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, PhD, MS

Assistant Professor

Rebecca Fix, PhD, MS, is working to reduce racial bias in the juvenile justice system and to improve culturally-informed care for children who use violence.

Contact Info

415 N. Washington Street, Room 519

Research Interests

discrimination; disparities; race; ethnicity; juvenile legal system; violence; social epidemiology; gender; intervention
Experiences & Accomplishments
Auburn University
West Virginia University
My research has two primary foci: 1) the reduction of discrimination and bias in the juvenile justice system and 2) prevention of use of physical and sexual violence among youth. My training background is in clinical forensic psychology.

Current Grant-Funded Projects

Title: Learning from adolescents in residential treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic (Principal Investigator)

Title: Toward a trauma-informed system: Improving implementation of approaches to care for youth assault trauma patients (Principal Investigator)

Title: Optimizing youth-police interactions in Baltimore City: A pilot to develop a novel police training curriculum (Co-Principal Investigator)

Title: Improving the Health of People in the Justice System: A Partnership of Community Organizations and Public Health Researchers (Principal Investigator)
Honors & Awards
Embracing Leadership Program (American Psychology-Law Society) 2020
Cultural Competence Pre-Conference Workshop Award (American Psychology-Law Society) 2020
Mind & Life Fellow 2018
Outstanding Resident/Intern Research Award 2017
C.V. Lair Memorial Award - In honor of outstanding advocacy and service 2016
Select Publications
Representative publications
  • Fix, R. L., Aaron, J., Greenberg, S. (Accepted). Experience is not enough: Self-identified training needs of police working with adolescents. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice.
  • Fix, R. L., Risco, C. M., Fix, S. T., & Bernat, E. M. (2021). How racial identity and worry about discrimination impact coping responses to racial discrimination among Black American community members. Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. doi: 10.1007/s40615-021-00996-8
  • Fix, R. L., Nava, N., & Rodriguez, R. (2021). Disparities in adolescent dating violence and associated internalizing and externalizing mental health symptoms by gender, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1177/0886260521997944
  • Fix, R. L. (2020). Justice Is Not Blind: A Preliminary Evaluation of an Implicit Bias Training for Justice Professionals. Race and Social Problems, 1-13.
  • Fix, R. L., & Nair, R. (2020). Racial/ethnic disparities in child sexual and physical abuse substantiation: Influences of caregiver and child characteristics. Children and Youth Services Review. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105186