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, PhD, MA

Assistant Scientist

Departmental Affiliations

Social and Behavioral Interventions

Center & Institute Affiliations

Dane Hautala, PhD, MA, studies substance use epidemiology and treatment across life spans in American Indian and First Nations communities.

Contact Info

Research Interests

American Indian; First Nations; Substance Use; Mental Health; Quantitative Methods; Mixed Methods Research

Experiences & Accomplishments
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Univeristy of Minnesota
University of Minnesota

My research focuses on contextualizing causes and consequences of behavioral health disparities (e.g., substance misuse, delinquency) among North American Indigenous populations (i.e., American Indian and Canadian First Nations). Working on diverse and collaborative research projects has helped ground my research within the social, historical, and cultural contexts in which they occur, which are critical to progress and innovations in the health sciences aimed at reducing health disparities among marginalized populations. My current work emphasizes multidisciplinary theoretical and methodological approaches to evaluate ongoing community-driven opioid programming in rural and urban tribal communities in Minnesota.

Select Publications

Selected publications from the last 5 years

  • Gillson, Stefanie, Dane Hautala, Kelley Sittner, and Melissa Walls. Forthcoming. “Historical Trauma and Oppression: Associations with Internalizing Outcomes among American Indian Adults with Type 2 Diabetes.” Transcultural Psychiatry.

  • Elm, Jessica, Dane Hautala, Teresa Abrahamson-Richards, and Melissa Walls. 2021. “Patterns of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental Health Outcomes among American Indians with Type 2 Diabetes.” Child Abuse & Neglect, 122, 105326.

  • Sittner, Kelley, Dane Hautala, and Melissa Walls. 2021. “Conjoint Adolescent Developmental Trajectories of Alcohol and Marijuana Use and Early Adult Outcomes among North American Indigenous People.” Addictive Behaviors 114: 106758.

  • Hautala, Dane, Kelley Sittner, and Melissa Walls. 2020. “Latent Trajectories and Profiles of Commercial Cigarette Smoking Frequency from Adolescence to Young Adulthood among North American Indigenous People. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 22(11): 2066-2074.

  • Hautala, Dane, Kelley Sittner, and Melissa Walls. 2019. "Onset, Comorbidity, and Predictors of Nicotine, Alcohol, and Marijuana Use Disorders among North American Indigenous Youth.” Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 47(6): 1025-1038.

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