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, PhD, MPH

Associate Scientist
Daniel Erchick

Departmental Affiliations

Global Disease Epidemiology and Control

Daniel Erchick, PhD ’17, MPH ’12, conducts community-based epidemiologic research to evaluate low-cost interventions to improve the health of mothers and infants globally.

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe St.

Research Interests

neonatal health; maternal health; child survival; preterm birth; community trials; Nepal; India
Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Rice University
Daniel Erchick, PhD, MPH, is an epidemiologist and faculty member in the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. His research focuses on interventions to improve neonatal and infant survival and growth in low-resource settings. His experience includes conduct of community-based randomized controlled trials (RCT) and observational studies. Currently, he works on an RCT to evaluate the impact of a balanced protein energy supplement for mothers during pregnancy on incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes in rural Nepal. He is also involved in two modeling studies, which, respectively, aim to understand the detailed patterns of neonatal and infant mortality by age and sex and generate global estimates of the phenotypes of vulnerable newborns (i.e., combinations of preterm, small-for-gestational age, and low birth weight).
Honors & Awards
Delta Omega, 2018
Nancy Stephens Award, 2017
Procter & Gamble Fellowship, 2016
Baker, Reinke, Taylor Scholarship in International Health, 2016
Global Health Field Research Award, 2015
Clements-Mann Fellowship in Vaccine Sciences, 2014
Select Publications
Selected publications from the past 5 years:
  • Erchick DJ*, Hazel EA*, Katz J, Lee ACC, Diaz M, Wu LSF, Yoshida S, ..., Black RE. Subnational Vulnerable Newborn Prevalence Collaborative Group and Vulnerable Newborn Measurement Core Group. Vulnerable newborn types: analysis of subnational, population-based birth cohorts for 541 285 live births in 23 countries, 2000-2021. BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2023. * Joint first authors.
  • Lawn JE, Ohuma EO, Bradley E, Idueta LS, Hazel E, Okwaraji YB, Erchick DJ, Yargawa J, Katz J, Lee ACC, Diaz M, Salasibew M, Requejo J, Hayashi C, Moller AB, Borghi E, Black RE, Blencowe H. Small babies, big risks: Global estimates of prevalence and mortality for vulnerable newborns to accelerate change and improve counting. Lancet. 2023.
  • Erchick DJ, Khatry SK, Agrawal NK, Katz J, LeClerq SC, Rai B, Reynolds MA, Mullany LC. Risk of preterm birth associated with maternal gingival inflammation and oral hygiene behaviors in rural Nepal. BMJ Open. 2020;10:e036515.
  • Erchick DJ, Agrawal NK, Khatry SK, Katz J, LeClerq SC, Reynolds MA, Mullany LC. Adherence to and acceptability of three alcohol-free, antiseptic oral rinses: A community-based pilot randomized controlled trial among pregnant women in rural Nepal. Community Dent Oral Epidemio. 2020;00:1-12.
  • Erchick DJ, Agrawal NK, Khatry SK, Katz J, LeClerq SC, Rai B, et al. Feasibility of training community health workers to conduct periodontal examinations: a validation study in rural Nepal. BMC Health Services Research. 2020;20(1):412.
Global Age Patterns of Under 5 Mortality
Impact of a Balanced Protein-Energy Supplement in Pregnancy and Early Lactation on Reproductive Outcomes and Growth in Southern Nepal