A Nine-Point Plan to Improve Post-Crash Care in Kenya

Through a comprehensive program that develops a deeper understanding of the care of the injured person in Kenya, organization of the system, assessment of available resources, we developed a nine-point plan to improve trauma care.
Partnering with local stakeholders, we have trained more than 1,100 personnel, and developed and implemented five trauma registries.
Did you know?
Impact of our work
- Nine-point plan to improve care of the injured patient: A case study from Kenya
- Adolescent and Young Adult Injuries in Developing Economics: A Comparative Analysis from Oman and Kenya
- Understanding patterns of injury in Kenya: Analysis of a trauma registry data from a National Referral Hospital
- To implement and evaluate trauma care interventions implemented as part of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety project
- 1,107 EMTs/Paramedics/Hospital personnel trained
- 5 trauma registries developed and implemented
- Support for trauma care legislation and policies provided