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Associate Scientist
Daniela Rodriguez

Departmental Affiliations

Health Systems

Daniela C. Rodríguez, DrPH, MPH, studies how politics, public health, and evidence intersect in policies that impact vulnerable communities around the world.

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E8612

Research Interests

Evidence-informed decision making; data utilization; policy analysis; donor transition; evaluation; vulnerable populations
Experiences & Accomplishments
University of California at Berkeley
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health
Bryn Mawr College
My focus is on exploring the intersection of politics and public health and how political factors affect the development and implementation of policies, especially for vulnerable populations. Specific areas of interest lie in evidence-informed decision-making, understanding the factors the influence policy development over time and across settings, and understanding the process of donor transition and its implications. I conduct research and evaluations in multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural teams in Africa, South Asia and Latin America, including the Dominican Republic and Mexico. I play leadership, management and coordination roles across projects, including several multi-country projects. |

Mi investigación se enfoca en explorar la intersección entre la política y la salud pública, y cómo los factores políticos afectan el desarrollo e implementación de políticas de salud, especialmente para poblaciones vulneradas. Estoy especialmente interesada en cómo la evidencia informa la toma de decisiones, entender los factores que influyen en el desarrollo de políticas de salud en diferentes contextos, y entender el proceso de transición de donantes y sus implicaciones. He realizado investigaciones y evaluaciones en equipos interculturales y multidisciplinarios en África, Asia del Sur y Latinoamérica, incluyendo México y la República Dominicana. Juego funciones de liderazgo, administrativas y coordinadoras en mis proyectos, incluyendo varios proyectos que incluyen múltiples países.
Honors & Awards
Chancellor’s Fellowship for Graduate Study, University of California, Berkeley, 2007 – 2011

Grossman Award, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, 2009

Annual Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship, 2010

Public Health Alumni Association Scholarship, 2010
Select Publications
Recent publications
  • Ruano, A. L., Rodríguez, D., Rossi, P. G., & Maceira, D. (2021). Understanding inequities in health and health systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: a thematic series.
  • Rodríguez, D. C., Mohan, D., Mackenzie, C., Wilhelm, J., Eze-Ajoku, E., Omondi, E., ... & Bennett, S. (2021). Effects of transition on HIV and non-HIV services and health systems in Kenya: a mixed methods evaluation of donor transition. BMC health services research, 21(1), 1-17.
  • Rodríguez, D. C., Whiteside, A., & Bennett, S. (2017). Political commitment for vulnerable populations during donor transition. Bull World Health Organ, 95(2), 121-7.
  • Rodríguez, D.C., Hoe C., Dale E.M., Rahman M.H., Akhter S., Hafeez A., Irava W.J., Rajbangshi P.R., Roman T., ?îrdea M., Yamout R., & Peters D.H. (2017). Assessing the capacity of ministries of health to use research in decision-making: conceptual framework and tool. Health Research Policy and Systems, 15(1).
  • Norton, T. C., Rodriguez, D. C., Howell, C., Reynolds, C., & Willems, S. (2020). ‘Maybe we can turn the tide’: an explanatory mixed-methods study to understand how knowledge brokers mobilise health evidence in low-and middle-income countries. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice.
Evaluative Assessment of Phase II of the Avahan Program
Political Economy Analysis of Sub-national Health Management
Project SOAR
Uttar Pradesh Health Systems Support Project
African Health Diagnostics Platform (AHDP)
Political economy analysis of sub-national health management in Eastern and Southern Africa