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, PhD

Shannon Doocy

Departmental Affiliations

Health Systems

Center & Institute Affiliations

Shannon Doocy, PhD ’04, studies the health impact of natural disasters and conflict, including refugees and displaced populations, and how to improve humanitarian responses.

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E8132

Research Interests

humanitarian; emergencies; natural disasters; conflict; refugees; displaced populations; health systems; epidemiology; food security; nutrition; acute malnutrition; wasting; cash transfers; livelihoods; monitoring and evaluation

Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Doocy is internationally recognized for conducting research to improve international humanitarian response. She has twenty years of experience working in partnership with humanitarian agencies in the areas of health systems and health service delivery, food security, nutrition and cash transfers. Dr. Doocy has conducted research and evaluations in a diverse range of humanitarian settings, including naturals disasters and conflict, in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and Latin America. She has worked with numerous UN agencies including UNHCR, WFP, WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA in addition to various NGOs, governments, universities and international organizations. Her research and professional practice work centers on informing ongoing humanitarian health programs and responses, with the longer-term objective of expanding the evidence base to improve humanitarian policy and practice. Dr. Doocy has over 100 peer-reviewed articles on humanitarian emergencies and response and is involved in numerous humanitarian health committees and advisory groups. In addition to research and practice, Dr. Doocy teaches and administers academic programs in health systems and humanitarian health and has expertise in training and capacity development of global health professionals.

Honors & Awards

Excellence in Global Health Advising, Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health, 2020.

Excellence in Teaching, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2013 & 2020.

Outstanding research in conflict epidemiology in Iraq, American Public Health Association International Section, 2007.

Select Publications

Selected from >100 peer-reviewed publications

  • Page KR*, Doocy S*, FR Ganteaume, JS Castro, P Spiegel, C Beyrer. Venezuela's public health crisis: a regional emergency. The Lancet 393 (10177), 1254-1260. *Co-first author/equal contributors.

  • Doocy S, Tappis H, Villeminot N, Suk A, Kumar D, Fazal S, Grant A and Pietzsch S. Point-of-Use Water Treatment Improves Recovery Rates among Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition in Pakistan: Results from a Site-Randomized Trial. Public Health Nutr. 2018 Nov;21(16):3080-3090. doi: 10.1017/S1368980018001647.

  • Doocy S, Emerson J, Colantouni E, Strong J, the Jenga Jamaa II Study team, and Menakuntuala J. Improving Household Food Security in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Comparative Analysis of Four Interventions. Food Security 2018.

  • Tappis H and Doocy S. The Effectiveness and Value for Money of Cash Based Humanitarian Assistance: A Systematic Review. J Dev Eff 2017; Aug: 1-24.

  • Doocy S, Paik K, *Lyles E, Tam H, Fahed Z, Winkler E, Kontunen K, Mkanaa A and Burnham G. Pilot testing and implementation of a mHealth tool for non-communicable diseases in a humanitarian setting. PLoS Currents 2017; Jun 5;9. doi: 10.1371/currents.dis.e98c648aac93797b1996a37de099be74.