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The Department of International Health Announces Education Innovation Awards


To encourage the development of new and innovative methods of teaching, the Department established an educational small grants program for International Health faculty. Two proposals were awarded grants from the first round of funding.

Assistant Scientist Qingfeng Li, Health Systems, will receive funding to help develop modifications to the course Evaluation of Safety Interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. His proposal included the integration of case studies into the course and building a systems approach into the syllabus. He will also modify it to make it available online as well as part of one of the School’s summer institutes.

Assistant Scientist Victoria Chou and Assistant Scientist Mufaro Kanyangarara, both from Global Disease Epidemiology and Control (GDEC), submitted a joint application to develop a new two-term publication writing skills course for doctoral students. The class will start with data analysis and culminate with each student finishing a paper ready for submission.

The grants were awarded by the Department’s Committee on New Educational Opportunities whose members are Professor Bill Brieger, Health Systems; Professor Laura Caulfield, Human Nutrition; Joanne Katz, GDEC; and Associate Professor Melissa Marx, GDEC.  

The next call for proposals will be announced later this year.