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, PhD, MPH

Research Professor

Melissa Davey-Rothwell, PhD '07, MPH, is a behavioral scientist who studies the implementation of evidence-based interventions in community-based settings.

Contact Info

2213 McElderry Street, 2nd Floor

Research Interests

implementation science; HIV/AIDS; drug abuse; interventions; norms; women; urban health; social networks; dissemination; community
Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health
Melissa Davey-Rothwell (she/her) is a behavioral scientist and health educator whose work focuses on implementation science and social network research. She led a study examining the implementation of the SHIELD intervention, a peer educator intervention for people who use drugs, across 18 agencies in the US. She also completed a NIH funded study looking at factors that impact Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake among MSM at Baltimore Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) clinics. A current project is a qualitative implementation evaluation of a housing program for transgender women in Los Angeles.

Another domain of her research is examining social networks among populations at risk for HIV/STIs including heterosexual women, MSM, people who use drugs, and people living with HIV. She has explored the role of social networks and norms among women at risk for HIV/STIs, women with incarcerated partners, people who use drugs, and men who have sex with men. Further my research has shown that social networks and norms influence drug and alcohol use, tobacco use, mental health, participation in self-help groups like Narcotics Anonymous, and HIV risk behaviors.
Honors & Awards
NIH Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program Recipient July 2008-2011
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Women & Gender Junior Investigator travel award 2007
NIDA Research Training Institute for Early Career Scientists, 2006
Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award awarded by National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2005-2006
Department of Health Policy and Management John C. Hume Award, 2004
Select Publications
  • Davey-Rothwell M, Owczarzak J, Collins K, Dolcini MM, Tobin, K, Mitchell FD, Jones A, and Latkin C (In Press) Lessons learned from implementing the SHIELD intervention: a peer education intervention for people who use drugs. AIDS and Behavior.
  • Dolcini MM, Davey-Rothwell MA, Singh RR, Catania JA, Gandelman A, Narayanan V, Harris J, and Mckay VR (2021) Use of effective training and quality assurance strategies is associated with high-fidelity EBI implementation in practice settings: a case analysis. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 11(1): 34-45.
  • Dayton L, Tobin K, Falade-Nwulia O, Davey-Rothwell M, Al-Tayyib A, Saleem H, and Latkin C (2020) Racial disparities in overdose prevention among people who inject drugs. Journal of Urban Health, 97(6):823-830.
  • Davey-Rothwell MA, Crossnohere NL, Kimura A, Page K, Tobin KE, and Latkin C (2018) The role of perceived friend depression and perceived stigma on self-reported depression among individuals use drugs. Journal of Community Psychology, 46(8):1107-1113.
  • Davey-Rothwell MA, Siconolfi D, Tobin K, and Latkin C (2015) The role of neighborhoods in shaping perceived norms: An exploration of neighborhood disorder and norms among injection drug users in Baltimore, MD. Health and Place, 33:181-186.
The Sparc Center
Overdose prevention and social networks