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Public Health Advocacy Consensus Task Force (PH-ACT)

The Lerner Center for Public Health Advocacy and the de Beaumont Foundation, in partnership with other national and state public health organizations are launching the Public Health Advocacy Consensus Task Force (PH-ACT), which will: 

  1. Gain consensus on the definition of public health advocacy;  
  2. Identify the essential advocacy skills needed to operationalize it; and   
  3. Draft guidance that could help schools and programs. 

Advocacy Action Lab

The Lerner Center for Public Health Advocacy hosted a one-day session that offered practical insights, knowledge, and skills to enhance influence with decisionmakers at all levels, from city councils to international governing bodies.

Certificate Program

Public Health Advocacy Certificate Program

Certificate program coursework will allow students to engage deeply with core theories and skills in public health advocacy, and to augment these with an understanding of how to apply these in a variety of policy and geographic settings. The certificate program will complement students’ options for training in public health policy making with theoretical and practical insights into the role of advocacy in this process.

Summer Institute 2023

Public Health Advocacy: Grassroots Organizing for Policy Change

This course provides practical, in-depth skills and knowledge in a key advocacy approach: the principles and methods of community organizing and campaigning for policy and structural change. Learn how to mobilize the right people at the right time, with the right demands, to change public policies to promote health.