
The International Vaccine Access Center accelerates equitable and sustainable access to vaccines in low- and middle-income countries by generating, synthesizing, and using evidence to inform decision making and action.
Our Approach Blends
- Rigorous science
- Productive partnership
- Clear communication
- Capacity building and training
Our Practice Areas
Country Support
Based on demand from country leaders and health agencies around the world, we provide independent policy advice, support country vaccine decision-making and governance, and connect partners to accelerate progress toward health and development goals.
Coverage & Equity
To improve equitable immunization within and between countries, we help countries better measure vaccine coverage, interpret results for action, and boost demand for vaccination using novel strategies.
Major studies evaluate the feasibility of using blood samples to identify gaps in immunity and implement mobile-based reminder systems, two approaches that could be adopted by governments to strengthen vaccination programs and protect all children.
Disease Epidemiology
To inform and improve prevention and control strategies, we manage large clinical studies and surveillance networks. We also quantify the amount of disease in countries and globally via mathematical models constructed with an understanding of population-level epidemiology, health system, and policy contexts.
Economics & Finance
To support investment and funding decisions, we quantify the cost of illness from diseases and determine the economic return on investment of vaccine use. We also help countries identify and address financing and affordability challenges.
Impact Evaluation
To inform policy & investments, we evaluate how vaccines reduce the spread of disease and create other value post introduction and over time.
Operations Research
To support the introduction of new vaccines and improvements in coverage, we analyze the programmatic and logistical implications of policy choices, such as variations in shipping, packaging, and other operational decisions that affect cost and health impact. Digital tools aid countries in designing, planning, and improving supply chains.
Policy Engagement
As a leading contributor to global immunization policy, we synthesize & present evidence to build consensus, inform strategy and support policy development. Members of IVAC’s leadership serve on the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) and on several WHO working groups.
Technical Advocacy
To advance evidence-based policy, we support technically driven efforts, led by global and in-country partners, to understand the value of vaccines. We develop compendiums of published evidence, formulate messaging, and develop advocacy materials. We also build and manage coalitions and networks of scientists and other health advocates.
Featured Projects

Strengthening Immunization Systems through Serosurveillance (SISS)
The Strengthening Immunization Systems through Serosurveillance (SISS) project addresses epidemiological, technical, and operational issues critical to the generation and interpretation of valid and timely serological data to identify immunity gaps and guide routine, supplemental and targeted immunization activities.[…]

Vaccine Information and Epidemiology Window (VIEW-hub)
VIEW-hub is IVAC’s publicly accessible interactive platform to visualize real-time information on vaccine use, product type, coverage levels, impact assessments, and disease burden estimates. It can be utilized to track progress and strategize ways to accelerate and optimize vaccine implementation.
Active Projects
Assess & Understanding of Vaccine Hesitancy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Assess & Understanding of Vaccine Hesitancy in Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Although the early months of the global COVID-19 vaccination roll out was hamstrung by limited vaccine supply, vaccine nationalism and access inequities for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), the situation has since changed to one of COVID-19 vaccine supply glut and low absorptive capacity of […]
Assessing and Revitalizing Immunization through Social Engagement (ARISE)
Assessing and Revitalizing Immunization through Social Engagement (ARISE) Evidence from the previous epidemics have demonstrated that temporary disruptions of routine immunization services could lead to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, amplifying morbidity and mortality. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to major disruptions in routine immunization services in India with a substantial decrease in routine immunization services […]
Building Vaccine Disinformation Resilience in Partnership with Latino Social Media Influencers
Building Vaccine Disinformation Resilience in Partnership with Latino Social Media Influencers Challenge Latino communities have become targets for social media-based disinformation campaigns related to COVID-19 and vaccination. Latinos are more likely to use social media, especially Facebook, as a primary source of information about COVID-19 than non-Latinos. While many social media sites have committed to […]
Choice Optimization for Immunization: Country Exercises in Sustainability (CHOICES)
Choice Optimization for Immunization: Country Exercises in Sustainability (CHOICES) The Challenge With an evolving vaccine product landscape, countries—especially low- and middle-income countries— increasingly face complex decisions as they work to optimize their immunization programs and prioritize interventions, including: Weighing new, existing, and anticipated vaccines Adapting immunization programs and schedules to emerging evidence Fielding market, financial, […]
COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Evaluation Landscape to support the COVAX Vaccine Safety Working Group and the WHO- Pharmacovigilance team
COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Evaluation Landscape to support the COVAX Vaccine Safety Working Group and the WHO- Pharmacovigilance team Challenge There is an urgent need to support the COVAX Vaccine Safety working Group (VSWG), supported by CEPI, and the WHO- Pharmacovigilance team (WHO-PV), in collating the studies evaluating the safety of COVID-19 vaccines globally to inform […]
Effect Of Age On Immunogenicity of Pneumococcal Vaccines In Older Adults
Effect Of Age On Immunogenicity of Pneumococcal Vaccines In Older Adults Challenge Streptococcus pneumoniae is associated with significant morbidity and mortality in older adults. Vaccination with 23-valent Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) can prevent disease and is recommended for adults over 60 years of age in most high income countries, but […]
Effect of Age on Pneumococcal Vaccine Immunogenicity in Adults Over 50 Years of Age
Effect of Age on Pneumococcal Vaccine Immunogenicity in Adults Over 50 Years of Age CHALLENGE Many high income countries recommend immunization with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine and/or pneumococcal conjugate vaccines for adults over 50 years of age. WHO guidance to countries globally regarding adult immunization in the context of widespread use of infant PCV programs is […]
Evaluation of Baltimore City Health Department Influenza Immunization Initiative
Evaluation of Baltimore City Health Department Influenza Immunization Initiative Challenge There is concern about an increase in rates of both influenza and COVID-19 illnesses and deaths this coming 2020-2021 flu season and Baltimore City has committed to reaching the ambitious target of vaccinating at least 70% of its residents against influenza. Last season, although reporting […]
Global Advocacy for PCV (GAP) Project
Global Advocacy for PCV (GAP) Project CHALLENGE Pneumonia continues to be the leading infectious cause of death for children under 5, responsible for millions of hospitalizations and hundreds of thousands of child deaths worldwide. Most of these deaths are preventable with the tools we currently have, our best prevention tool being vaccines. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines […]
Household transmission study of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses in families with children <5 years of age in Maryland (SEARCh)
Household transmission study of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses in families with children <5 years of age in Maryland (SEARCh) Challenge While children are clearly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection and can transmit the virus to others, relatively few studies have focused on disease characteristics, risk factors for infection such as daycare attendance and patterns of […]
HPV Vaccine Acceleration Program Partners Initiative (HAPPI) Consortium
The HAPPI Consortium, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is a visionary project designed to accelerate HPV vaccination in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We harness collective expertise in policy, access, introduction, implementation, evaluation, and learning. Our overarching aim is to promote equity, program quality, and the rapid expansion of HPV vaccination among girls […]
Impact of maternal nutrition on the prevalence of childhood stunting in West Bengal
Impact of maternal nutrition on the prevalence of childhood stunting in West Bengal The health and nutrition of a woman is a major contributory factor to her own health and well-being, and the nutrition of her child and family, throughout the lifecycle. The burden of undernutrition is high in the state of West Bengal, where […]
Implementation Research on Vaccine Hesitancy
Implementation Research on Vaccine Hesitancy Challenge Vaccine-preventable diseases are now resurging as immunization coverage has decreased, driven by reductions in vaccine confidence and trust. The COVID-19 pandemic has further eroded trust in public health systems and catalyzed anti-vaccine sentiment. Vaccine hesitancy has now become a global phenomenon, affecting low-, middle-, and high-income countries alike. Its […]
Improving Routine Immunization Services
Improving Routine Immunization Services The COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented in its scale and impact globally with regard to disruption of routine immunization services. In the states of West Bengal and Jharkhand, we support and strengthen existing government systems for routine immunization for children and pregnant women. Through this project, we aim to identify drop-out, […]
Integrated Multiplexed Serosurveillance in the Countrywide Mortality Surveillance for Action (COMSA) in Mozambique
Integrated Multiplexed Serosurveillance in the Countrywide Mortality Surveillance for Action (COMSA) in Mozambique CHALLENGE Recent developments in multiplex serological assays provide the tools to establish integrated, multiplexed serosurveillance platforms to measure seroprevalence to vaccine-preventable diseases, enteric pathogens, neglected tropical diseases, and malaria parasites across space, time, and age. The Countrywide Mortality Surveillance for Action (COMSA) […]
KHEL- Knowledge, Health, Education and Learnings through community games: A documentary film
KHEL- Knowledge, Health, Education and Learnings through community games: A documentary film Community games are a form of social and behavior change communication. They promote change in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors by encouraging participants to be reflexive. The games are a great platform to empower communities to bring about positive behaviour change by making healthier […]
Latinx Training on Vaccine Misinformation on Social Media
For this John S. and James L. Knight Foundation-sponsored project, IVAC worked with Latinx communities in Maryland to create training content crafted to resonate with Latinx identities to enable prominent social media users and influencers to effectively identify and respond to anti-vaccine misinformation using evidence-based strategies. […]
Maternal and Child Health Center India
The Johns Hopkins Maternal and Child Health Center in India works to strengthen public health education and accelerate research in maternal and child health. It prioritizes participatory and design thinking approaches in research, and implementation of public health interventions to amplify people’s voices and community ownership [...]
Maternal and Child Health Utilization and Equity Study (MATCHES)
Maternal and Child Health Utilization and Equity Study (MATCHES) The COVID-19 pandemic has exerted drastic direct and indirect effects on families and health systems globally. Utilization of health services have been limited by several pandemic mitigation factors, leading to exacerbation of inequities in income and gender particularly amongst vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, young […]
Maternal Immunization Readiness Initiative (MIRI)
Maternal Immunization Readiness Initiative (MIRI) Challenge Evaluation of candidate SARS-CoV2 vaccines is accelerating rapidly. However, currently registered trials exclude pregnant and lactating women (PLW), despite the fact that they have also been impacted by the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and group B strep (GBS)vaccines are under development and are specifically […]
Missed Opportunities for Vaccine Equity (MOVE)
The study will elucidate the novel problem of missed opportunities during hospitalization by quantifying the proportion of under-vaccinated children who remain unvaccinated at the time of hospital discharge. Our study is designed to systematically collect the vaccination status of hospitalized children at the time of admission and discharge, while also documenting caregivers’ and healthcare providers’ perspectives on barriers to vaccine access.
MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership program (MCGL-USAID): Contributing to sustainably reducing maternal, newborn, and child mortality and morbidity, and mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership program (MCGL-USAID): Contributing to sustainably reducing maternal, newborn, and child mortality and morbidity, and mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Assessing routine immunization in the era of COVID-19 in partnership with the World Health Organization The challenge MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership (The Project), is a five-year large global […]
Nasopharyngeal pneumococcal carriage density as an influencer of RSV-associated lower respiratory infection outcomes in infancy and early childhood
Nasopharyngeal pneumococcal carriage density as an influencer of RSV-associated lower respiratory infection outcomes in infancy and early childhood Acute lower respiratory infections (ALRI) remain the leading cause of global child mortality. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) are important etiological agents of childhood ALRI, and a major cause of hospitalization in young children, […]
PCV Nepal
PCV Nepal Learn more by visiting today. Challenge Nepal, like much of Southeast Asia, bears a significant burden of childhood pneumonia, the leading cause of death in children under five years of age worldwide. In 2015, Nepal became one of the first countries in Southeast Asia to introduce pneumococcal conjugate vaccine nationwide, providing a 10-valent pneumococcal […]
Pneumococcal Serotype Replacement and Distribution Estimation (PSERENADE) Project
Pneumococcal Serotype Replacement and Distribution Estimation (PSERENADE) Project Challenge Need better understanding of epidemiology, distribution & regional variability of serotypes causing invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) Serotype replacement has been observed to vary by setting. Previous global serotype replacement analysis did not include LMICs and reflected PCV7 experience. Global analysis needed to inform development of future […]
Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH)
The Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) study is a case-control study led by IVAC that enrolled 4,232 cases and 5,325 controls between 2011-2014 at 9 sites in 7 countries (The Gambia, Mali, Kenya, Zambia, South Africa, Bangladesh and Thailand). […]
Pneumonia Research and Vaccine Impact League (PREVAIL)
This study will establish and maintain a surveillance network to measure the impact of routine infant vaccination with PCV on serotypes causing invasive pneumococcal disease among young children under 5 years of age in India.
Project SHELTER (Supporting Health, Education & Livelihood: towards Empowerment and Resilience)
Project SHELTER (Supporting Health, Education & Livelihood: towards Empowerment and Resilience) The survival, health, education and wellbeing of children has a strong and reciprocal link with long-term community development and resilience. The population residing in Boropahari, a region in the Birbhum district of West Bengal is vulnerable in terms of poor health, low education status […]
Rapid Assessment of COVID-19 Management in Odisha (RAMCO)
Rapid Assessment of COVID-19 Management in Odisha (RAMCO) Odisha state in India has drawn from prior experience in natural disaster preparedness and risk mitigation in order to implement exemplary measures as a state-wide response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This project will undertake documentation of implementation measures of the Government of Odisha, including innovative practices of […]
Reduction in downstream disease due to vaccination against adult Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Reduction in downstream disease due to vaccination against adult Vaccine Preventable Diseases Challenge Vaccination has the potential to improve downstream effects among older adults, through reducing debility and subsequent incident morbidity and mortality. This study aims to estimate the broader value of vaccines in mitigating these downstream effects. Approach Secondary analysis of a large multisite […]
Regional Support to Address the Outbreak of COVID-19 and Potential Outbreaks of Other Communicable Diseases (ADB)
Regional Support to Address the Outbreak of COVID-19 and Potential Outbreaks of Other Communicable Diseases (ADB) Challenge To understand the learnings and challenges regarding COVID-19 vaccination delivery mechanisms across the region. To summarize the impact of COVID-19 vaccination on routine immunization, other health programs, and broader health system capacities. To develop country typologies that will […]
Research on Combatting Vaccine Misinformation on Social Media
Vaccine-preventable diseases are resurging as immunization coverage has decreased, driven by reductions in vaccine confidence and trust. Social media increasingly provides a platform for sharing health information, particularly for vaccine hesitant individuals, who are more likely to rely on online information […]
SARS-CoV-2 Epidemiology And Response in Children (SEARCh) Project
SARS-CoV-2 Epidemiology And Response in Children (SEARCh) Project Challenge Although children are usually spared the worst of COVID-19 disease, they suffer substantial indirect harms as a result of the pandemic, including missed immunizations, school and day care closures, and loss of family income. Policies for resumption of pre-pandemic activities for U.S. children are being developed […]
Strengthening Immunization Systems through Serosurveillance (SISS)
Strengthening Immunization Systems through Serosurveillance (SISS) The challenge Sero-epidemiology is a potentially powerful tool to measure population immunity to vaccine-preventable diseases, identify immunity gaps, and guide immunization activities. However, there is a need to evaluate how to design, implement and evaluate serological surveillance systems and make the best use of the data to guide vaccination […]
Technical Assistance NPHCDA Nigeria
Technical Assistance NPHCDA Nigeria Challenge Gavi is funding the Johns Hopkins International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) to provide Targeted Country Assistance (TCA) to the Nigerian National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) to improve demand generation for childhood vaccination amongst caregivers, and support capacity building of immunization providers and managers at the health facility level. […]
The Value of Immunization Compendium of Evidence (VoICE)
The VoICE tool contains ideas and evidence illustrating the impact that vaccines, and vaccine-preventable diseases, can have on the health, economic status, societal well-being, equity, and other factors affecting families and nations worldwide.
Typhoid Vaccine Economics (TyVAC Economics)
The TyVAC Economics Program is a comprehensive set of policy research activities including cost of illness (COI) studies, cost of delivery studies, household catastrophic expenditure assessments, and cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs).
Using PCV Impact Evidence to Inform Policy
IVAC has partnered with other collaborators, including the US CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) to systematically review and synthesize PCV impact evidence to inform vaccine policy.
Vaccine Economics Research for Sustainability & Equity (VERSE)
Data on the economic value of these investments can help decision-makers compare the benefits of vaccination with other health and non-health investments. These data can also provide advocates with rigorous evidence to demonstrate the impact of vaccines in terms that are comparable with other sectors.
Vaccine Information and Epidemiology Window (VIEW-hub)
VIEW-hub is IVAC’s publicly accessible interactive platform to visualize real-time information on vaccine use, product type, coverage levels, impact assessments, and disease burden estimates. It can be utilized to track progress and strategize ways to accelerate and optimize vaccine implementation.
Vaccine-preventable burden of nosocomially acquired antimicrobial resistant infectious morbidity in older adult AMR
Vaccine-preventable burden of nosocomially acquired antimicrobial resistant infectious morbidity in older adult AMR Challenge By reducing incident hospitalization in older adults, vaccination may contribute to reduction in nosocomially acquired antimicrobially resistant infection. This project aim to estimate a minimum preventive fraction of these outcomes that may be achieved through comprehensive adult vaccination programs. Approach Review […]
VALUE (Vaccine Acceptance & Access Live in Unity, Engagement, and Education) Baltimore Project
VALUE (Vaccine Acceptance & Access Live in Unity, Engagement, and Education) Baltimore Project CHALLENGE In Baltimore City, COVID-19 has devastated certain communities, infecting more than 50,000 people and causing 1,200 documented deaths. The impact disproportionately affects the physical and mental health, and livelihood of people in some populations in the city. Despite the availability of […]
VIRA, the Vaccine Chatbot
VIRA, the Vaccine Chatbot Challenge As of August 2022, COVID-19 deaths have plateaued at a still-unacceptable rate, with thousands of deaths occurring in the U.S. on a weekly basis. Being up to date with vaccination provides increased protection against infection, yet fewer than 4 in 10 Americans have received a booster shot. Misinformation is strongly […]
Youth to Power: Empowering Adolescents and Youth for Life
Youth to Power: Empowering Adolescents and Youth for Life While growth opportunities abound in urban settings, vulnerable and minority communities endure harsh lives, worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Youth to Power program provides educational and livelihood opportunities for marginalized children and youth. The program empowers out-of-school adolescent girls and youth by imparting functional literacy […]
Zambia Evaluation & Research of 0-Dose (ZER0-D): Strategies to More Effectively Target Measles Zero-Dose Children
Zambia Evaluation & Research of 0-Dose (ZER0-D): Strategies to More Effectively Target Measles Zero-Dose Children CHALLENGE Countries such as Zambia with high coverage with the first dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV) and increasing coverage with the second dose of MCV are encouraged to consider moving away from nationwide, non-selective measles and rubella mass vaccination campaigns […]