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, PhD, MS

Associate Scientist
Victoria Chou

Departmental Affiliations

Global Disease Epidemiology and Control

Victoria B. Chou, PhD '11, MS, is a maternal and child health epidemiologist that develops evidence-based resources for technical advocacy, program evaluation, and prioritization in global health.

Contact Info

600 N. Wolfe Street, Carnegie 443

Research Interests

Maternal, neonatal, and child health; Modeling; Program and impact evaluation; Clinical research; HIV/AIDS; Vaccine policy, advocacy, and communications; Technical advocacy

Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Duke University

Victoria B. Chou is a faculty member in the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Trained in infectious disease epidemiology, her research, teaching, and practice has centered on evaluation and technical advocacy for maternal, neonatal, and child health in low-resource settings. Her focus has been the estimation of health program impact and developing evidence-based resources for global health stakeholders. Dr. Chou has worked with partners including UNICEF, UNFPA, USAID, Gavi, and the Gates Foundation to lead analyses and guide strategic planning, advocacy, and evaluation initiatives. She currently supports two NIH-sponsored clinical research sites in Uganda studying HIV/AIDS. Drawing upon a broad base of expertise that includes basic science, clinical research, and global public health domains, Dr. Chou lived and worked abroad before joining the Bloomberg School as faculty. She conducted her PhD research in rural Nepal studying adolescent maternal health as a US Fulbright fellow.

Honors & Awards

Council of Women World Leaders Public Health Fellow – National Government of Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Department of Health and Social Affairs

Presidential Management Fellow (PMF) Nominee – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Wendy Klag Memorial Fund Scholar – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Fulbright U.S. Student Grant – J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board

SREB-State Doctoral Dissertation Scholar – Doctoral Scholars Program of the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB)

New Investigator in Global Health (NIGH) Award – Global Health Council

Global Field Experience Fund Award – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Select Publications

Selected recent publications:

  • Chou, V. B., Stegmuller, A., Vaughan, K., & Spiegel, P. B. (2021). The Humanitarian Lives Saved Tool: An evidence-based approach for reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health program planning in humanitarian settings. Journal of global health, 11, 03102.

  • Lam, F., Stegmuller, A., Chou, V. B., & Graham, H. R. (2021). Oxygen systems strengthening as an intervention to prevent childhood deaths due to pneumonia in low-resource settings: systematic review, meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness. BMJ global health, 6(12), e007468.

  • Roberton, T., Carter, E. D., Chou, V. B., Stegmuller, A. R., Jackson, B. D., Tam, Y., Sawadogo-Lewis, T., & Walker, N. (2020). Early estimates of the indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and child mortality in low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling study. The Lancet. Global health, 8(7), e901–e908.

  • Chou, V. B., Walker, N., & Kanyangarara, M. (2019). Estimating the global impact of poor quality of care on maternal and neonatal outcomes in 81 low- and middle-income countries: A modeling study. PLoS medicine, 16(12), e1002990.

  • Chou, V. B., Bubb-Humfryes, O., Sanders, R., Walker, N., Stover, J., Cochrane, T., Stegmuller, A., Magalona, S., Von Drehle, C., Walker, D. G., Bonilla-Chacin, M. E., & Boer, K. R. (2018). Pushing the envelope through the Global Financing Facility: potential impact of mobilising additional support to scale-up life-saving interventions for women, children and adolescents in 50 high-burden countries. BMJ global health, 3(5), e001126.

CHIC: Coalition to Strengthen the HPV Immunization Community
IVAC Pneumonia & Diarrhea Progress Report
Lives Saved Tool (LiST)
MU-JHU Research Collaboration
VoICE: Value of Immunization Compendium of Evidence