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, PhD

Vice Chair, Department of Health, Behavior, and Society
Carl Latkin

Departmental Affiliations

School of Medicine

Carl Latkin, PhD, conducts biobehavioral interventions for disadvantaged communities, with a focus on social networks, substance use, infectious diseases, and mental health.

Contact Info

624 N. Broadway, Hampton House 737

Research Interests

Health Behavior and Society; HIV; HCV; social networks; AIDS; prevention; people who use drug; urban health; needle exchange; overdose; social context; mental health; social networks; neighborhoods; alcohol; MSM; sexual minorities; opiates; tobacco; drug treatment; heroin; vaccine hesitancy; COVID-19; Climate change; climate change action
Experiences & Accomplishments
University of Oregon
My work focuses on HIV prevention and care among disadvantaged populations, domestic and international approaches to behavior change, social network analysis, neighborhood factors and health behaviors, sexual minorities, people who inject drugs, harm reduction, mental health, social context, integrating qualitative and quantitative methods, vaccine hesitancy, COVID-19, overdose, heroin, fentanyl, climate change, climate change action.
Select Publications
Recent publications. For a full list:
  • Latkin CA, Knowlton AR. Social Network Assessments and Interventions for Health Behavior Change: A Critical Review. Behav Med. 2015;41(3):90-7. Latkin CA, Davey-Rothwell MA, Knowlton AR, Alexander KA, Williams CT, Boodram B. Social network approaches to recruitment, HIV prevention, medical care, and medication adherence. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013 Jun 1;63
  • Latkin C, Dayton L, Yi G, Jaleel A, Nwosu C, Limaye R. COVID-19 vaccine delay: An examination of United States residents' intention to delay vaccine uptake. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2021 May 20:1-11. Latkin CA, Dayton L, Strickland JC, Colon B, Rimal R, Boodram B. An Assessment of the Rapid Decline of Trust in US Sources of Public Information about COVID-19. J Health Commun. 2020 Oct 2;25(10):764-773. Latkin CA, Dayton L, Yi G, Colon B, Kong X. Mask usage, social distancing, racial, and gender correlates of COVID-19 vaccine intentions among adults in the US. PLoS One. 2021 Feb 16;16(2):e0246970. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246970. Latkin CA, Dayton L, Yi G, Konstantopoulos A, Boodram B. Trust in a COVID-19 vaccine in the U.S.: A social-ecological perspective. Soc Sci Med. 2021 Feb;270:113684. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113684.
  • Latkin CA, Dayton L, Davey-Rothwell MA, Tobin KE. Fentanyl and Drug Overdose: Perceptions of Fentanyl Risk, Overdose Risk Behaviors, and Opportunities for Intervention among People who use Opioids in Baltimore, USA. Subst Use Misuse. 2019;54(6):998-1006.\ Latkin CA, Gicquelais RE, Clyde C, Dayton L, Davey-Rothwell M, German D, Falade-Nwulia S, Saleem H, Fingerhood M, Tobin K. Stigma and drug use settings as correlates of self-reported, non-fatal overdose among people who use drugs in Baltimore, Maryland. Int J Drug Policy. 2019 Jun;68:86-92.
  • Latkin CA, Edwards C, Davey-Rothwell MA, Yang C, Tobin KE. The relationship between drug use settings, roles in the drug economy, and witnessing a drug overdose in Baltimore, Maryland. Subst Abus. 2018;39(3):384-389. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2018.1439801.
  • Latkin CA, Kennedy RD, Davey-Rothwell MA, Tseng TY, Czaplicki L, Baddela A, Edwards C, Chander G, Moran MB, Knowlton AR. The Relationship Between Neighborhood Disorder and Barriers to Cessation in a Sample of Impoverished Inner-City Smokers in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. Nicotine Tob Res. 2018 Nov 15;20(12):1451-1456.
STEP HIV prevention intervention--Baltimore
Sexual and drug risk assessment
HIV prevention among MSM: A network approach-Baltimore
Prevention for Positives: A RCT for Vietnamese HIV-positive IDUs
Beacon Study: Informal Caregiving & Medical Adherence among HIV+ Injection Drug Users
mHealth intervention on HIV and substance abuse
Health disparities, stress pathways, and stress-related comorbidities among MSM living with HIV
Cost-effectiveness of comparing two Intervention Mapping implementation approaches for improving ART adherence among PWID in Vietnam.
Using open contest and neuro-influence experiment to develop and evaluate PrEP promotion messages for high risk men
COVID-19 and health
Overdose prevention and social networks
Understanding SypHilis In Network Study (USHINE)