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Paul Locke, DrPH '98, MPH, JD, is a scientist and lawyer who researches, designs, and implements evidence-based policies to improve public health and protect the environment.

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E7620

Research Interests

environmental law; environmental policy; laboratory animal law; risk assessment; risk management; radon; radiation; alternatives to animal testing; regulation; uranium mining; space radiation
Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Vanderbilt University
Yale University
Bowdoin College
Dr. Locke is an environmental health scientist and attorney who holds an MPH from Yale University School of Medicine and a DrPH from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. He is also a graduate of Vanderbilt University School of Law and is licensed to practice before the bars of the states of New York, the District of Columbia, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York and the United States Supreme Court.
Dr. Locke’s research and practice target the intersection of environmental health sciences, policy and law in the areas of radiation policy and law and the use of new, non-animal based methods in toxicity testing and research. His areas of study include the laboratory animal law, the 3Rs, implementation of new scientific methods in toxicity testing, radon risk science and policy, radiation risk analysis, uranium mining, protecting space workers, high-level radioactive waste disposal and the application of low dose radiobiology to policy making. He is the author and co-author of several book chapters and numerous papers, and has published in policy and scientific journals as well as law reviews.
Honors & Awards
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Excellence in Teaching Award (2019 and 2015)
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Excellence in Teaching Award (co-instructor with Ellen Silbergeld)  (2011)
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Advising, Teaching, and Mentoring Award (Honorable Mention) (2006)
American Public Health Association Environment Section Distinguished Service Award (2003)
Yale School of Public Health Alumni Public Service Award (2001)
Select Publications
My scholarship is found in law reviews, policy journals and scientific publications, and include articles on alternatives to animals in research and radiation protection. Selected publications from the last five years are listed below.
  • von Aulock, S., Busquet, F., Locke, P., Herrmann, K. and Hartung, T. “Engagement of scientists with the public and policymakers to promote alternative methods”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 39(4) 543–559 Oct. 2022.
  • Chauhan, V., Hamada, N., Garnier-Laplace, J., Laurier, D., Beaton, D., Tollefsen K. & Locke, PA. Establishing a communication and engagement strategy to facilitate the adoption of the adverse outcome pathways in radiation research and regulation, Intl. J. of Radiation Biol. 98.12 1714-1721 Jul. 2022.
  • Locke, P., Singer, M. and Hartung, T. “The Humane Research and Testing Act: Advancing science by creating a new Center for Alternatives at the US National Institutes of Health”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 38(4), 678–680. Oct. 2021
  • Cronin, C., Trush, M., Bellamy, W., Russell, J., Locke, PA. An Examination of Radon Awareness, Risk Communication, and Risk Reduction in a Hispanic Community. Intl. J. of Radiation Biol. 96:6 803-813 Jan. 2020
  • Bellamy, W. and Locke, PA. Legal Tools to Reduce Radon’s Risk: An Evaluation of Mandatory Radon-Resistant New Construction in Building Codes. 48 Env’t. Law Reporter 11063 – 11073. Dec. 2018
Outreach to Capitol Hill on Toxicology Policy