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, PhD, MA

Vice Chair of Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism and Equity (IDARE)
Associate Professor

Terrinieka Powell, PhD, MA uses community-engaged research and health equity principles to ensure that youth, especially those affected by adversity, have multiple pathways to achieve optimal health.

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E4614

Research Interests

adolescent health (sex, substances and safety), qualitative methods, community-engaged research, and implementation science

Experiences & Accomplishments
DePaul University
DePaul University
Williams College

Trained as a community psychologist,  I have expertise in adolescent health, qualitative methods, community-engaged research, and implementation science. At BSPH, I lead the B Lab, a Baltimore-based research team helping to create a world where all youth are safe, healthy, hopeful, and connected. Partnerships with churches, schools, libraries, families, and community-based organizations are a cornerstone of my research. I have collaborated with institutions across the world to promote health among young people. My research, teaching and service activities all demonstrate my commitment to improving the lives of young people.

Honors & Awards

2019 SOURCE – Faculty Excellence in Service-Learning Award
2016- 2017 Faculty Appreciation Award, Departmental Student Association, BSPH
2015-2013 JHSPH Recognition for Teaching Excellence, BSPH
2014 Protégé & Travel Award, American Psychological Association Cyber Mentors Program
2014 HIV Intervention Science Training Program for Underrepresented New Investigators Scholar
2010-present Loan Repayment Program Recipient, National Institutes of Health
2005-2009 Diversifying Faculty in Higher Education Fellowship, DePaul University
2001-2003 Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program, Williams College

Select Publications

Selected Publications *indicates trainee

  • Smith, B.*, Powell, T.W., Offiong, A.*, Lewis, Q.*, Prioleau, M. (2024). “It’s on every corner”: Assessing risk environments in Baltimore, MD using a racialized risk environment model. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 23 (1), 95-109.

  • Powell, T.W., Offiong, A.*, Lewis, Q.*, Smith, B.*, Prioleau, M., Johnson, R.M. (2023). “I’ve smoked weed with my daughter”: Cannabis Use within Families Affected by Parental Opioid Misuse. Children and Youth Services Review. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107235.

  • Kachingwe, O.N.*, Lewis, Q.*, Offiong, A.*, Smith, B.D.*, LoVette, A.*, Powell, T.W. (2023). Using the intervention mapping-adapt framework to adapt an evidence-based sexual health intervention for youth affected by trauma. BMC Public Health. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-023-15984-2   

  • Powell, T.W., Jo, M., Smith, A.*, Marshall, B., Thigpen, S., Offiong, A.*, & Geffen, S.* (2022). Supplementing substance use prevention with sexual health education: A partner informed approach. Health Promotion Practice, 20(1), 109-117.

  • Powell, T.W., Smith, B.D.*, Offiong, A.*, Lewis, Q. Kachingwe, O.*, LoVette, A.*, & Hwang, A.* (2022). Public Librarians: Partners in Adolescent Health Promotion. Public Library Quarterly. 42(4), 361-372.

Better Together
Faith Leader Informed Prevention (FLIP)
Center for Urban Families: The Impact Story Enhanced
Integrated Health Interventions for Students