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, MD, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor
- Adjunct
Olakunle Alonge

Departmental Affiliations

Health Systems

Olakunle Alonge, MD, PhD ’13, MPH ’09, works to improve the effective implementation of interventions for disease prevention and health system strengthening.

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E8140

Research Interests

Implementation science; Health systems strengthening; Health services delivery; Health inequities;
Child injuries; Childhood drowning; Injury epidemiology; Evaluation of complex interventions

Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
University of Ibadan

I have broad interest in global health with focus on implementation science, health systems and injuries. My research objectives are focused on improving the delivery of quality health services to disadvantaged populations; implementing and scale-up of effective public health programs; and reducing the burden of injuries in low and middle income countries (LMIC).

My research studies have looked at approaches for organizing and delivering health services; developing and testing health systems strengthening strategies; measuring health systems performance; and implementing and evaluating complex public health interventions in LMIC. My studies have also focused on injury epidemiology and large scale implementation of child injury prevention programs.

My current research is focused on the application of implementation and systems science methods for improving the design and evaluation of health systems strengthening strategies and other complex interventions, including interventions addressing child injuries, mental health and infectious diseases of poverty. I am currently leading the knowledge synthesis and translation of research and innovations from polio eradication to improve the delivery of other global health programs and strengthening health systems in LMIC.

Honors & Awards

Recognition for Teaching Excellence, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2018)

Student Recognition Award, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2009 & 2011)

Lola Beye's Fellowship, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2011)

PhD Studies Scholarship, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2010-13)

Robert and Helen Wright Endowment Award, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2010)

Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society, Alpha Chapter (2009)

Student Recognition Award, Student Assembly Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2009)

International Fellow, Ford Foundation (2008)

Nigerian Federal Government Award for Academic Excellence (2002)

Dean's Honor List, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria (2002)

Faculty of Clinical Science Award, University of Ibadan, Nigeria (2002)

Olabode Fatoki Award in Preventive and Social Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria (2002)

Select Publications

Selected publications from the last 3 years

  • Alonge, O; Neel, A; Kalbarcyzk, A; Peters, M; Mahendradhata, Y; Sarker, M; Owoaje, E; Deressa, W; Kayembe, P; Ahmad, S; Gupta, SD (2020). Synthesis and translation of research and innovations from polio eradication (STRIPE): Initial findings from a global mixed methods study. BMC Public Health 20(Suppl 2):1176

  • Alonge, O; Bishai, D; Wadhwaniya, S; Agrawal, P; Rahman, A; Hoque, DME; Baset, MKU; Sharmin Salam, S; Bhuiyan, A; Islam, I; Talab, A; Rahman, QS; Rahman, F; El Arifeen, S; Hyder, A (2020). Large-scale evaluation of interventions designed to reduce childhood drownings in rural Bangladesh: A before and after cohort study. Injury Epidemiology 7(1); 1-12

  • Alonge, O; Rodriguez, D; Brandes, N; Geng, E; Reveiz, L; Peters, DH, (2019). How is implementation research applied in health in low and middle income countries. BMJ Global Health, 4(2):e001257.

  • Alonge, O; Lin, S; Igusa, T; Peters, D (2017). Improving health systems performance in low and middle income countries: A system dynamics model of the pay-for-performance initiative in Afghanistan. Health Policy and Planning, 32 (10), 1417–1426,

  • Alonge, O., Agrawal, P., Meddings, D., Hyder, AA (2017). A systematic approach to injury policy assessment: introducing the assessment of child injury prevention policies (A-CHIPP). Injury prevention. Nov 3:injuryprev-2017.

Research Partnerships for Going to Scale with Mental Health Interventions in Low and Middle Income Countries
Assessment of Child Injury Prevention Policies
Assessment of Child Injury Prevention Policy
Future Health Systems Phase 2
Saving of Lives from Drowning
Savings of Lives from Drowning - Small Grants
Pilot evaluation of implementation research competencies in low- and middle-income countries
Synthesis and Translation of Research and Innovations from Polio Eradication (STRIPE)