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, BS

Senior Research Associate

Departmental Affiliations

Global Disease Epidemiology and Control

Contact Info

621 N. Washington Street
410 955-6931

Research Interests

pneumococcus, rotavirus, clinical trials, American Indian, vaccines, RSV,

Experiences & Accomplishments
University of Maryland

My research interests involve epidemiology and disease prevention in children and adults among American Indian populations.  Specifically, those infectious diseases that are responsible for a disproportionate burden of disease among American Indians.  I am also interested in the effect of environmental factors on infectious disease among American Indians.   The use of data systems as a tool for managing clinical trials is also of interest.  I have experience coordinating and managing several large scale, phase III trials as well as observational studies for tracking disease rates among American Indians.

Select Publications
  • Weatherholtz, R, Millar EV, Moulton LH, Reid R, Rudolph K, Santosham M, O’Brien KL Invasive pneumococcal disease a decade after pneumococcal conjugate vaccine use in an American Indian population at high risk for disease.  Clin Infect Dis J  2010 May 1;50(9):1238-46.

  • O'Brien KL, David AB, Chandran A, Moulton LH, Reid R, Weatherholtz R, Santosham M.  Randomized, controlled trial efficacy of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against otitis media among Navajo and White Mountain Apache infants.  Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2008 Jan: 27(1):71-3.

  • O’Brien KL, Millar EV, Zell ER, Bronsdon M, Weatherholtz R, Becenti J, Reid R, Kvamme S, Whitney CG, Santosham M. Effect of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on nasopharyngeal colonization among immunized and unimmunized children in a community-randomized trial. J Infect Dis. 2007 Oct 15;196(8):1211-20. Epub 2007 Sep 17.  PMID: 17955440

  • O’Brien KL, Moisi J, Moulton LH, Madore D, Eick A, Reid R, Weatherholtz R, Millar E, Hu D, Hackell J, Kohberger R, Siber, G, Santosham M. Predictors of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine immunogenicity among infants and toddlers in an American Indian PnCRM7 efficacy trial.
    J Infect Dis. 2007 Jul 1;196(1):104-14. Epub 2007 May 24.
    PMID: 17538890

  • Santosham M, Reid R, Chandran A, Millar EV, Watt JP, Weatherholtz R, Donaldson C, Croll J, Moulton LH, Thompson CM, Siber GR, O’Brien KL. Contributions of Native Americans to the global control of infectious diseases. Vaccine. 2007 Mar 22;25(13):2366-74. Epub 2006 Sep 18.
    PMID: 17069936