms shifted toward guidance that recommended testing in more limited circumstances. States adopted large, or complete, portions of CDC testing guidance, but were not required to conform completely, 33% of states had identical guidance in 2017 and 49% in 2018. Some of these trends, such as specifying that testing be contingent on travel, or sexual contact with an individual who has recently traveled, to an area where the Zika virus was circulating, presents a potential deficiency in the United States surveillance capacity. Understanding variations in state testing guidance enables public health professionals to better understand ongoing surveillance. This analysis provides insight into the testing practices for the various states across the country. Better understanding of how states approach Zika testing, and how that testing changes over time, will increase the public health community’s ability to interpret future Zika case counts.

Marc Trotochaud
Carolina I. Andrada

Public Health Measures and the Reproduction Number of SARS-CoV-2

Publication Type

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), first detected in early December 2019 in Wuhan, China. It has since spread throughout the world.

One measure of viral spread is the R0, the expected number of secondary infectious cases produced by a primary infectious case. This calculation is used to determine the potential for epidemic spread in a susceptible population. The effective reproduction number, Rt, determines the potential for epidemic spread at a specific time t under the control measures in place (Figure 1). To evaluate the effectiveness of public health interventions, the Rt should be quantified in different settings, ideally at regular and frequent intervals (eg, weekly).


An Epidemic Recovery Framework to Jumpstart Analysis, Planning, and Action on a Neglected Aspect of Global Health Security

Clinical Infectious Diseases
Publication Type

Epidemic readiness and response command the disproportionate attention of health security decision-makers, planners, and practitioners, overshadowing recovery. How patients and their families, health organizations, community sectors, and entire societies recuperate from major outbreaks requires more systematic study and better translation into policy and guidance. To help remedy this neglected aspect of health emergency management, we offer a working definition for epidemic recovery and a preliminary model of post-epidemic recovery. Guiding this framework’s development are insights gleaned from the more mature study of post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation as well as recognition that post-outbreak recovery – which involves infectious disease, a biological hazard – presents challenges and opportunities distinct from events involving geological or meteorological hazards. Future work includes developing a consensus around characteristics of successful epidemic recovery, applying these metrics to support pre-incident planning for post-epidemic recovery, and using such a scheme to track and inform actual recovery from an epidemic.

An Epidemic Recovery Framework to Jump-start Analysis, Planning, and Action on a Neglected Aspect of Global Health Security

Clinical Infectious Diseases
Publication Type

Epidemic readiness and response command the disproportionate attention of health security decision makers, planners, and practitioners, overshadowing recovery. How patients and their families, health organizations, community sectors, and entire societies recuperate from major outbreaks requires more systematic study and better translation into policy and guidance. To help remedy this neglected aspect of health emergency management, we offer a working definition for epidemic recovery and a preliminary model of postepidemic recovery. Guiding this framework’s development are insights gleaned from the more mature study of postdisaster reconstruction and rehabilitation as well as recognition that postoutbreak recovery—which involves infectious disease, a biological hazard—presents challenges and opportunities distinct from events involving geological or meteorological hazards. Future work includes developing a consensus around characteristics of successful epidemic recovery, applying these metrics to support preincident planning for postepidemic recovery, and using such a scheme to track and inform actual recovery from an epidemic.

Recommendations for a Metropolitan COVID-19 Response—Special Area of EmphasisGuidance on Protecting Individuals Residing in Long-Term Care Facilities

Recommendations for a Metropolitan COVID-19 Response—Special Area of Emphasis: Guidance on Protecting Individuals Residing in Long-Term Care Facilities

Publication Type

Long-term care facilities, including skilled nursing facilities, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities, house some of the nation’s most at-risk populations for morbidity and mortality related to COVID-19 infection. Residents of these facilities require frequent interactions with staff such as for assistance with personal care (i.e. feeding, bathing, dressing), which increases the risk for transmission of COVID-19. Additionally, residents often have underlying medical conditions that put them at increased risk for severe complications if they become infected (1).

Sarah LaFave
Allison A. Hart
Cover: Developing a National Strategy for Serology (Antibody Testing) in the United States

Developing a National Strategy for Serology (Antibody Testing) in the United States

Publication Type

Serology (antibody) tests for the SARS-CoV-2 virus have the potential to inform good public health decision making during the pandemic. This report describes potential uses of the tests, areas of uncertainty where additional research is needed, and examples from other countries now beginning to make use of these tests. The priority for the United States now is to make validated, accurate tests available to: (1) public health authorities, to conduct surveillance and to estimate the numbers of people previously infected. Should antibody tests be determined to correlate with immunity to the disease, they should then be made available to: (2) essential workers, with priority for healthcare workers and those who interact with vulnerable populations (eg, nursing home residents); and (3) individuals who may use them to assess their personal risk of becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 disease). These tests will be in high demand, and manufacturing should be scaled appropriately, but the first steps will be to ensure accuracy, validity, and comparability of available tests.


Supporting Social Distancing for COVID-19 Mitigation Through Community-Based Volunteer Networks

American Journal of Public Health
Publication Type

Recent experiences during a variety of disease outbreaks, ranging from Ebola to influenza, have underscored the potential for epidemics to have an impact on daily life, even for those who are not themselves infected.1,2 In severe situations, epidemics or pandemics can even affect overall community functioning. For example, a rapidly expanding pandemic can result in shuttered schools, cancelled events, food insecurity, and social distrust in communities.


Enabling Emergency Mass Vaccination: Innovations in Manufacturing and Administration During a Pandemic

Publication Type

The global reach of infectious disease pandemics typically necessitates a similarly ubiquitous public health intervention: mass vaccination. The development and large-scale deployment of a vaccine requires substantial investment and a coalition of stakeholders to undertake research and development (including phase I to III clinical trials), manufacturing, and widespread administration. Recent efforts by national and international funders and researchers to advance the state of vaccinology for pandemics and other infectious disease emergencies have focused largely on expediting the R&D phase1. There has been comparatively less attention paid to modernizing, optimizing, and therefore accelerating other aspects of the vaccine enterprise—namely, manufacturing, distribution, and administration. The current COVID-19 pandemic plainly underscores the need to vastly accelerate mass vaccination in every phase.

Divya Hosangadi
Lane Warmbrod
Matthew Watson
Nancy Connell
Cover: Recommendations for a Metropolitan COVID-19 Response— Special Emphasis Series

Recommendations for a Metropolitan COVID-19 Response— Special Emphasis Series: Guidance on Protecting Incarcerated Individuals

Publication Type

Currently, there are approximately 2.3 million people detained behind bars in the U.S., including 21,142 people in Maryland state prisons and Baltimore city jails (1,2).

As evidenced by a surge of cases in jails and prisons across the country (for instance, Rikers Island Jail in NYC, Cook County Jail in Chicago, a federal prison in Louisiana, and others) and by prior infectious epidemics spreading in prisons and jails, institutions of incarceration are environments where COVID-19 is likely spread rapidly; furthermore, many incarcerated individuals have chronic health conditions and other risk factors that put them at risk for more severe disease. As of April 9, 57 COVID-19 cases have been reported by the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, a more than threefold increase in 5 days (3). These numbers-- which only reflect those in DPSCS custody (state prisoners and people in the Baltimore City jail system) but not local jails-- can be expected to increase as they have in other jurisdictions.