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Research Networks

Beyond educational programming, IGTC also builds capacity locally and around the world with research networks that evaluate, guide and support tobacco control education, advocacy and implementation. 

IGTC supports two research networks - the Bangladesh Tobacco Control Research Network (BTCRN) and the Indonesia Tobacco Control Research Network (ITCRN). These networks bring researchers together and offer seed grants to undertake tobacco control policy research.

The Institute has collaborated with the Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP) since 2013. 

We launched the ITCRN in 2012 with the Muhammadiyah Tobacco Control Center (MTCC) at the University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and now partner with the Center for Economics and Business, University of Indonesia.

The specific objectives are to:

  • Enhance the localized policy evidence base in Bangladesh and Indonesia
  • Develop a self-sustaining network as a forum for tobacco control researchers to exchange ideas, share research findings, generate new tobacco control research and utilize their findings to strengthen the implementation of existing tobacco control policies and advocate for more stringent tobacco control policies where needed

Following each grant cycle, the research findings are disseminated through a scientific conference. Government representatives, members of the research community, local partners, media and representatives of various tobacco control NGOs were invited to take part in panel discussions following presentations by the researchers.

Dissemination Conferences

Attendees at the 2021 Bangladesh Tobacco Control Research Network Dissemination Conference look at posters from grantees.

Attendees at the 2021 Bangladesh Tobacco Control Research Network Dissemination Conference look at posters from grantees.

A crowd of people sitting in a large room during a meeting in Bangladesh. Several women with head coverings are in the front row.

The Bangladesh Tobacco Control Research Network recently held its 11th annual Research Findings Dissemination Conference in Dhaka.