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, MD

- Emeritus
Nathaniel Pierce

Departmental Affiliations

Global Disease Epidemiology and Control

Contact Info

E5036 Hygiene
410 502 6733

Research Interests

  • International Health
  • child health in developimg countries
  • especially diarrheal and respiratory diseases
  • improved and simplified treatments for acute diarrhea
  • vaccines for diarrheal diseases and respiratory infections
Experiences & Accomplishments

Research is focused on child health in developimg countries, especially diarrheal and respiratory diseases. This has included clinical trials of improved and simplified treatments for acute diarrhea and cholera, including oral rehydration therapy, and on the evaluation of vaccines for cholera, typhoid fever, rotavirus, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and pneumococcal disease. Current collaboration is with the World Health Organization Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development. Previous research was on mucosal immunity inanimal models, studying especially the cellular kinetics of the intestinal IgA immune response and determinants of the mucosal distribution of that response.

Honors & Awards

Research Career Development Award - 1971-1976 Pollin Prize in Pediatric Research - 2002

Select Publications
  • 1.Gore, S. M., Fontaine, O., and Pierce, N. F. Impact of rice-based oral rehydration solution on stool output and duration of diarrhoea: Meta-analysis of thirteen clinical trials. British Medical Journal 304: 287-291, 1992.

  • 2. Bhan, M. K., Fontaine, O., Gore, S. M., Grange, A. N., Jalan, K. N., Kassem, A. S., Khin Maung U, Mahalanabis, D., Pierce, N. F., Pizarro, D., Romer, H., Salazar-Lindo, E., and Santos Ocampo, P. Impact of glycine-containing oral rehydration solutions on stool output and duration of diarrhoea: Meta-analysis of seven clinical trials. Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org. 69: 541-548, 1992.

  • 3. Glass, R. I., Claeson, M., Blake, P. A., Waldman, R. J., and Pierce, N. F. Twenty years of cholera in Africa: Lessons on transmission and control for South America. Lancet 338: 791-795, 1991.

  • 4. Richards, L., Claeson, M., and Pierce, N. F. Management of acute diarrhoea in children. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal 12: 5-9, 1993.

  • 5. El-Mougi, M., El-Akkad, N., Hendawi, A., Hassan, M., Amer, A., Fontaine, O., and Pierce, N. F. Is low osmolarity ORS solution more efficacious than standard ORS solution? J. Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 19: 83-86, 1994.