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Gun Violence


Research shows when enacted in combination, these five key policies and programmatic priorities have the potential to save countless lives. 

These 5 Save Lives

The Center for Gun Violence Solutions applies our unique blend of research and advocacy to advance five priority evidence-based gun violence prevention policies. Our research shows that, when enacted in combination, these policies have the potential to save thousands of lives. 

Find more information on each solution below. 


Firearm Purchaser Licensing

Firearm Purchaser Licensing, or permit-to-purchase laws, require an individual to apply for and obtain a license before purchasing a firearm. In most states with this policy, the process includes submitting an application to state or local police, getting fingerprinted, undergoing a comprehensive background check, and often involves safety training requirements.


Firearm Removal Laws

Domestic Violence Protection Orders and Extreme Risk Protection Orders include mechanisms to temporarily remove firearms from individuals at risk for suicide or violence against others. Research shows that the stronger the DVPO protections, the clearer the life-saving benefits. While ERPOs are a newer policy, evidence suggests that when implemented effectively, these laws can save lives. 


Safe and Secure Gun Storage

Safe and secure gun storage practices prevent those who can’t legally have guns, potential thieves, and individuals within the household including children and those at elevated risk for suicide or violence against others, from accessing guns. Safely storing firearms can reduce gun injuries and deaths, and is supported by researchers, healthcare professionals, and gun owners alike.


Regulating the Public Carry of Firearms

Carrying firearms in public places can pose a serious threat to public safety. Concealed carry laws regulate who can carry a loaded, concealed handgun in public spaces. Open carry laws regulate who can carry loaded guns that are visible to others in public spaces. Over the last four decades, the gun lobby has influenced states across the country to make concealed and open carry laws much more permissive. 


Community Violence Intervention

Community violence interventions (CVI) are programs that focus on those who are most at risk of being a victim of or committing an act of gun violence. CVI provides a public health approach to gun violence prevention, addressing the unique needs of the community where systemic racism, disinvestments, and trauma occur.   

Other Priorities

A confluence of issues contributes to the current epidemic of gun violence in the United States. The Center focus on five key policy solutions, however, our team also researches and advocates for other topics outside of its top priorities. These issues also contribute or are a symptom of the public health emergency of gun violence across the country. 

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