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Research in Health Disparities

Our research spans across a continuum ranging from exploratory studies to community and clinical interventions.

The primary activity of our research is to conduct a large scale collaborative study of determinants of disparities in chronic conditions, entitled "Exploring Health Disparities in Integrated Communities: The EHDIC Study." 

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black women smiling in taxi car
New Publication Spotlight

The impact of the Prime Time Sister Circles® (PTSC) on blood pressure of low-income mid-life African American women in the United States

The study was done to test the effectiveness of the Prime Time Sister Circles® Program in reducing blood pressure and body mass index among low-income African American women ages with hypertension.


Each year, we compile a list of our Faculty and Staff publications.. Select the year below to see what articles were published. 

2022 - 2023

2023 Publications

Gaskin, D., Zare, H., Ibe, C. A., et al (2023). The impact of the Prime Time Sister Circles® (PTSC) on blood pressure of low-income mid-life African American women in the United States. Journal of Public Health Policy.

Ibe, C., Hines, A., Carrero Dominquez, N., Fuller, S., Trainor, A., Scott, T., Hickman, D., and Cooper, L. (2023). Voices, Images, And Experiences Of Community Health Workers: Advancing Antiracist Policy And Practice. Health Affairs Journal. DOI:

Zare, Hossein PhD, Logan, Corinne, Anderson, Gerard F. PhD (2023)  When States Mandate Hospital Community Benefit Reports, Provision Increases. Journal of Healthcare Management 68(2):p 83-105, March/April 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/JHM-D-22-00156

LaVeist TA, Pérez-Stable EJ, Richard P, Anderson A, Isaac LA, Santiago R, Okoh C, Breen N, Farhat T, Assenov A, Gaskin DJ. The Economic Burden of Racial, Ethnic and Educational Health Inequities in the US. JAMA 2023;329(19):1-12. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.5965.

Reid, D. M., Barber, R. C., Jones, H. P., Thorpe, R. J., Sun, J., Zhou, Z., & Phillips, N. R. (2023). Integrative Blood-Based Characterization of Oxidative Mitochondrial DNA Damage Variants Implicates Mexican Americans' Metabolic Risk for Developing Alzheimer’s Disease.

Morris, A. T., Temereanca, S., Zandvakili, A., Thorpe, R., Sliva, D. D., Greenberg, B. D., ... & Jones, S. R. (2023). Fronto-central resting-state 15-29Hz transient beta events change with therapeutic transcranial magnetic stimulation for posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder. medRxiv, 2023-03.

Blinka, M. D., Gundavarpu, S., Baker, D., Thorpe Jr, R. J., Gallo, J. J., Samus, Q. M., & Amjad, H. “At least we finally found out what it was”: Dementia diagnosis in minoritized populations. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.  doi: 10.1111/jgs.18329.

Kim, B., Samuel, L. J., Thorpe, R. J., Crews, D. C., & Szanton, S. L. (2023). Food Insecurity and Cognitive Trajectories in Community-Dwelling Medicare Beneficiaries 65 Years and Older. JAMA Network Open6(3), e234674-e234674.

Huang, A. R., Roth, D. L., Cidav, T., Chung, S. E., Amjad, H., Thorpe Jr, R. J., ... & Cudjoe, T. K. (2023). Social isolation and 9‐year dementia risk in community‐dwelling Medicare beneficiaries in the United States. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Owusu J.T., … Thorpe, R.J., Simonsick, E.M., Ferrucci, L., Resnick, S.M., Spira, A.P. (2023). Associations Between Objectively Measured Sleep and Cognition: Main Effects and Interactions With Race in Adults Aged≥ 50 Years. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A78(3), 454-462.

Allan, A. C., Gamaldo, A. A., Wright, R. S., Aiken-Morgan, A. T., Lee, A. K., Allaire, J. C., ... Thorpe, R.J., & Whitfield, K. E. (2023). Differential Associations Between the Area Deprivation Index and Measures of Physical Health for Older Black Adults. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B78(2), 253-263.

Edwards, C. L., Scott, S., Boggan, M., Meek, J., Alston, K., Pearson, A., ... & Thorpe, R., Byrd, G., Whitfield, K.E., Sudhakar, S., Parker, D.O., Livingston, J., Shah, N., & Railey, K. (2023). Intrahepatic cholestasis in sickle cell disease: A review of diagnostic criteria, treatments, and case reports. Journal of the National Medical Association.

Thorpe, R., Jensen, K., Masser, B., Raivola, V., Kakkos, A., von Wielligh, K., & Wong, J. (2023). Donor and non‐donor perspectives on receiving information from routine genomic testing of donor blood. Transfusion63(2), 331-338.

Smith, G. S., Archibald, P., & Thorpe Jr, R. J. (2023). Race and obesity disparities among adults living in gentrifying neighborhoods. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities10(1), 93-99.

Delgado, P., Kermah, D., Archibald, P., Adewumi, M. T., Bell, C. N., & Thorpe Jr, R. J. (2023). Difference in All-Cause Mortality between Unemployed and Employed Black Men: Analysis Using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) III. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health20(2), 1594.

Cobb, R. J., Rodriguez, V. J., Brown, T. H., Louie, P., Farmer, H. R., Sheehan, C. M., ... & Thorpe Jr, R. J. (2023). Attribution for everyday discrimination typologies and mortality risk among older black adults: Evidence from the health and retirement study?. Social Science & Medicine316, 115166.

2022 Publications

Zare, Hossein, Meyerson, Nicholas S., Delgado, Paul, Crifasi, Cassandra, Spencer, Michelle, Gaskin, Darrell, & Thorpe Jr, Roland, J.  (2022) How place and race drive the numbers of fatal police shootings in the US: 2015–2020. Preventive Medicine. Volume 161, August 2022, 107132

Zare H, Meyerson NS, Delgado P, Crifasi C, Spencer M, Gaskin D, Thorpe RJ Jr. How place and race drive the numbers of fatal police shootings in the US: 2015-2020. Prev Med. 2022 Aug;161:107132. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2022.107132.


Zare H, Delgado P, Spencer M, Thorpe RJ, Thomas L, Gaskin DJ, Werrell LK, Carter EL. Using Community Health Workers to Address Barriers to Participation and Retention in Diabetes Prevention Program: A Concept Paper. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 2022;13doi: 10.1177/21501319221134563

Levine DA, Gross AL, Briceño EM, Tilton N, Whitney R, Han D, Giordani BJ, Sussman JB, Hayward RA, Burke JF, Elkind MSV, Moran AE, Tom S, Gottesman RF, Gaskin DJ, Sidney S, Yaffe K, Sacco RL, Heckbert SR, Hughes TM, Lopez OL, Allen NB, Galecki AT. Blood Pressure and Later-Life Cognition in Hispanic and White Adults (BP-COG): A Pooled Cohort Analysis of ARIC, CARDIA, CHS, FOS, MESA, and NOMAS. J Alzheimers Dis. 2022 Aug 12. doi: 10.3233/JAD-220366.

Karmarkar T, Rodriguez CV, Watson E, Zheng H, Gaskin DJ, Paudula WV. Value of Triage Treatment Strategies to Distribute Hepatitis C Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents in an Integrated Healthcare System: A Cost-effectiveness Analysis. Value Health. 2022 Sep;25(9):1499-1509. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2022.03.003. Epub 2022 Apr 26.

Zare H, Fugal A, Azadi M, Gaskin DJ. How Income Inequality and Race Concentrate Depression in Low-Income Women in the US; 2005-2016. Healthcare (Basel). 2022 Jul 29;10(8):1424. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10081424.

Wang HE, Landers M, Adams R, Subbaswamy A, Kharrazi H, Gaskin DJ, Saria S. A bias evaluation checklist for predictive models and its pilot application for 30-day hospital readmission models. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2022 Jul 12;29(8):1323-1333. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocac065. Erratum in: J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2022 Jun 17;


Davila, H., Ng, W., Akosionu, O., Thao, M. S., Skarphol, T., Virnig, B. A., Thorpe, R. J., & Shippee, T. P. (2022). Why Men Fare Worse: A Mixed Methods Study Examining Gender Differences in Nursing Home Resident Quality of Life. The Gerontologist, gnac003. Advance online publication.

LaFave, S. E., Suen, J. J., Seau, Q., Bergman, A., Fisher, M. C., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Szanton, S. L. (2022). Racism and Older Black Americans’ Health: a Systematic Review. Journal of Urban Health : Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 99(1), 28–54.

Thorpe, R. J., Odden, M. C., & Lipsitz, L. A. (2022). A Call to Action to Enhance Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Journal of Gerontology Series A: Medical Sciences. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 77(1), 89–90.

Nkimbeng, M., Turkson-Ocran, R. A., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Szanton, S. L., Cudjoe, J., Taylor, J. L., & Commodore-Mensah, Y. (2022). Prevalence of functional limitations among foreign and US-born Black older adults: 2010-2016 National Health Interview Surveys. Ethnicity & health, 27(1), 61–73.

Bruce, M. A., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Kermah, D., Shen, J., Nicholas, S. B., Beech, B. M., Tuot, D. S., Ku, E., Waterman, A. D., Duru, K., Brown, A., & Norris, K. C. (2021). Religious Service Attendance and Mortality among Adults in the United States with Chronic Kidney Disease. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(24), 13179.

Robinson-Oghogho, J. N., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2021). Garden Access, Race and Vegetable Acquisition among U.S. Adults: Findings from a National Survey. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(22), 12059.

Ford, M. E., Malek, A. M., Martino, E., Abraham-Hilaire, L., Ariyo, O., Burshell, D., Callwood, G., Campbell, L., Cannady, K., Chavis, C., Crawford, B., Edwards, A., Findlay, V., Finley, R., Greenaway, C., Hazelton, T., Hill, M., Howard, M., Knight, K. D., Lopez-Littleton, V., … Ragster, L. (2021). The National Conference on Health Disparities Student Research Forum. Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education, 1–11. Advance online publication.

Tan, S. C., Gamaldo, A. A., Brick, T., Thorpe, R. J., Allaire, J. C., & Whitfield, K. E. (2021). The Effects of Selective Survival on Black Adults' Cognitive Development. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, 76(8), 1489–1498.

Beech, B. M., Ford, C., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Bruce, M. A., & Norris, K. C. (2021). Poverty, Racism, and the Public Health Crisis in America. Frontiers in public health, 9, 699049.

Odden, M. C., Sims, K. D., Thorpe, R. J., Sims, M., Dhamoon, M., Min, Y. I., & Correa, A. (2021). Recovery From Mobility Limitation in Middle-Aged African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 76(5), 937–943.

Jones, R., Norris, K. C., McCoy, S. M., Thorpe Jr, R. J., Bruce, M. A., Heitman, E., & Beech, B. M. (2021). Association Between Occupational Sitting With High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein: The Jackson Heart Study. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 15598276211059760.

Jones, P., Justice, J., & Thorpe Jr, R. (2021). ESPO and Butler-Williams Scientific Symposium: Disrupting Health Disparities and Transforming Care of Older Adults. Innovation in Aging5(Supplement_1), 240-241.

Fabius, C. D., Parker, L. J., & Thorpe, R. J. (2021). The Influence of Race and Gender on Receiving Assistance With Daily Activities Among Older Americans. Innovation in aging, 6(2), igab060.

Forrester, S. N., Whitfield, K. E., Kiefe, C. I., & Thorpe, R. J. (2021). Navigating Black Aging: The Biological Consequences of Stress and Depression. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.

Bell, C. N., Robles, B., Singleton, C. R., Thomas Tobin, C. S., Spears, E. C., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2022). Association between Proximity to Food Sources and Dietary Behaviors in Black and White College Graduates. American journal of health behavior46(5), 515–527.

Reid, D. M., Barber, R., Thorpe Jr, R. J., Sun, J., Zhou, Z., & Phillips, N. (2022). Assessment of ccf‐Mitochondrial DNA Damage in Cognitive Impairment via NGS: Health Disparities in Mexican Americans. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 18, e068123.

Bell, C. N., Thomas Tobin, C. S., Robles, B., Spears, E. C., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2022). Familial Financial Assistance and Body Mass Index in Black College Graduates. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities9(5), 1850–1860.

Bell, C. N., Owens-Young, J. L., & Thorpe Jr, R. J. (2022). Self-Employment, Working Hours, and Hypertension by Race/Ethnicity in the USA. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-11.

Bruce, M. A., Beech, B. M., Kermah, D., Bailey, S., Phillips, N., Jones, H. P., Bowie, J. V., Heitman, E., Norris, K. C., Whitfield, K. E., & Thorpe, R. J. (2022). Religious service attendance and mortality among older Black men. PloS one17(9), e0273806.

Zare, H., Gilmore, D. R., Meyerson, N. S., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2022). Income Inequality, Race/Ethnicity, and Obesity in U.S. Men 20 Years and Older: 1999 to 2016. American journal of men's health16(5), 15579883221123852.

Dean, L. T., & Thorpe, R. J. (2022). What Structural Racism Is (or Is Not) and How to Measure It: Clarity for Public Health and Medical Researchers. American journal of epidemiology191(9), 1521–1526.

Zare, H., Meyerson, N. S., Delgado, P., Crifasi, C., Spencer, M., Gaskin, D., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2022). How place and race drive the numbers of fatal police shootings in the US: 2015-2020. Preventive medicine161, 107132.

Cudjoe, T. K. M., Prichett, L., Szanton, S. L., Roberts Lavigne, L. C., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2022). Social isolation, homebound status, and race among older adults: Findings from the National Health and Aging Trends Study (2011-2019). Journal of the American Geriatrics Society70(7), 2093–2100.

Thomas Tobin, C. S., Huynh, J., Farmer, H. R., Israel Cross, R., Barve, A., Robinson, M., ... & Thorpe, R. J. (2022). Perceived Neighborhood Racial Composition and Depressive Symptoms Among Black Americans Across Adulthood: Evaluating the Role of Psychosocial Risks and Resources. Journal of Aging and Health, 08982643221100789.

Hines, A. L., Zare, H., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2022). Racial Disparities in Hypertension Among Young, Black and White Women. Journal of general internal medicine37(8), 2123–2125.

Thomas Tobin, C. S., Gutiérrez, Á., Bell, C. N., & Thorpe, R. J. (2022). Early Life Racial Discrimination, Racial Centrality, and Allostatic Load Among African American Older Adults. The Gerontologist62(5), 721–731.

Shippee, T. P., Davila, H., Ng, W., Bowblis, J. R., Akosionu, O., Skarphol, T., See Thao, M., Woodhouse, M., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2022). Evidence to Inform Policy and Practice: Mechanisms to Address Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Nursing Home Quality of Life. Innovation in aging6(4), igac037.

Zare, H., Meyerson, N. S., Nwankwo, C. A., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2022). How Income and Income Inequality Drive Depressive Symptoms in U.S. Adults, Does Sex Matter: 2005-2016. International journal of environmental research and public health19(10), 6227.

Tobin, C. S. T., Gutiérrez, Á., Erving, C. L., Norris, K. C., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2022). When Resilience Becomes Risk: A Latent Class Analysis of Psychosocial Resources and Allostatic Load Among African American Men. American journal of men's health16(3), 15579883221104272.

Gilmore, D. R.*, Carreño, T. M.*, Zare, H., Moore, J. X., Rogers, C. R., Brooks, E., Petersen, E., Kennedy, C., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2022). Investigating Racial Differences in Allostatic Load by Educational Attainment among Non-Hispanic Black and White Men. International journal of environmental research and public health19(9), 5486.

Rogers, C. R., Moore, J. X., Gilmore, D. R.*, Petersen, E., Brooks, E., Kennedy, C., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2022). Investigation of Differences in Allostatic Load among Black Men by Level of Educational Attainment: High School Graduates Experience the Highest Levels of Stress. International journal of environmental research and public health19(6), 3580.

Tavares, C. D., Bell, C. N., Zare, H., Hudson, D., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2022). Allostatic Load, Income, and Race Among Black and White Men in the United States. American journal of men's health16(2), 15579883221092290.

Farmer, H. R., Thomas Tobin, C. S., & Thorpe, R. J. (2022). Correlates of Elevated C-Reactive Protein among Black Older Adults: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 77(11), 1964-1977.

Odden, M. C., & Thorpe, R. J. (2022). Promoting Health Equity Across the Life Span. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences77(2), 297–298.

Szanton, S. L., LaFave, S. E., & Thorpe, R. J. (2022). Structural Racial Discrimination and Structural Resilience: Measurement Precedes Change. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences77(2), 402–404.

Byrd, D. R., Jiang, Y., Zilioli, S., Lichtenberg, P., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Whitfield, K. E. (2022). The Interactive Effects of Education and Social Support on Cognition in African Americans. Journal of Aging and Health, 34(9–10), 1188–1200.

Marshall, G. L., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Bruce, M. A. (2022). Racial differences in Financial Hardship and depressive symptoms among older adults. Community Mental Health Journal, 58(8), 1505–1511.

Marshall, G. L., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Bruce, M. A. (2022). Correction to: Racial differences in Financial Hardship and depressive symptoms among older adults. Community Mental Health Journal, 58(8), 1512.

Hickson, A., Purbey, R., Dean, L., Gallo, J. J., Thorpe, R. J., Pollack Porter, K., & Chandran, A. (2022). A consequence of mass incarceration: county-level association between jail incarceration rates and poor mental health days. Health & Justice, 10(1), 31.

Davila, H., Ng, W., Akosionu, O., Thao, M. S., Skarphol, T., Virnig, B. A., Thorpe, R. J., & Shippee, T. P. (2022). Why Men Fare Worse: A Mixed-Methods Study Examining Gender Differences in Nursing Home Resident Quality of Life. The Gerontologist, 62(9), 1347–1358.

Booker, R., Holmes, M. E., Newton, R. L., Jr, Norris, K. C., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Carnethon, M. R. (2022). Compositional analysis of movement behaviors’ association on high-sensitivity c-reactive protein: the Jackson heart study. Annals of Epidemiology, 76, 7–12.

LaFave, S. E., Bandeen-Roche, K., Gee, G., Thorpe, R. J., Li, Q., Crews, D., Samuel, L., Cooke, A., Hladek, M., & Szanton, S. L. (2022). Quantifying Older Black Americans’ Exposure to Structural Racial Discrimination: How Can We Measure the Water In Which We Swim? Journal of Urban Health : Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 99(5), 794–802.

Rebok, G. W., Huang, A., Smail, E., Brichko, R., Parisi, J. M., Marsiske, M., Roth, D. L., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Felix, C., Jones, R. N., & Willis, S. L. (2022). Long-Term Effects of Cognitive Training on All-Cause Mortality in US Older Adults. Journal of Aging and Health, 34(6–8), 1135–1143.

Allan, A. C., Gamaldo, A. A., Wright, R. S., Aiken-Morgan, A. T., Lee, A. K., Allaire, J. C., Thorpe, R. J., & Whitfield, K. E. (2022). Differential Associations between the Area Deprivation Index and Measures of Physical Health for Older Black Adults. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.

Robinson-Oghogho, J. N., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Neff, R. A. (2022). Dietary Behaviors among New Users of Meal-Kit Services during the Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nutrients, 14(19).

Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Huang, A., Smail, E., Clay, O. J., Dean, L., Morgan, A. A., Gellert, A., & Rebok, G. W. (2022). The Relationship Between Cognition and Mortality Among Older Black and White Men in Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly. Journal of Aging and Health, 8982643221128906.

Owusu, J. T., Rabinowitz, J. A., Tzuang, M., An, Y., Kitner-Triolo, M., Zipunnikov, V., Wu, M. N., Wanigatunga, S. K., Schrack, J. A., Thorpe, R. J., Simonsick, E. M., Ferrucci, L., Resnick, S. M., & Spira, A. P. (2022). Associations between objectively measured sleep and cognition: Main effects and interactions with race in adults aged ≥50 years. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(3), 454-462.

Bruce, M. A., Beech, B. M., Kermah, D., Bailey, S., Phillips, N., Jones, H. P., Bowie, J. V., Heitman, E., Norris, K. C., Whitfield, K. E., & Thorpe, R. J. (2022). Religious service attendance and mortality among older Black men. PloS One, 17(9), e0273806.

Brinkley, T. E., Stites, S. D., Hunsberger, H. C., Karvonen-Gutierrez, C. A., Li, M., Shaaban, C. E., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Kritchevsky, S. B. (2022). Research Centers Collaborative Network Workshop on Sex and Gender Differences in Aging. Innovation in Aging, 6(7), igac055.

Zare, H., Meyerson, N. S., Delgado, P., Crifasi, C., Spencer, M., Gaskin, D., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr. (2022). How place and race drive the numbers of fatal police shootings in the US: 2015-2020. Preventive Medicine, 161, 107132.

Jones, H. P., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Vishwanatha, J. K. (2022). The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s efforts on diversifying the neuroscience research workforce. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 100(8), 1545–1550.

Miller, H. N., Perrin, N., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Evans, M. K., Zonderman, A. B., & Allen, J. (2022). The Association Between Perceived Discrimination and BMI Trajectory: A Prospective Study of African American and White Adults. Family & Community Health, 45(3), 206–213.

Forrester, S. N., Zmora, R., Schreiner, P. J., Jacobs, D. R., Jr, Roger, V. L., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Kiefe, C. I. (2022). Racial differences in the association of accelerated aging with future cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality: the coronary artery risk development in young adults study, 2007-2018. Ethnicity & Health, 27(5), 997–1009.

Rogers, C. R., Rogers, T. N., Matthews, P., Le Duc, N., Zickmund, S., Powell, W., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, McKoy, A., Davis, F. A., Okuyemi, K., Paskett, E. D., & Griffith, D. M. (2022). Psychosocial determinants of colorectal Cancer screening uptake among African-American men: understanding the role of masculine role norms, medical mistrust, and normative support. Ethnicity & Health, 27(5), 1103–1122.

Clay, O. J., Ball, K. K., Wheeler, K. M., Crowe, M., Marsiske, M., Dean, L. T., Thorpe, R. J., Jones, R., Owens, J. H., Rebok, G. W., & Willis, S. L. (2022). Evaluating Social Determinants of Health Domains and Their Predictive Validity Within Black/African American and White Older Adults From the Active Trial. Journal of Aging and Health, 8982643221111205.

Byrd, D. R., Jiang, Y., Zilioli, S., Thorpe, R. J., Lichtenberg, P. A., & Whitfield, K. E. (2022). Corrigendum to: The Interactive Effects of Education and Social Support on Blood Pressure in African Americans. The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 77(5), 1098.

Thomas Tobin, C. S., Gutiérrez, Á., Norris, K. C., & Thorpe, R. J. (2022). Discrimination, Racial Identity, and Hypertension among Black Americans across Young, Middle, and Older Adulthood. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 77(11), 1990-2005.

King, K. M., Key-Hagan, M., Desai, A., Mundy, T., Shittu, A. K., Roberts, L. R., Montgomery, S., Clarke, M., Idoate, R., Michaud, T. L., Ramos, A. K., Strong, S., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Montgomery, S. B. (2022). Stress Correlates Related to Depressive Symptoms Among Young Black Men in Southern California. American Journal of Men’s Health, 16(3), 15579883221097800.

Thorpe Jr, R. J., & Jones, H. P. (2022). Foreword: The Intersection of Social Behavior, Population Health and Inherited Traits. Ethnicity & Disease, 32(2), 73-74.

Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Jones, H. P. (2022). The Intersection of Social Behavior, Population Health, and Inherited Traits. Ethnicity & Disease, 32(2), 73–74.

Reid, D. M., Barber, R. C., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Sun, J., Zhou, Z., & Phillips, N. R. (2022). Mitochondrial DNA oxidative mutations are elevated in Mexican American women potentially implicating Alzheimer’s disease. Npj Aging, 8(1), 2.

Dalton, K. R., Campbell, P., Altekruse, W., Thorpe, R. J., Agnew, J., Ruble, K., Carroll, K. C., & Davis, M. F. (2022). A conceptual framework to address administrative and infection control barriers for animal-assisted intervention programs in healthcare facilities: Perspectives from a qualitative study. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 43(4), 531–533.

Yi, J. S., Garcia Morales, E. E., Betz, J. F., Deal, J. A., Dean, L. T., Du, S., Goman, A. M., Griswold, M. E., Palta, P., Rebok, G. W., Reed, N. S., Thorpe, R. J., Lin, F. R., & Nieman, C. L. (2022). Individual Life-Course Socioeconomic Position and Hearing Aid Use in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 77(3), 645–653.

Cudjoe, T. K. M., Selvakumar, S., Chung, S.-E., Latkin, C. A., Roth, D. L., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Boyd, C. M. (2022). Getting under the skin: Social isolation and biological markers in the National Health and Aging Trends Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 70(2), 408–414.

Eneanya, N. D., Boulware, L. E., Tsai, J., Bruce, M. A., Ford, C. L., Harris, C., Morales, L. S., Ryan, M. J., Reese, P. P., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Morse, M., Walker, V., Arogundade, F. A., Lopes, A. A., & Norris, K. C. (2022). Health inequities and the inappropriate use of race in nephrology. Nature Reviews. Nephrology, 18(2), 84–94.

Booker, R., Chander, H., Norris, K. C., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Vickers, B., & Holmes, M. E. (2022). Comparison of Leisure Time Physical Activities by Metabolic Syndrome Status among Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1415.

Smith, G. S., Archibald, P., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr. (2022). Race and obesity disparities among adults living in gentrifying neighborhoods. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 10(1), 93-99.

Nkimbeng, M., Akumbom, A., Granbom, M., Szanton, S. L., Shippee, T. P., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Gaugler, J. E. (2022). Where to Retire? Experiences of Older African Immigrants in the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3).

Zare, H., Delgado, P., Spencer, M., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Thomas, L., Gaskin, D. J., Werrell, L. K., & Carter, E. L. (2022). Using Community Health Workers to Address Barriers to Participation and Retention in Diabetes Prevention Program: A Concept Paper. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 13, 21501319221134564.

Dalton, K. R., Altekruse, W., Campbell, P., Ruble, K., Carroll, K. C., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Agnew, J., & Davis, M. F. (2022). Perceptions and Practices of Key Worker Stakeholder Groups in Hospital Animal-Assisted Intervention Programs on Occupational Benefits and Perceived Risks. People and Animals (West Lafayette, IN), 5(1).

Naing, S., Thorpe, R., Jensen, K., Masser, B., & Guerin, N. (2022). ‘Stay at home and limit contact’: The impact of stay‐at‐home advice on the behavior of Australian donors aged 70 and over in the first year of the pandemic. Transfusion62(12), 2568-2576.

Byrd, D. R., Jiang, Y., Zilioli, S., Lichtenberg, P., Thorpe Jr, R. J., & Whitfield, K. E. (2022). The Interactive Effects of Education and Social Support on Cognition in African Americans. Journal of Aging and Health34(9-10), 1188-1200.

Evans, K., Whitehouse, A. J., D’Arcy, E., Hayden-Evans, M., Wallace, K., Kuzminski, R., ... & Chamberlain, A. (2022). Perceived Support Needs of School-Aged Young People on the Autism Spectrum and Their Caregivers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(23), 15605.

Bell, C. N., Robles, B., Singleton, C. R., Thomas Tobin, C. S., Spears, E. C., & Thorpe Jr, R. J. (2022). Association between Proximity to Food Sources and Dietary Behaviors in Black and White College Graduates. American Journal of Health Behavior46(5), 515-527.

Kruse, S. P., Nguyen, L., Karki, S., Thorpe, R., & Davison, T. E. (2022). “Please help us with important research”: A retrospective analysis examining the impact of research invitation and participation on subsequent blood donor behavior. Transfusion62(10), 2086-2094.

LaFave, S. E., Bandeen-Roche, K., Gee, G., Thorpe, R. J., Li, Q., Crews, D., ... & Szanton, S. L. (2022). Quantifying Older Black Americans’ Exposure to Structural Racial Discrimination: How Can We Measure the Water In Which We Swim?. Journal of Urban Health99(5), 794-802.

Rebok, G. W., Huang, A., ... & Thorpe, R.J., Felix, C., Jones, R.N., & Willis, S. L. (2022). Long-Term Effects of Cognitive Training on All-Cause Mortality in US Older Adults. Journal of Aging and Health34(6-8), 1135-1143.

Robinson-Oghogho, J. N., Thorpe Jr, R. J., & Neff, R. A. (2022). Dietary Behaviors among New Users of Meal-Kit Services during the Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nutrients14(19), 3953.




2019 - 2021

2021 Publications 

Zare, H., Eisenberg, M., Anderson, G. (2021). Comparing the value of community benefit and Tax‐Exemption in non‐profit hospitals. Health Services Research.

Gabriel, A., Zare, H., Jones, W., Yang, M., Ibe, C., Cao, Y., Balamani, M., Gaston, M., Porter, G., Woods, D., Gaskin, D. (2021). Evaluating Depressive Symptoms Among Low Socioeconomic-Status African American Women Aged 40 to 75 Years With Uncontrolled Hypertension. JAMA Psychiatry. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2020.4622

Zare H, Gilmore DR, Creighton C, Azadi M, Gaskin DJ, Thorpe RJ Jr. (2021). How Income Inequality and Race/Ethnicity Drive Obesity in U.S. Adults: 1999–2016. Healthcare.

Archibald, P. C., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2021). Life Stressors and Sleep Problems as Predictors of the Likelihood of Lifetime Cannabis Use among Black Adults with Criminal Justice Contact. Ethnicity & disease31(2), 187–196.

Nkimbeng, M., Taylor, J. L., Roberts, L., Winch, P. J., Commodore-Mensah, Y., Thorpe, R. J., Jr,, Han, H. R., & Szanton, S. L. (2021). "All I know is that there is a lot of discrimination": Older African immigrants' experiences of discrimination in the United States. Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.)42(1), 196–204.

Tan, S. C., Gamaldo, A. A., Brick, T., Thorpe, R. J., Allaire, J. C., & Whitfield, K. E. (2021). Effect of Selective Survival on Black Adults' Cognitive Development. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, gbab003. Advance online publication.

Bruce, M. A., Bowie, J. V., Beech, B. M., Norris, K. C., LaVeist, T. A., Howard, D. L., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2021). Church Attendance and Mobility Limitation Among Black and White Men With Prostate Cancer. American journal of men's health15(1), 1557988321993560.

Dalton K, Campell P, Altekruse W, Thorpe Jr RJ, Agnew J, Ruble K, Carroll KC, Davis MF. (2021). A Conceptual Framework to Address Administrative and Infection Control Barriers for Animal Assisted Intervention Programs in Healthcare Facilities: Perspectives from a Qualitative Study. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Jan 25:1-2, doi:10.1017/ice.2021.24.

Dalton, K. R., Ruble, K., Redding, L. E., Morris, D. O., Mueller, N. T., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Agnew, J., Carroll, K. C., Planet, P. J., Rubenstein, R. C., Chen, A. R., Grice, E. A., & Davis, M. F. (2021). Microbial Sharing between Pediatric Patients and Therapy Dogs during Hospital Animal-Assisted Intervention Programs. Microorganisms9(5), 1054.

White, A., Hao, L., Yu, X., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2021). Residential racial segregation and social distancing in the United States during COVID-19. EClinicalMedicine35, 100840.

Miller, H. N., LaFave, S., Marineau, L., Stephens, J., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2021). The impact of discrimination on allostatic load in adults: An integrative review of literature. Journal of psychosomatic research146, 110434.

Sardina, A. L., Gamaldo, A. A., Andel, R., Johnson, S., Baker, T. A., Thorpe, R. J., McEvoy, C., Evans, M. K., & Zonderman, A. B. (2021). Cross-Sectional Examination of Musculoskeletal Pain and Physical Function in a Racially and Socioeconomically Diverse Sample of Adults. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences76(2), 368–377.

Usher, T., Buta, B., Thorpe, R. J., Huang, J., Samuel, L. J., Kasper, J. D., & Bandeen-Roche, K. (2021). Dissecting the Racial/Ethnic Disparity in Frailty in a Nationally Representative Cohort Study with Respect to Health, Income, and Measurement. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences76(1), 69–76.

Archibald, P., & Thorpe, R. (2021). Chronic Medical Conditions as Predictors of the Likelihood of PTSD among Black Adults: Preparing for the Aftermath of COVID-19. Health & social work, 46(4), 268–276.

Francis, L., DePriest, K., Sharps, P., Wilson, P., Ling, C., Bowie, J., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2021). A mixed-methods systematic review identifying, describing, and examining the effects of school-based care coordination programs in the US on all reported outcomes. Preventive medicine153, 106850.

Jones, H. P., Vishwanatha, J. K., Krug, E. L., Harwood, E., Boman, K. E., Unold, T., & Thorpe, R. J. (2021). The Association Between NRMN STAR Grantsmanship Self-Efficacy and Grant Submission. Ethnicity & disease31(4), 559–566.

Fakunle, D. O., Curriero, F. C., Leaf, P. J., Furr-Holden, D. M., & Thorpe, R. J. (2021). Black, white, or green? The effects of racial composition and socioeconomic status on neighborhood-level tobacco outlet density. Ethnicity & health26(7), 1012–1027.

Rogers, C. R., Brooks, E., Petersen, E., Campanelli, P., Figueroa, R., Kennedy, C., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Levant, R. F. (2021). Psychometric Properties and Analysis of the Masculinity Barriers to Medical Care Scale Among Black, Indigenous, and White Men. American journal of men's health15(5), 15579883211049033.

Forrester, S. N., Thorpe Jr, R. J., Hill, C. V., & Whitfield, K. E. (2021). How many Black men in cognitive intervention trials? A persistent barrier to equity. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 17, e052404.

Song, C., Marshall, G. L., Reed, A., Baker, T. A., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2021). Examining the Association of Pain and Financial Hardship Among Older Men by Race in the United States. American journal of men's health15(5), 15579883211049605.

Alexander, K. A., Arrington Sanders, R., Grace, K. T., Thorpe, R. J., Doro, E., & Bowleg, L. (2021). "Having a Child Meant I had a Real Life": Reproductive Coercion and Childbearing Motivations Among Young Black Men Living in Baltimore. Journal of interpersonal violence36(17-18), NP9197–NP9225.

McMillian, M. M., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2021). Relationships of Educational Attainment and Household Food Insecurity with Obesity: Findings from the 2007-2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. International journal of environmental research and public health18(15), 7820.

Baxter, S., Chung, R., Frerichs, L., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Skinner, A. C., & Weinberger, M. (2021). Racial Residential Segregation and Race Differences in Ideal Cardiovascular Health among Young Men. International journal of environmental research and public health18(15), 7755.

Beech, B. M., Bruce, M. A., Cohen-Winans, S., Harris, K., Jones, R., Tyrone, R. S., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2021). Weight Misperception among African American Adolescents: The Jackson Heart KIDS Pilot Study. Ethnicity & disease31(3), 461–468.

Bruce, M. A., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Teng, F., Heitman, E., Reneker, J. C., Norris, K. C., & Beech, B. M. (2021). Social and Behavioral Factors Associated with BMI and Waist Circumference among Adolescents: The Jackson Heart KIDS Pilot Study. Ethnicity & disease31(3), 453–460.

Zare, H., Gaskin, D. D., & Thorpe, R. J., Jr (2021). Income Inequality and Obesity among US Adults 1999-2016: Does Sex Matter?. International journal of environmental research and public health18(13), 7079.

Tchouankam, T., Estabrooks, P., Cloyd, A., Notice, M., Teel-Williams, M., Smolsky, A., Burnett, P., Alexis, G., Conley, T., Partridge, E., Hogan, P., Thorpe, R., & King, K. M. (2021). Recruiting Low-Income African American Men in Mental Health Research: A Community-Based Participatory Research Feasibility Study. American journal of men's health15(3), 15579883211018418.

Liburd, L., Hsiang Young, K., & Thorpe Jr, R. J. (2021). Pedagogy of the CDC Undergraduate Public Health Scholars (CUPS) Program: Cultivating workforce diversity to address health disparities and achieve health equity. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 7(1_suppl), 9S-12S.

Thorpe Jr, R. J., Young, K. H., Bentley, K. M., & Liburd, L. (2021). Roadmap to Increase Public Health and Health Care Workforce Diversity: Highlights From the First 10 Years of the CDC Undergraduate Public Health Scholars Program. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 7(1_suppl), 5S-8S.

Forrester, S. N., Zmora, R., Schreiner, P. J., Jacobs, D. R., Jr, Roger, V. L., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, & Kiefe, C. I. (2021). Accelerated aging: A marker for social factors resulting in cardiovascular events?. SSM - population health13, 100733.

Nkimbeng, M., Commodore-Mensah, Y., Angel, J. L., Bandeen-Roche, K., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Han, H. R., Winch, P. J., & Szanton, S. L. (2022). Longer Residence in the United States is Associated With More Physical Function Limitations in African Immigrant Older Adults. Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society, 41(2), 411–420.

Wilson, P., J Thorpe Jr, R., Sharps, P., & Laughon, K. (2021). The relationship between housing instability and intimate partner violence: A retrospective study. Public health nursing38(1), 32-39


Hatef E, Ma X, Shaikh Y, Kharrazi H, Weiner JP, Gaskin DJ. Internet Access, Social Risk Factors, and Web-Based Social Support Seeking Behavior: Assessing Correlates of the "Digital Divide" Across Neighborhoods in The State of Maryland. J Med Syst. 2021 Sep 19;45(11):94. doi: 10.1007/s10916-021-01769-w.


Zare H, Gaskin DD, Thorpe RJ Jr. Income Inequality and Obesity among US Adults 1999-2016: Does Sex Matter? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jul 2;18(13):7079. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18137079. PMID: 34281016; PMCID: PMC8297230.

Zare H, Gilmore DR, Creighton C, Azadi M, Gaskin DJ, Thorpe RJ Jr. How Income Inequality and Race/Ethnicity Drive Obesity in U.S. Adults: 1999–2016. Healthcare. 2021; 9(11):1442.

Gurwitz JH, Carlozzi N, Davison KK, Evenson KR, Gaskin DJ, Lushniak B. National Institutes of Health Pathways to Prevention Workshop: Physical Activity and Health for Wheelchair Users. Arch Rehabil Res Clin Transl. 2021 Oct 17;3(4):100163. doi: 10.1016/j.arrct.2021.100163.

Gaskin DJ, Zare H, Kanwar O, McClary R, Davis A. Predictors of Unmet Dental Health Needs in US Adults – 2018. JDR Clin Trans Res. 2021 Jul 29:23800844211035669. doi: 10.1177/23800844211035669.

Davis A., Zare H, Kanwar O, McClary R, Gaskin DJ. Programs and Policies Targeted to Improve Access to Dental Care for Low Income Adults and Children in the US: An Integrative Literature Review. J Dent & Oral Disord 2021;7(3):1166.

Samuel LJ, Gaskin DJ, Trujillo AJ, Szanton SL Samuel A, Slade E. Race, poverty and the social determinants of the coronavirus divide: U.S. county-level disparities and risk factors. BMC Public Health. 2021 Jun 29;21(1):1250. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-11205-w.

Samuel LJ, Szanton SL, Wolff JL, Gaskin DJ. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program 2009 Expansion and Cardiometabolic Markers Among Low-Income Adults. Prev Med. 2021 Sep;150:106678. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2021.106678. Epub 2021 Jun 5.

Harris KM, Woolf SH, Gaskin DJ. High and Rising Working-Age Mortality in the US: A Report from the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. JAMA Published online May 10, 2021. doi:10.1001/jama.2021.4073.

Ibe CA, Gilmore DR, Creighton C, Cao Y, Gabriel A, Zare H, Jones W, Yang M, Balamani M, Gaston M, Porter G, Woods DL, Gaskin DJ. Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial evaluating the Prime Time Sister Circles (PTSC) program's impact on hypertension among midlife African American women. BMC Public Health 21, 610 (2021).

2020 Publications

Zare, H., Bai, G., Albrecht, C., Choe, J., Anderson, G. (2020). Hospital Inpatient Charges of COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests Ranged from $10 to $1390. Population Health Management.

Fabius, C.D., Wolff, J., Kasper, J. (2020). Race Differences in Characteristics and Experiences of Black and White Caregivers of Older Americans. The Gerontologist.

Gaskin DJ, Zare H, Jackson J, Ibe C, Slocum J. Decomposing Race and Ethnic Differences in CVD risk factors for Mid-Life Women. J. Racial Ethn. Health Disparities forthcoming.

Levine DA, Gross AL, Briceño EM, Tilton N, Kabeto MU, Hingtgen SM, Giordani BJ, Sussman JB, Hayward RA, Burke JF, Elkin MSV, Manly JJ, Moran AE, Kulick ER, Gottesman RF, Walker KA, Yano Y, Gaskin DJ, Sidney S, Yaffe K, Sacco RL, Wright CB, Roger VL, Allen NB, Galecki AT. Blood Pressure and Later-life Cognition in Blacks and Whites (BP-COG): A Pooled Cohort Analysis of ARIC, CARDIA, CHS, FOS, NOMAS JAMA Neurol. Published online April 13, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.0568.

Bower KM, Samuel L, Gleason K., Thorpe RJ, Gaskin DJ. Disentangling race, poverty, and place to understand the racial disparity in waist circumference among women. J Health Care Poor Underserved, 2020;31(1):153-170. doi: 10.1353/hpu.2020.0015.

Smith, G.S. and Thorpe, R.J. Gentrification: A Priority for Environmental Justice and Health Equity Research. Ethnicity & Disease. Accepted for Publication

Song, L., Smith, G.S., Post, W.S., Guallar, E., Navas-Acien, A., Kaufman, J.D., Jones, M. Ambient air pollution as a mediator in the pathway linking race/ethnicity to blood pressure elevation: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA). Environmental Research. 2020; 180: 108776.

Bower, K.M., Samuel, L., Gleason, K., Thorpe, R.J., Gaskin, D. (2020). Disentangling race, poverty, and place to understand the racial disparity in waist circumference among women. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved; 31(1): 153-170.

2019 Publications

Fabius, C. D., Ogarek, J., Shireman, T. I. (2019). Racial disparities in Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service utilization among white, black, and Hispanic adults with multiple Sclerosis: Implications of state policy. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. doi:10.1007/s40615-019-00621-9

Fabius, C. D., Brown, E., Robison, J. (2019). Racial differences in choice and control among older adults: Results from Connecticut’s Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration. Journal of Aging and Social Policy.

Chan KS, Parikh MA, Thorpe RJ, Gaskin DJ. Health Care Disparities in Race-Ethnic Minority Communities and Populations: Does the Availability of Health Care Providers Play a Role? J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2019 Dec 16. doi: 10.1007/s40615-019-00682-w.

White-Means S, Gaskin DJ, Osmani AR. Intervention and Public Policy Pathways to Achieve Health Care Equity. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2019 Apr 3;16(7). pii: E1193. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16071193.

Gaskin DJ, Zare H, Delamente B. The Supply of Hospital Care to Minority and Low-Income Communities and the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program. Med Care Res Rev. 2019 Jul 10:1077558719861242. doi: 10.1177/1077558719861242.

Gaskin DJ, Roberts E, Chan K, McCleary RR, Buttorff C. Delamente B. No Man is an Island - The impact of neighborhood disadvantage on mortality. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Apr 9;16(7). pii: E1265. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16071265.

Chan KS, Gaskin DJ, McCleary RR, Thorpe Jr, RJ. Availability of Health Care Provider Offices and Facilities in Minority and Integrated Communities in the U.S. J Health Care Poor Underserved, 2019;30(3):986-1000.

Hawes A.M., Bell, C., McGinty, E., LaVeist, T., Gaskin, D., Thorpe, R.J., Jr. Disentangling Race, poverty, and place in disparities in physical activity. Under Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2019 16; doi:10.3390/ijerph16071193.

Barajas CB, Milam AJ, Jones SCT, Thorpe RJ. Jr., Gaskin, DJ, LaVeist TA, and Furr-Holden CD. Coping, Discrimination, and Physical Health Conditions among Predominantly Poor, Urban African Americans: Implication for Community-Level Health Services. Journal of Community Health, 2019 Oct;44(5):954-962. doi: 10.1007/s10900-019-00650-9.

Gaskin DJ, Karmarkar TD, Maurer A, Bucay-Harari L, Casillas G, Gittens A, Jones LC, Thorpe RJ, Tolbert E, Wood JE. The Potential Role of Cost and Quality of Life in Treatment Decisions for Knee Pain for African American and Latina Women. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2019 Apr 12. doi: 10.1002/acr.23903.

Hawes, A.M., Smith, G.S., McGinty, E., Bell, C., Bower, K., LaVeist, T.A., Gaskin, D.J., Thorpe, R.J. Disentangling Race, Poverty, and Place in Disparities in Physical Activity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(7): 1193.

Hale, D., Smith, G.S., Bowie, J., LaVeist, T.A., Thorpe Jr, R.J. Disentangling Race and Place in Depressive Symptoms in Men. Family & Community Health. 2019; 42(3): 221-226.

Hawes, A.M., Smith, G.S., McGinty, E., Bell, C., Bower, K.M., LaVeist, T.A., Gaskin, D.J., Thorpe, R.J. (2019).  Disentangling race, poverty, and place in disparities in physical activity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 16(7).

Woods-Jaeger B, Briggs EC, Vivrette RL, Lee RC, Belcher HME. The Association between caregiver substance abuse and mental health problems and outcomes for trauma-exposed youth. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma 2019 (accepted for publication)  [OR]

Belcher HME, Piggott D, Sanders R, Trent M. Research Accountability Groups and Mentoring Minutes: The M3 Approach to Promote Public Health Infectious Diseases Research for Diverse Graduate Students. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 2019; 89:390-399. /  [OR]

Wyatt GE, Chin D, Milburn N, Hamilton A, Lopez S, Kim A, Stone JD, Belcher HME.  Mentoring the Mentors of Students from Diverse Backgrounds for Research. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry  2019; 89: 321-328. [EA]

Wyatt GE and Belcher HME. Establishing the Foundation:  Culturally Congruent Mentoring for Research Scholars and Faculty from Underrepresented Populations. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry  2019; 89: 313-316. doi: 10.1037/ort0000417[EA]

2016 - 2018

2018 Publications

Fabius, C. D. & Thomas, K. (2018). Examining Black-White disparities among Medicare beneficiaries in assisted living settings in 2014. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

Fabius, C. D., Thomas, K., Zhang, T., Ogarek, J., Shireman, T. (2018). Racial disparities in Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service utilization and expenditures among persons with Multiple Sclerosis. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1-9.

Cooper LA, Purnell TS, Showell NN, Ibe CA, Crews DC, Gaskin DJ, Foti K, Thornton RLJ. Progress on Major Public Health Challenges: The Importance of Equity. Public Health Rep. 2018 Nov/Dec;133(1_suppl):15S-19S. doi: 10.1177/0033354918795164.

Gaskin DJ, Vazin R, McCleary RR, Thorpe RJ, The Maryland Health Enterprise Zone Initiative Reduced Hospital Cost and Utilization in Underserved Communities. Health Affairs, Health Aff (Millwood). 2018 Oct;37(10):1546-1554. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2018.0642.

Gaskin DJ, Zare H, Vazin R, Love D, Steinwachs D. Racial and Ethnic Composition of Hospitals’ Service Areas and the Likelihood of Being Penalized for Excess Readmissions by the Medicare Program. Med Care. 2018 Nov;56(11):934-943. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000000988.

Dong L, Fayeke O, Graham G, Gaskin DJ, Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Quality of Care for Cardiovascular Disease in Ambulatory Settings: A Systematic Review. Med Care Res Rev. 2018 Jun;75(3):263-291.

Jackson JW, VanderWeele TJ. Decomposition analysis to identify intervention targets for reducing disparities. Epidemiology. 2018;29(6):825-835.

Bower, K.M., Geller, R.J., Perrin, N.A., Alhusen, J. (2018). Experiences of Racism and Preterm Birth: Findings from Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2004-2012. Women’s Health Issues, 28(6):495-501. 

Gross D, Belcher HME, Budhathoki C, Ofonedu M, Kurtz M. Does parent training format affect treatment engagement? A randomized study of families at social risk. Journal of Child and Family Studies 2018; 27:1579-1593. doi: 10.1007/s10826-017-0984-1 [OR]

Morgan I, Hughes ME, Belcher HME, Holmes L. Maternal Sociodemographic Characteristics, Experiences and Health Behaviors Associated with Postpartum Visit Utilization: Evidence from Maryland PRAMS Dataset, 2012-2013. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2018; 22:589-598. [OR]

Hoagwood KE, Rotheram-Borus MJ, McCabe MA, Counts N, Belcher HME, Walker DK, and Johnson KA. The interdependence of families, communities, and children’s health: Public investments that strengthen families and communities, and promote children’s healthy development and societal prosperity. NAM Perspectives 2018 Discussion Paper, National Academy of Medicine, Washington, DC [Policy]

2017 Publications

Fabius, C. D., Robison, J. (2017) Differences in living arrangements among older adults transitioning into the community: Examining the impact of race and choice. Journal of Applied Gerontology. DOI: 0733464816687496.

Karmarkar T, Maurer A, Parks ML, Mason T, Bejinez-Eastman A, Harrington M, Morgan R, O’Connor MI, Wood JE, Gaskin DJ. A Fresh Perspective on a Familiar Problem: Examining Disparities in Knee Osteoarthritis Using a Markov Model. Med Care. 2017 Dec; 55(12): 993–1000.

Ofonedu M, Belcher HME, Budhathoki C, Gross D. Understanding Barriers to Initial Treatment Engagement among Underserved Families Seeking Mental Health Services. Journal of Child and Family Studies 2017; 26:863–876. doi: 10.1007/s10826-016-0603-6. [OR]

Stone JD, Attoh P, D’Abundo  M, Gong T, Belcher HME. Association of Health Professional Leadership Behaviors on Health Promotion Practice Beliefs. Disability and Health Journal 2017; 10:320-325. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2016.12.015. [OR]

2016 Publications

Arnett MJ, Thorpe Jr. RJ, Gaskin DJ, Bowie JV, LaVeist TA. “Race, Medical Mistrust and Segregation in Primary Care as Usual Source of Care: Findings from the Exploring Health Disparities in Integrated Communities Study.” J Urban Health. 2016 Jun;93(3):456-67.

Usher T, Gaskin DJ, Bower K, Rohde C, & Thorpe Jr. RJ. "Residential Segregation and Hypertension Prevalence in Black and White Older Adults." J Appl Gerontol. 2016 Mar 22.

Brown Q, Musci RJ, Bowie J, Gaskin DJ, Ialongo N, Furr-Holden D. The moderating role of gender in the relationship between tobacco outlet exposure and tobacco use among African American young adults. Prev Sci 2016 Apr;17(3):338-46.

Gaskin DJ, Zare H, Haider A, LaVeist TA. The Quality of Surgical and Pneumonia Care in Minority-Serving and Racially Integrated Hospitals. Health Serv Res. 2016 Jun;51(3):910-36.

Jackson JW, Williams DR, VanderWeele TJ. Disparities at the Intersection of Marginalized Groups. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2016;51(10):1349-1359.

Alhusen J., Bower K., Epstein E., & Sharps P. (2016). Racial discrimination and adverse birth outcomes: An integrative review. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 61(6), 707-720. doi:10.1111/jmwh.12490

McDowell A. & Bower K. M. (2016). Transgender health care for nurses: An innovative approach to diversifying nursing curricula to address health inequities. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(8), 476-479. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20160715-11

Usher, T., Gaskin, D. J., Bower K. M., Rohde, C., & Thorpe R. J. (2016). Residential segregation and hypertension prevalence in black and white older adults.  Journal of Applied Gerontology, 37(2):177-202.

Swenson S, Ho G, Budhathoki C, Belcher H, Tucker S, Miller K, Gross D. Parents' Use of Praise and Criticism in a Sample of Young Children Seeking Mental Health Services. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 2016. 30: 49-56. doi: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2015.09.010 [OR]

Wilcox HC, Rains M, Belcher H, Kazak A, Kassam-Adam  N,  Lee R, Briggs E, Bethel T, Trunzo CP, Wissow L. Behavioral problems and service utilization in children seeking trauma-related mental health services. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics  2016; 37: 62-70 . doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000236  [OR]

Hall Brown T, Belcher HME, Accardo J, Minhas R, Briggs EC. Trauma exposure and sleep disturbance in a sample of youth from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network core data set Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation 2016; 2:123-128. [OR]

Allen D, Belcher HME, Young A, Gibson L, Colantuoni E and Trent M. BMI, body image, emotional well-being and weight-control behaviors in urban African American adolescents. International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition 2016; 5: 55–104. PMID: 27660667

2013 - 2015

2015 Publications

Silber JH, Rosenbaum PR, Kelz RR, Gaskin DJ, Ludwig JM, Ross RN, Wang M, Niknam BA, Hill A, Even-Shoshan O., Fleisher LA. Examining the Causes of Racial Disparities in Surgical Outcomes: Hospital Quality versus Patient Risk. Med Care 2015 Jul;53(7):619-29.

Bower KM, Thorpe RJ, Yenokyan G, McGinty EE, Dubay L, Gaskin DJ. Racial Residential Segregation and Disparities in Obesity among Women. J Urban Health 2015 Oct;92(5):843-52.

Spencer C, Roberts E, Gaskin DJ. Differences in the Rates of Patient Safety Events by Payer: Implications for Providers and Policymakers. Med Care Jun;53(6):524-9.

Eisen CH, Bowie JV, Gaskin DJ, LaVeist TA, Thorpe RJ. The contribution of social and environmental factors to race differences in dental services use, South-west Baltimore. J Urban Health 2015; 92 (3): 415-421

Bower K. M., Thorpe R. J., Yenokyan G., McGinty E. E., Dubay L., & Gaskin D. J. (2015). Racial residential segregation and disparities in obesity among women.  Journal of Urban Health, 92(5), 843-852.

Samuel L. J., Thorpe R. J., Bower K., M., & LaVeist T. A. (2015). Community characteristics are associated with blood pressure levels in a racially integrated community. Journal of Urban Health, 93(3), 403-414.

Logue DD, Logue RT, Kaufmann WE, Belcher HME. Psychiatric disorders and left-handedness in children living in an urban environment. Laterality 2015; 20: 249-256. doi:10.1080/1357650X.2014.961927 [OR]

McLaughlin C. Sedlezky L, Belcher H, Marquand A., Hewitt A. Workforce: Goals for Research and Innovation. Inclusion. 2015; 3:267-273. [OR]

Beltran M, Brown-Elhillali A, Held A, Ryce P, Ofonedu M, Hoover D, Ensor K, Belcher HME. Using Yoga-Based Psychotherapy groups for boys exposed to trauma in urban settings. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 2015; 22:39-46. PMID: 26773320  [OR]

2014 Publications

Whitaker SM., Bowie J, McCleary R, Gaskin DJ, LaVeist T, Thorpe RJ. The Association Between Educational Attainment and Diabetes Among Men in the United States, Am J Men’s Health, 2014; 8:349-356.

Gaskin DJ, Thorpe RJ, McGinty E, Bower-Joffe K, Rohde C, Hunter Y, LaVeist T. Dubay L. “Disparities in Diabetes - The Nexus of Race, Poverty, and Place.” Am J Public Health, 2014; 104 (11), 2147-2155.

Smolen JR, Thorpe, Jr. RJ, Bowie JV, Gaskin DJ, LaVeist TA. Health Insurance and Chronic Conditions in Low-income Urban Whites. J Urban Health, 2014; 91(4), 637-647.

Chan KS, Roberts ET, McCleary R, Buttorff C, Gaskin DJ. Community Characteristics and Mortality: The Relative Strength of Association of Different Community Characteristics. Am J Public Health, 2014; 104(9), 1751-1758.

Bower K, Thorpe R, Rohde C, Gaskin DJ. The Intersection of Neighborhood Racial Segregation, Poverty, and Urbanicity and its Impact on Food Store Availability in the United States. Prev Med, 2014; 58, 33-39.

Pierre G, Thorpe RJ, Dinwiddie GY, Gaskin DJ. Are There Racial Disparities in Psychotropic Drug Use and Expenditures in a Nationally Representative Sample of Men in the United States? Evidence from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). Am J Men's Health, 2014;8(1):82-90.

Racial disparities in hypertension awareness and management: Are there differences among African Americans and Whites living under the same social conditions? Thorpe RJ, Bowie JV, Smollen JR, Bell CN, Jenkins ML, Jackson J, Laveist TA. Ethnicity & Disease. 2014;24(3):269-75.

Greeson JKP, Briggs EC, Layne CM, Belcher HME, Ostrowski S, Kim S, Lee RC, Vivrette R, Pynoos RS, Fairbank JA. Traumatic childhood experiences in the 21st century: Broadening and building on the ACE studies with data from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2014; 29:536–556. doi: 10.1177/0886260513505217 [OR]

Lyn A, Turner-Musa J, Morgan I, Belcher HME. Maternal characteristics associated with child behavior reports in Head Start. Journal of Community Psychology 2014; 42:571-582. doi:10.1002/jcop.21638 [OR]

Gross DA, Belcher HME, Ofonedu ME, Breitenstein S, Frick KD, Budhatoki C. Study protocol for a comparative effectiveness trial of two parent training programs in a fee-for-service mental health clinic: Can we improve mental health services to low-income families? Trials 2014; 15:70 doi:10.1186/1745-6215-15-70[OR]

Belcher H, Stone J, McFadden J, Harris L, Wheeler B, Yorker B, Hoffman B, Van Osdel  J,  Hemmingson T, & Turner-Musa J. Promoting a diverse public health workforce through mentoring. In Dominguez, N. & Gandert, Y. (Eds.). 7th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings:  Developmental Networks: Mentoring and Coaching at Work. 2014. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico. [OR]

2013 Publications

Dinwiddie, G.Y., Gaskin, D.J., Chan, K., McCleary, R. & Norrington, J. (2013).   Residential Segregation, Geographic Proximity and Type of Services Used: Evidence for Disparities in Mental Health.  Social Science and Medicine, 80: 67-75.  (Available on-line first December 11, 2012).

Lee SH, Hoffman V, Bleich S, Gittelsohn J. Frequency of visiting and food dollars spent at carry-outs among low-income urban African-American adults. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 2013; 7(4):459-467.

Thorpe RJ Jr, Bowie JV, Wilson-Frederick SM, Coa KI, LaVeist TA. “Association Between Race, Place, and Preventive Health Screenings Among Men: Findings From the Exploring Health Disparities in Integrated Communities      Study.” Am Mens Health.  2013, 7(3) 220-227

Thorpe, R.J., Szanton, S.L., Bell, C.N., Whitfield, K.E. (2013)  Education, Income and Disability in African-Americans. Ethnicity and Disease.  23(1); 12-17

Szanton, S.L., Taylor, H.A., Terhaar, M.T. (2013) "Development of an IRB pre-approval process for DNP students:  process and outcomes" Journal of Nursing Education Jan;52(1)51-5.

Yong R, Lee SH, Freishtat H, Bleich SN, Gittelsohn J (2013).  Availability of Healthy Foods in Prepared Food Sources in Urban Public Markets. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. 7:468-481.

Thorpe RJ, Richard P, LaVeist TA, Bowie J, Gaskin DJ. “Economic Burden of Men’s Health Disparities in the United States” International Journal of Men’s Health 2013; 12(3).

Spencer CS, Gaskin DJ, Roberts ET. Disparities in the Quality of Hospital Care: Does Who Pays Matter? Health Aff (Milwood), 2013;32(10):1730-1739.

Bower K. M., Thorpe R. J., Rohde C., & Gaskin D. J. (2013). The intersection of neighborhood racial segregation, poverty, and urbanicity and its Impact on food store availability in the United States.  Preventive Medicine, 58, 33-39. 

Gaskin D. J., Thorpe R. J., Galarraga J. E., Bower K. M., & Gary-Webb T. L.  (2013). Disparities in diabetes – The nexus of race, poverty and place.  American Journal of Public Health, 104(11), 2147-2155.

 Bower K. M., Thorpe R. J., & LaVeist T. A.  (2013). Perceived racial discrimination and mental health in low-income urban-dwelling whites. International Journal of Health Service, 43(2), 267-280.

Ofonedu ME, Percy WH, Harris-Britt A, Belcher HME. Depression in inner city African American youth: A phenomenological study.  Journal of Child and Family Studies 2013; 22: 96-106. doi: 10.1007/s10826-012-9583-3 [OR]

Briggs EC, Fairbank JA, Greeson JKP, Steinberg AM, Amaya-Jackson LM, Ostrowski SA, Gerrity ET, Elmore DL, Layne CM, Belcher HME, Pynoos RS. Links between child and adolescent trauma exposure and service use histories in a national clinic-referred sample.  Psychological Trauma 2013; 5:101-109. doi: 10.1037/a0027312 [OR]

Whitaker D, Milam AJ, Graham CM, Cooley-Strickland M, Belcher HM, Furr-Holden CD. Neighborhood environment and being overweight in childhood: A study of predominantly African American urban schoolchildren.  American Journal of Health Promotion 2013; 27:410-6. doi: 10.4278/ajhp.100827-QUAN-285[OR]

Hart S, Hodgkinson S, Belcher HME, Hyman C, Strickland M. Somatic Complaints, Peer and School Stress, Family and Community Violence Exposure, and Physical Illness among Urban Elementary School Children. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2013; 36:454-465. doi: 10.1007/s10865-012-9440-2 Corresponding author Belcher HME [OR]


2012 Publications

Bhatnagar P, Lu X, Evans MK, LaVeist TA, Zonderman AB, Carter DL, Arking DE, Fletcher CA. “Genetic Variants in Platelet Factor 4 Modulate Inflammatory and Platelet Activation Biomarkers.” Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2012 Jul 4.

Bleich SN, Jarlenski MP, Bell CN, LaVeist TA. (2012) Health inequalities: Trends, Progress and Policy. Annual Review of Public Health. [Epub ahead of print].

Bleich, S. N., Simon, A. E., & Cooper, L. A. (2012). Impact of patient-doctor race concordance on rates of weight-related counseling in visits by black and white obese individuals. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 20(3):562-7.  Epub 2011 Jan 13. PMCID: PMC Journal - In Process

Chan, K., Gaskin, D.J., Dinwiddie, G.Y. & McCleary, R.  (2012).  Do Diabetic Patients Living in Racially Segregated Neighborhoods Experience Different Access and Quality of Care? Medical Care, 50(8): 692-699.

Fesahazion RG, Thorpe Jr. RJ, Bell CN, LaVeist TA. ”Disparities in alcohol use: Does race matter as much as place?” Preventive Medicine Volume 55, Issue 5, November 2012, Pages 482–484

Gaskin, D.J., Dinwiddie, G.Y., Chan, K.  & McCleary, R.  (2012).  Residential Segregation and the Availability of Primary Care Physicians.  Health Services Research, (April): 1-24. 

Gaskin, D.J., Dinwiddie, G.Y., Chan, K.  & McCleary, R.  (2012).  Residential Segregation and the Use of Health Care Services.  Medical Care Research and Review, 69(2):158 - 175. 

Granger, D.A., Johnson, S.B., Szanton, S.L., Out, D., Schumann, L.L. (2012). Incorporating salivary biomarkers and analytes in oral fluids into nursing science: an overview and review of best practices. Biological Research in Nursing epub ahead of print

Lim, J.H., Ko, J.G., Fisher, L., Zhan, A., Gitlin, L.N. Szanton, S.L., Terzis, A. (2012) A closed-loop approach for improving the wellness of low-income elders at home using game consoles.   IEEE Communication.  50(1) 44-51.

Milam, A. J., Furr-Holden, C. D., Whitaker, D., Smart, M., Leaf, P., & Cooley-Strickland, M. (2012). Neighborhood environment and internalizing problems in african american children. Community Mental Health Journal, 48(1): 39-44. Epub 2011 Jan 14. PMCID: PMC3226893 [Available on 2013/2/1]

Nakimuli-Mpungu E, Mojtabai R, Alexandre PK, Musisi S, Katabira E, Nachega JB, Treisman G, Bass JK. Lifetime depressive disorders and adherence to anti-retroviral therapy in HIV-infected Ugandan adults: A case-control study.  J Affect Disord. 2012 Sep 24. doi:pii: S0165-0327(12)00571-X. 10.1016/j.jad.2012.08.002.PMID: 23017542

Nicklett, E.J., Szanton, S.L., Sun, K., Ferrucci, L. Fried, L.P., Guralnik, J.M., Semba, R.D. (2012)  Diet quality and social support: Factors associated with serum carotenoid concentrations among older disabled women (The Women's Health and Aging Study).  Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging.16(6); 511-8.

Palta, P., Page, G., Piferi, R.L., Gill, J.M., Hayat, M., Connolly, A.B., Szanton, S.L.  (2012) Evaluation of a mindfulness-based stress reduction program to decrease blood pressure in low-income African-American older adults.  Journal of Urban Health. Epub ahead of print

Pho, A. Tanner. E.K., Roth, J., Greeley, M., Dorsey, C., Szanton, S.L. (2012) Nursing Strategies for Promoting and Maintaining Function among Community-Living Older Adults: The CAPABLE Intervention. Geriatric Nursing. Nov-Dec; 33(6)439-45

Pollack KM, LaVeist T. “Advancing understanding of racial and ethnic inequalities in injury research.” Injury Prevention 2012 Apr;18(2):143-4

Reese AM, Thorpe RJ Jr, Bell CN, Bowie JV, Laveist TA. “The Effect of Religious Service Attendance on Race Differences in Depression: Findings from the EHDIC-SWB Study.”  Journal of Urban Health. 2012 Feb 10

Rely, K. Galindo-Suarez, R.M., Alexandre, P.K., Garcıa-Garcıa, E.G; Ortega, E.M.; et al. 2012. Cost Utility of Sirolimus versus Tacrolimus for the Primary Prevention of Graft Rejection in Renal Transplant Recipients in Mexico. Value In Health Regional Issues, 1:211-217.

Samuel, L., Szanton, S.L., Weiss, C., Thorpe, R.J., Semba, R., Fried, L.P. “Financial Strain is associated with risk of malnutrition in community-dwelling older women.” (2012) Epidemiology Research International. doi:10.1155/2012/696518

Shields, W., Szanton, S.L.,  Stepnitz, E., Perry, E. Bishai, D., Gielen, A.(2012)  Knowledge and Injury Prevention Practices in Homes of Older Adults.  Geriatric Nursing epub ahead of print

Wenzel, J.M., Jones, R.A., Klimmek, R. Szanton, S.L., Krum, S. (2012). Exploring the Role of Community Health Workers in Providing Cancer Navigation for Older African American Adults. Oncology Nursing Forum. 39 (3) E 288-98. 

Xue,Q-L, Bandeen-Roche, K., Chaves, P., Dam, T.,  Kalyani, R, MielenzT, OrnsteinK.  Choudhury, A.R., Seplaki, C.S.,SzantonS.L.,  Thorpe,R.J.,VaradhanR., YaoW.  FriedL.P.  (2012) Patterns of 12-Year Change in Physical Activity in Community-Dwelling Older Women: Can Suboptimal Level of Physical Activity Help You Live Longer? The American Journal of Epidemiology, 176(6):534-43


2011 Publications

Allen, J. K., Himmelfarb, C. R., Szanton, S. L., Bone, L., Hill, M. N., & Levine, D. M. (2011). COACH trial: A randomized controlled trial of nurse practitioner/community health worker cardiovascular disease risk reduction in urban community health centers: Rationale and design. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 32(3), 403-411. PMC3070050

Bleich SN, Jarlenski MP, Bell CN, Laveist TA. “Health Inequalities: Trends, Progress, and Policy.” Annual Rev Public Health. 2011 Apr 4.

Bleich, S. N., Pickett-Blakely, O., & Cooper, L. A. (2011). Physician practice patterns of obesity diagnosis and weight-related counseling. Patient Education and Counseling, 82(1), 123-129. PMC2902765

Bleich, S. N., Simon, A. E., & Cooper, L. A. (2011). Impact of patient-doctor race concordance on rates of weight-related counseling in visits by black and white obese individuals. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md Epub 2011 Jan 13.

Boss, E. F., Niparko, J. K., Gaskin, D. J., & Levinson, K. L. (2011). Socioeconomic disparities for hearing-impaired children in the united states. The Laryngoscope, 121(4), 860-866.(Note: From conference proceeding - Presented at the American Society for Pediatric Otolaryngology Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A., April 30, 2010)

Braveman P, Kumanyika S, Fielding J, LaVeist T, Borrell L, Manderscheid R, Troutman A. “Health Disparities and Health Equity: The Issue Is Justice.” Am J Public Health. 2011 Dec;101 Suppl 1:S149-55. Epub 2011 May 6.

Casagrande, S. S., Franco, M., Gittelsohn, J., Zonderman, A. B., Evans, M. K., Kuczmarski, M., & Gary-Webb, T. L. (2011). Healthy food availability and the association with BMI in baltimore, maryland. Public Health Nutrition 14(6):1001-7. Epub 2011 Jan 28. PMCID: PMC3089686

Cavanaugh, C. E., Floyd, L. J., Penniman, T. V., Hulbert, A., Gaydos, C., & Latimer, W. W. (2011). Examining racial/ethnic disparities in sexually transmitted diseases among recent heroin-using and cocaine-using women. Journal of Women's Health (2002), 20(2), 197-205. PMC3064876

Cooley-Strickland, M. R., Griffin, R. S., Darney, D., Otte, K., & Ko, J. (2011). Urban african american youth exposed to community violence: A school-based anxiety preventive intervention efficacy study. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 39(2), 149-166. PMC3080109

Evans, K., Coresh, J., Bash, L. D., Gary-Webb, T., Kottgen, A., Carson, K., & Boulware, L. E. (2011). Race differences in access to health care and disparities in incident chronic kidney disease in the US.Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation : Official Publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant  Association - European Renal Association, 26(3), 899-908.

Furr-Holden, C. D., Lee, M. H., Milam, A.J.,Lee, K.S., Johnson, R., & Lalongo, N. S. (2011). The growth of neighborhood disorder and marijuana use among urban adolescents:  A case for policy and environmental interventions. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. 72(3):371-9. PMCID: PMC3084354 [Available on 2012/5/1]

Furr-Holden, C. D., Voas, R. B., Lacey, J., Romano, E., & Jones, K. (2011). The prevalence of alcohol use disorders among night-time weekend drivers. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 106(7):1251-60.  Epub 2011 May 6. PMCID: PMC3107919 [Available on 2012/7/1]

Gary-Webb, T. L., Baptiste-Roberts, K., Pham, L., Wesche-Thobaben, J., Patricio, J., Pi-Sunyer, F. X., . . . Look AHEAD Research Group. (2010). Neighborhood and weight-related health behaviors in the look AHEAD (action for health in diabetes) study. BMC Public Health, 10, 312. PMC2897795

Gary-Webb, T. L., Baptiste-Roberts, K., Pham, L., Wesche-Thobaben, J., Patricio, J., Pi-Sunyer, F. X., . . . Brancati FL. (2011) Neighborhood socioeconomic status, depression, and health status in the look AHEAD study. BMC Public Health, 11:349, Epub 2011 May 19. PMCID: PMC3111582

Gaskin DJ, Spencer CS, Richard P, Anderson G, Powe NR, LaVeist TA “Do Minority Patients Use Lower Quality Hospitals?” Inquiry. 2011 Fall;48(3):209-20

Gibbons, M. C. (2011). Use of health information technology among racial and ethnic underserved communities. Perspectives in Health Information Management.  8(Winter):1 f. Epub 2011 January 1. PMC3035830

Gregory, P. C., Szanton, S. L., Xue, Q. L., Tian, J., Thorpe, R. J., & Fried, L. P. (2011). Education predicts incidence of preclinical mobility disability in initially high-functioning older women. the women's health and aging study II. The Journals of Gerontology.Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 66(5), 577-581. PMC3074962

Hsia, A., Castle, A., Wing, J., Edwards, D., Brown, N., Higgins, T., . . . Kidwell, C. (2011). Racial disparities in tissue plasminogen activator treatment rate for stroke: A population based study. Stroke 42(8): 2216-21. Epub 2011 Jun 30. PMCID: PMC3148849 [Available on 2012/8/1]

Hsia, A., Castle, A., Wing, J., Edwards, D., Brown, N., Higgins, T., . . . Kidwell, C. (2011). Understanding reasons for delay in seeking acute stroke care in an underserved urban population. Stroke 42(6): 1697-701. Epub 2011 May 5. PMCID:PMC3130551 [Available on 2012/6/1]

Jones, R. A., Wenzel, J., Hinton, I., Cary, M., Jones, N. R., Krumm, S., & Ford, J. G. (2011). Exploring cancer support needs for older african-american men with prostate cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer : Official Journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 19(9): 1411-9, Epub 2010 Aug 22.

Konermann, M., Weeks, K., Shands, J., Tilburt, J., Bone, L., Levine, D., & Young, J. (2011). Short Form (SF-36) Health Survey measures are associated with decreased adherence among urban african americans with severe, poorly controlled hypertension. Journal of Clinical Hypertension 13(5): 385-90. Epub 2010 Dec 17. PMCID: PMC3090746 [Available on 2012/5/1]

Laveist-Ramos, T. A., Galarraga, J., Thorpe, R. J.,Jr, Bell, C. N., & Austin, C. J. (2011). Are black hispanics black or hispanic? exploring disparities at the intersection of race and ethnicity. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Epub 2011 Mar 3. NIHMSID: NIHMS365522

LaVeist, T. A., Gaskin, D. J., & Richard, P. (2011). Estimating the economic burden of racial health inequities in the united states. International Journal of Health Services 41(2): 231-8. 

LaVeist TA, Pollack P, Fesahazion RG, Thorpe, RR, Gaskin DJ. "Place Not Race: Disparities Dissipate in Southwest Baltimore When Black and Whites Live Under Similar Conditions" Health Affairs 2011 Oct;30(10):1880-7.

Lebrun LA, LaVeist TA. “Black/White racial disparities in health: a cross-country comparison of Canada and the United States.” Achieves of Internal Medicine. 2011 Sep 26;171(17):1591-3.

Rely, K; Alexandre, P.K., Anaya, P.; Salinas, G.E. 2011.  Cost-Effectiveness of Fluticasone Furoate Compared with Mometasona Furoate for the Primary Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis Patients. Value in Health, 14(7): A556

Nuru-Jeter AM, Laveist TA. Racial Segregation, Income Inequality, and Mortality in US Metropolitan Areas Journal of Urban Health. 2011 Apr;88(2):270-82

Pickett-Blakely, O., Bleich, S. N., & Cooper, L. A. (2011). Patient-physician gender concordance and weight-related counseling of obese patients. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 40(6): 616-9.

Purnell TS, Powe NR, Troll M, Wang NY, LaVeist TA, Boulware LE. Donor Designation: Racial and Ethnic Differences in United States Non-Designators Preferred Methods for Disclosing Intent to Donate Organs. Transplant International. Oct;24(10):999-1007. doi: 10.1111/j.1432-2277.2011.01301.x. Epub 2011 Jul 21.

Richard, P., Alexandre, P. K., Lara, A. & Akamigbo, A. (2011) Racial and ethnic disparities in the quality of diabetes care in a nationally representative sample. Preventing chronic disease  8(6):A142. Epub 2011 Oct 17. PMCID: PMC3221581

Rossen, L. M., Pollack, K. M., Curriero, F. C., Shields, T. M., Smart, M. J., Furr-Holden, C. D.M., & Cooley-Strickland, M. (2011). Neighborhood incivilities, perceived neighborhood safety, and walking to school among urban-dwelling children. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 8(2), 262-271. PMCID:PMC3114557

Shippee, T. P., Ferraro, K. F., & Thorpe, R. J. (2011). Racial disparity in access to cardiac intensive care over 20 years. Ethnicity & Health, 16(2), 145-165. PMCID: PMC3144756

Stark Casagrande, S., Gittelsohn, J., Zonderman, A. B., Evans, M. K., & Gary-Webb, T. L. (2011). Association of walkability with obesity in baltimore city, maryland. American Journal of Public Health, 101 Suppl 1: S318-24. Epub 2010 Dec 16. PMCID: PMC3097303

Whitaker, D., Graham, C., Furr-Holden, C. D., Milam, A., & Latimer, W. (2011). Neighborhood disorder and incarceration history among urban substance users. Journal of Correctional Health Care 17(4): 309-18. Epub 2011 Oct 2.

Wilson-Frederick, S. M., Williams, C. D., Garza, M. A., Navas-Acien, A., Emerson, M. R., Ahmed, S., & Ford, J. G. (2011). Association of secondhand smoke exposure with nicotine dependence among black smokers. Addictive Behaviors, 36(4), 412-415.


Alexandre, P. K., Younis, M. Z., Martins, S. S., & Richard, P. (2010). Disparities in adequate mental health care for past-year major depressive episodes among white and non-white youth. Journal of Health Care Finance, 36(3), 57-72.

Allen, J. K., Purcell, A., Szanton, S., & Dennison, C. R. (2010). Perceptions of cardiac risk among a low- income urban diabetic population. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 21(1), 362-370. PMC2875546

Beach, M. C., Saha, S., Korthuis, P. T., Sharp, V., Cohn, J., Wilson, I., . . . Moore, R. (2010). Differences in patient-provider communication for hispanic compared to non-hispanic white patients in HIV care. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 25(7), 682-687. PMC2881976

Beach, M. C., Saha, S., Korthuis, P. T., Sharp, V., Cohn, J., Wilson, I. B., . . . Moore, R. (2010). Patient-
provider communication differs for black compared to white HIV-infected patients. AIDS and Behavior, PMC2944011.

Bell, C. N., Bowie, J. V., & Thorpe, R. J. (2010). The interrelationship between hypertension and blood pressure, attendance at religious services, and race/ethnicity. Journal of Religion and Health Epub 2010 Mar 31. NIHMSID: NIHMS365567

Bell, C. N., Thorpe, R. J.,Jr, & Laveist, T. A. (2010). Race/Ethnicity and hypertension: The role of social support. American Journal of Hypertension, 23(5), 534-540. Epub 2010 Feb 25. PMCID: PMC3102008

Bleich, S. N., Clark, J. M., Goodwin, S. M., Huizinga, M. M., & Weiner, J. P. (2010). Variation in provider identification of obesity by individual- and neighborhood-level characteristics among an insured population. Journal of Obesity (Online), 2010, 637829. Epub 2010 May 5. PMC2925087

Bleich, S. N., Ku, R., & Wang, Y. C. (2010). Relative contribution of energy intake and energy expenditure to childhood obesity: A review of the literature and directions for future research. International Journal of Obesity (2005), Epub 2010 Nov 30.

Bleich, S. N., Thorpe, R. J., Sharif-Harris, H., Fesahazion, F., & LaVeist, T. A. (2010). Social context explains race disparities in obesity among women. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 64(5):465-9. (NIHMS292474)

Cooper, L. A., Ford, D. E., Ghods, B. K., Roter, D. L., Primm, A. B., Larson, S. M., . . . Wang, N. Y. (2010). A cluster randomized trial of standard quality improvement versus patient-centered interventions to enhance depression care for african americans in the primary care setting: Study protocol NCT00243425. Implementation Science : IS, 5, 18. PMC2838803

Crompton, J. G., Pollack, K. M., Oyetunji, T., Chang, D. C., Efron, D. T., Haut, E. R., . . . Haider, A. H. (2010). Racial disparities in motorcycle-related mortality: An analysis of the national trauma data bank. American Journal of Surgery, 200(2), 191-196.

Dray-Spira, R., Gary-Webb, T. L., & Brancati, F. L. (2010). Educational disparities in mortality among adults with diabetes in the U.S. Diabetes Care, 33(6), 1200-1205. PMC2875423

Evans MK, Lepowski JM, Powe NR, LaVeist TA, Kuczmarski MF, Zonderman AB. “Healthy Aging in Neighbors of Diversity Across the Life Span (HANDLS): Overcoming barriers to implementing a longitudinal epidemiologic urban study of health, race and socioeconomic status” Ethnicity and Disease. 2010 Summer;20(3):267-75.

Fischer, M. J., Kimmel, P. L., Greene, T., Gassman, J. J., Wang, X., Brooks, D. H., . . . AASK study group. (2010). Sociodemographic factors contribute to the depressive affect among african americans with chronic kidney disease. Kidney International, 77(11), 1010-1019. Epub 2010 Mar 3

Floyd, L. J., Alexandre, P. K., Hedden, S. L., Lawson, A. L., Latimer, W. W., & Giles, N. (2010). Adolescent drug dealing and race/ethnicity: A population-based study of the differential impact of substance use on involvement in drug trade. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 36(2), 87-91. PMC2871399

Floyd, L. J., Hedden, S., Lawson, A., Salama, C., Moleko, A. G., & Latimer, W. (2010). The association between poly-substance use, coping, and sex trade among black south African substance users. Substance use & Misuse, 45(12), 1971-1987.

Floyd, L. J., & Latimer, W. (2010). Adolescent sexual behaviors at varying levels of substance use frequency. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 19(1), 66.

Fonseca-Becker, F., Perez-Patron, M. J., Munoz, B., O'Leary, M., Rosario, E., & West, S. K. (2010). Health competence as predictor of access to care among latinos in baltimore. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health / Center for Minority Public Health, 12(3), 354-360. Epub 2007 Nov 30.

Francis, S. A., & Thorpe, R. J. (2010). Using the primary socialization theory to predict substance use and sexual risk behaviors between black and white adolescents. Substance use & Misuse, 45(13), 2113-2129.PMCID: PMC3109747

Frank, D., Gallagher, T. H., Sellers, S. L., Cooper, L. A., Price, E. G., Odunlami, A. O., & Bonham, V. L. (2010). Primary care physicians' attitudes regarding race-based therapies. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 25(5), 384-389. PMC2855011

Franklin FA, LaVeist TA, Webster DW, Pan WK. “Alcohol outlets and violent crime in Washington, D.C.” West Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2010 Aug;11(3):283-90.

Furr-Holden, C. D., Campbell, K. D., Milam, A. J., Smart, M. J., Ialongo, N. A., & Leaf, P. J. (2010). Metric properties of the neighborhood inventory for environmental typology (NIfETy): An environmental assessment tool for measuring indicators of violence, alcohol, tobacco, and other drug exposures. Evaluation Review, 34(3), 159-184. PMC3042134

Gibbons, M. C., & Casale, C. R. (2010). Reducing disparities in health care quality: The role of health IT in underresourced settings. Med Care Res Rev., 67, 155S.

Hedden, S. L., Martins, S. S., Malcolm, R. J., Floyd, L., Cavanaugh, C. E., & Latimer, W. W. (2010). Patterns of illegal drug use among an adult alcohol dependent population: Results from the national survey on drug use and health. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 106(2-3), 119-125. PMC2814886

Huizinga, M. M., Bleich, S. N., Beach, M. C., Clark, J. M., & Cooper, L. A. (2010). Disparity in physician perception of patients' adherence to medications by obesity status. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 18(10), 1932-1937. Epub 2010 Feb 25. PMCID: PMC3149807

Juon, H. S., Green, K. M., Fothergill, K. E., Kasper, J. D., Thorpe, R. J., & Ensminger, M. E. (2010). Welfare receipt trajectories of african-american women followed for 30 years. Journal of Urban Health : Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 87(1), 76-94. PMC2821602

Klamerus, J. F., Bruinooge, S. S., Ye, X., Klamerus, M. L., Damron, D., Lansey, D., . . . Rudin, C. M. (2010). The impact of insurance on access to cancer clinical trials at a comprehensive cancer center. Clinical Cancer Research : An Official Journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 16(24), 5997-6003.

LaVeist, T. A., Zeno, T., & Fesahazion, F. (2010) The effects of the mother's marital status on adolescent and young adult health and economic well-being among african americans. Journal of Family Issues, 31(8): 1065-1080. Epub 2010 Mar 26.

McCleary-Sills, J. D., Villanti, A., Rosario, E., Bone, L., & Stillman, F. (2010). Influences on tobacco use among urban hispanic young adults in baltimore: Findings from a qualitative study. Progress in Community Health Partnerships : Research, Education, and Action, 4(4), 289-297. PMCID:PMC3087202

Nguyen GC, LaVeist TA, Harris ML, Wang MH, Datta LW, Brant SR. “Racial disparities in utilization of specialist care and medications in inflammatory bowel disease.”  American Journal of Gastroenteroly. 2010 Oct;105(10):2202-8

Pololi, L., Cooper, L. A., & Carr, P. (2010). Race, disadvantage and faculty experiences in academic medicine. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 25(12), 1363-1369. PMC2988158

Price-Haywood, E. G., Roth, K. G., Shelby, K., & Cooper, L. A. (2010). Cancer risk communication with low health literacy patients: A continuing medical education program. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 25 Suppl 2, S126-9. PMC2847095

Shariff-Marco, S., Klassen, A. C., & Bowie, J. V. (2010). Racial/ethnic differences in self reported racism and its association with cancer-related health behaviors. American Journal of Public Health, 100(2), 364-374. Epub 2009 Dec 17. PMCID: PMC2804625

Steinwachs D;  Allen, DS; Barlow WE; Duncan RP; Egede LE; Friedman LS; Keating NL; Kim P; Lave JR; LaVeist TA; Ness RB; Optican RJ; Virnig BA “National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Conference Statement: Enhancing Use and Quality of Colorectal Cancer Screening” Annals of Internal Medicine  2010 May 18;152(10):663-7

Szanton, S., & Gill J.S. (2010) Facilitating resilience using a society-to-cells framework: a theory of nursing essentials applied to research and practice. ANS. Advances in nursing science 33(4): 329-43

Szanton, S., Gill, J. M., Thorpe, R. J.,Jr, & Whitfield, K. (2010). The society-to-cells model of resilience in older adults. Annual Reviews of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 30(1): 5-34.

Szanton, S. L., Seplaki, C. L., Thorpe, R. J.,Jr, Allen, J. K., & Fried, L. P. (2010). Socioeconomic status is  associated with frailty: The women's health and aging studies. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 64(1), 63-67. PMC2856660

Szanton, S. L., Thorpe, R. J., & Whitfield, K. (2010). Life-course financial strain and health in african-americans. Social Science & Medicine (1982), 71(2), 259-265. PMC2885496


2009 Publications

Alexandre, P. K., Martins, S. S., & Richard, P. (2009). Disparities in adequate mental healthcare for past-year major depressive episodes among caucasian and hispanic youths. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.), 60(10), 1365-1371.

Alexandre, P.K., P. Richard, A. Beauliere, S. Martins.2009. “Racial Disparities in Employment Effects of Psychological Distress: A Comparative Study of African- Americans and non-Hispanic Whites”. Social Science Journal 46: 201-210

Amarasingham, R., Plantinga, L., Diener-West, M., Gaskin, D. J., & Powe, N. R. (2009). Clinical information technologies and inpatient outcomes: A multiple hospital study. Archives of Internal Medicine, 169(2), 108-114. (Note: Non-NIH support)

Baker, R. B., Washington, H. A., Olakanmi, O., Savitt, T. L., Jacobs, E. A., Hoover, E., Williams, D. R. (2009). Creating a segregated medical profession: African American physicians and organized medicine, 1846-1910. Journal of the National Medical Association, 101(6), 501-512. 

Becker, D., Klassen, A. C., Koenig, M. A., LaVeist, T. A., Sonenstein, F. L., & Tsui, A. O. (2009).Women's perspectives on family planning service quality: An exploration of differences by race, ethnicity and language. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 41(3), 158-165. 

Casagrande, S. S., Whitt-Glover, M. C., Lancaster, K. J., Odoms-Young, A. M., & Gary, T. L. (2009). Built environment and health behaviors among african americans: A systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 36(2), 174-181.

Fischer, M. J., Kimmel, P. L., Greene, T., Gassman, J. J., Wang, X., Brooks, D. H., . . . AASK study group. (2010). Sociodemographic factors contribute to the depressive affect among african americans with chronic kidney disease. Kidney International, 77(11), 1010-1019. Epub 2010 Mar 3.PMCID: PMC3114445

Floyd, L. J., & Latimer, W. (2009). Adolescent sexual behaviors at varying levels of substance use frequency. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 19(1), 66-77.  Epub 2009 Dec 14.

Gary, T. L., Batts-Turner, M., Yeh, H. C., Hill-Briggs, F., Bone, L. R., Wang, N. Y., . . . Brancati, F. L. (2009). The effects of a nurse case manager and a community health worker team on diabetic control, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations among urban African americans with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of Internal Medicine, 169(19), 1788-1794.

Gaskin, D. J., Price, A., Brandon, D. T., & Laveist, T. A. (2009). Segregation and disparities in health services use. Medical Care Research and Review : MCRR, 66(5), 578-589. PMCID: PMC3099538

Hedden, S. L., Whitaker, D., Floyd, L., & Latimer, W. W. (2009). Gender differences in the prevalence and behavioral risk factors of HIV in south african drug users. AIDS and Behavior, 13(2), 288-296. Epub 2008 Oct 11.

LaVeist, T. A., Isaac, L. A., & Williams, K. P. (2009). Mistrust of health care organizations is associated with underutilization of health services. Health Services Research, 44(6), 2093-2105. PMCID: PMC2796316

Nguyen, G. C., Sam, J., Murthy, S. K., Kaplan, G. G., Tinmouth, J. M., & LaVeist, T. A. (2009). Hospitalizations for inflammatory bowel disease: Profile of the uninsured in the united states. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 15(5), 726-733. 

Thorpe, R. J.,Jr, Szanton, S. L., & Whitfield, K. (2009). Association between lung function and disability in african-americans. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 63(7), 541- 545. PMCID: PMC3116729

Rodriguez, E. M., Bowie, J. V., Frattaroli, S., & Gielen, A. (2009). A qualitative exploration of the community partner experience in a faith-based breast cancer educational intervention. Health Education Research, 24(5), 760-771. 

Smith, K. C., Bone, L., Clay, E. A., Owings, K., Thames, S., & Stillman, F. (2009). Partnering with education and job and training programs for sustainable tobacco control among baltimore african american young adults. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 3(1), 9-17.  

Taiwo, O. A., Cantley, L. F., Slade, M. D., Pollack, K. M., Vegso, S., Fiellin, M. G., & Cullen, M. R. (2009). Sex differences in injury patterns among workers in heavy manufacturing.  American Journal of Epidemiology, 169(2), 161-166. 

Washington, H. A., Baker, R. B., Olakanmi, O., Savitt, T. L., Jacobs, E. A., Hoover, E., . . . Williams, D. R. (2009). Segregation, civil rights, and health disparities: The legacy of African american physicians and organized medicine, 1910-1968. Journal of the National Medical Association, 101(6), 513-527. 

LaVeist T. A., Thorpe R. J., Galarraga J. E., Bower K. M., & Gary-Webb T. L. (2009). Environmental and socio-economic factors as contributors to racial disparities in diabetes Prevalence.  Journal of General Internal Medicine, 24(10), 1144-1148

2007 - 2008

2008 Publications

Bowie, J. V., Wells, A. M., Juon, H. S., Sydnor, K. D., & Rodriguez, E. M. (2008). How old are african american women when they receive their first mammogram? results from a churchbased study. Journal of Community Health, 33(4), 183-191. 

Gaskin, D. J., & Frick, K. D. (2008). Race and ethnic disparities in valuing health. Medical Decision Making: An International Journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 28(1), 12-20. 

Gaskin, D. J., Spencer, C. S., Richard, P., Anderson, G. F., Powe, N. R., & Laveist, T. A. (2008). Do hospitals provide lower-quality care to minorities than to whites? Health Affairs (Project Hope), 27(2), 518-527.

LaVeist, T. A., Relosa, R., & Sawaya, N. (2008). The COA360: A tool for assessing the cultural competency of healthcare organizations. Journal of Healthcare Management / American College of Healthcare Executives, 53(4), 257-66; discussion 266-7. 

LaVeist T, Thorpe R Jr, Bowen-Reid T, Jackson J, Gary T, Gaskin D, Browne D. Exploring health disparities in integrated communities: overview of the EHDIC study. Journal of Urban Health. 2008 Jan;85(1):11-21.

Mitchell, J. M., & Gaskin, D. J. (2008). Receipt of preventive dental care among special-needs children enrolled in medicaid: A crisis in need of attention. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 33(5), 883-905. 

Mitchell, J. M., Gaskin, D. J., & Kozma, C. (2008). Health supervision visits among SSI-eligible children in the D.C. medicaid program: A comparison of enrollees in fee-for-service and partially capitated managed care. Inquiry : A Journal of Medical Care Organization, Provision and Financing, 45(2), 198-214. 

Nguyen, G. C., Laveist, T. A., Segev, D. L., & Thuluvath, P. J. (2008). Race is a predictor of in hospital mortality after cholecystectomy, especially in those with portal hypertension. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology : The Official Clinical Practice Journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, 6(10), 1146-1154. 

Nguyen, G. C., Tuskey, A., Bayless, T. M., LaVeist, T. A., & Brant, S. R. (2008). Community based health preferences for proctocolectomy: A race comparison. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 53(3), 741-746. 

Nuru-jeter, A., Williams, C. T., & LaVeist, T. A. (2008). A methodological note on modeling the effects of race: The case of psychological distress. Stress and Health, 24(5), 337-350. 
Setse, R., Grogan, R., Cooper, L. A., Strobino, D., Powe, N. R., & Nicholson, W. (2008). Weight loss programs for urban-based, postpartum african-american women: Perceived barriers and preferred components. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 12(1), 119-127. Epub 2007 Jun 7.  

Street, R. L.,Jr, O'Malley, K. J., Cooper, L. A., & Haidet, P. (2008). Understanding concordance in patient-physician relationships: Personal and ethnic dimensions of shared identity. Annals of Family Medicine, 6(3), 198-205. PMCID: PMC2384992

2007 Publications

Laveist TA, Thorpe RJ Jr, Mance GA, Jackson J. Overcoming confounding of race with socio-economic status and segregation to explore race disparities in smoking. Addiction. 2007 Oct;102 Suppl 2:65-70.