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, EdD, EdM

Associate Professor

Frances Stillman, EdD, EdM, is a nationally and internationally recognized expert in tobacco control research, training and capacity building.

Contact Info

615 N Wolfe St, Room W6027

Research Interests

tobacco control; smoking; smoking cessation; policy research; evaluation; disparities; rural, African Americans
Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins University
Temple University
Dr. Stillman is a clinical psychologist with over 30 years experience in smoking cessation and tobacco control focusing on domestic as well as international issues. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health, Behavior and Society at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She has an extensive publication record including peer-reviewed articles, monographs, book chapters as well as having developed award-winning self-help materials. Her primary research focus has been on designing, implementing and evaluating tobacco control and smoking cessation programs. She directed the project to create and evaluate the 1st Smoke-Free Hospital Policy in the U.S. Smoke-Free Johns Hopkins Hospital as well as instituting the Johns Hopkins Smoking Cessation Service for hospitalized patients. Dr. Stillman has extensive experience with health disparity issues and community-based participatory research. She has been involved in recruitment of minority participants into clinical trials, developing materials that are culturally and linguistically appropriate, and has worked in the mobilization of communities to be actively involved in promoting policies to reduce discrimination and reduce tobacco use. She has also written and developed smoking cessation materials and programs that have received awards and acknowledged by WHO as exemplary programs. She was directly responsible for the 1st citywide restriction on outdoor tobacco and alcohol advertising in the U.S. and more recently assisted with Baltimore and Maryland’s change in taxation of little cigars. She directed one of the seminal smoking cessation projects directed at health promotion in African American churches: Health, Body and Soul. This project and culturally relevant materials were adopted by the American Lung Association and disseminated to African American churches across the U.S. Dr. Stillman directed the evaluation of the largest federally funded tobacco control effort in the U.S. entitled, “The American Stop Smoking Intervention Study (ASSIST)”. She also directed the Evaluation of the Pfizer Foundation, Global Health Partnership Program (GHP): helping to build the capacity of organizations in over 40 countries to improve their implementation and evaluation skills.
Dr. Stillman is actively involved in curriculum development, teaching and mentoring. She was responsible for developing the first course dedicated to tobacco control at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. She also developed the first distance education course in tobacco control as well as the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Tobacco Control Certificate Training Program. With funding from the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Stillman developed the Global Tobacco Research Network to promote collaboration among researchers in the field. Most recently she has focused on disparities in support for smoking-related policies across the diverse rural regions of the US.
Honors & Awards
2012 Award of Merit, Ministry of Health of Vietnam: "Building Capacity for Tobacco Control through the RSVP program".
2000 National Institute of Health Award of Merit, “ASSIST Evaluation Conceptual Framework and Evaluation Plan”.
1994 WHO World No-Tobacco Day Model Program,“The Johns Hopkins Inpatient Smoking Cessation Program”.
1992 Gold Award, The EDPRESS in Print Award, for medical materials: "Help Someone You Care About Quit Smoking for Good".
1991 Honorable Mention, American Medical Writer's Association for Achievement in Writing about Health in a Booklet "Quit Smoking for Good While You Are In the Hospital" and "Stay Quit for Good After You Leave the Hospital".
1991 First Place Paper Award: Association on Behavior Analysis, “Behavioral Evaluation of the Great American Smoke-Out in a Large Urban Hospital”.
1984-5 Dissertation Fellowship Award: National Institute of Justice, ”Survey of Survivors of Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty”.
Select Publications
Selected publications:
  • Stillman FA, Hartman AM, Graubard BI, Gilpin EA, Murray DE Gibson JT. Evaluation of The American Stop Smoking Intervention Study (ASSIST): A Report of Outcomes. J Natl Cancer Inst, 2003;95:1681-92.
  • Stillman FA, Tanebaum E, Wewers ME, Mumford E, Chelluri D, Groesbeck K, Doogan N, Roberts M. Variations in support for secondhand smoke restrictions across diverse rural regions of the United States. Preventive Medicine 2018 (116):157-165.
  • Stillman FA, Soong A, Pang Y, Zheng L, Garcia-Esquinas E, Lopez MJ, Navis- Acien A. Tobacco Smoke Exposure in Indoor and Outdoor Locations in Airports across Europe and the United States: A Cross-Sectional Study. First published online: September 14, 2016. Nicotine Tob Res (2016) doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntw238.
  • Stillman FA, Bone L, Avila-Tang E, Smith K, Yancey N, Street C, Owings K. Barriers to cessation in 18-24 year old inner city African-Americans. Am J Public Health. 2007; 97(8):1405-8.
  • Harutyunyan, A, Movsisyan N. Petrosyan V, Petrosyan D, Stillman, F. An Intervention to Reduce Children’s Exposure to Secondhand Smoke at Home: A Randomized Trial. Pediatrics, Published online November 4, 2013. (doi: 10.1542/peds.2012-2351)
Epidemiology and Intervention Research for Tobacco Control in China
Reduce Smoking in Vietnam Partnership (RSVP)
Evaluating ASSIST: A Blueprint for Understanding State-Level Tobacco Control
Tracking Tobacco Control Measures in Southeast Asia
Global Tobacco Control Leadership Program
Strategies for Tobacco Control in Mexico
Epidemiology and Intervention Research in Armenia
Certificate in Global Tobacco Control
Assessing Smoking in Rural United States
Cancer Prevention in African-American Young Adults
Barriers to Smoking Cessation in Inner-City African American Young Adults
Urban African-American Community's Response to Tobacco Control Policies: Acquisition of cigarettes among 18-24 year olds