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Tweets from the Top


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Getting social with the Dean of the Bloomberg School


If you want Dean Michael J. Klag’s unfiltered take on public health events and issues, especially as they pertain to the Bloomberg School, his twitter feed is the place to go @mikeklag.

Since joining Twitter in January 2012, he has posted 241 tweets and 111 photographs and videos from around the globe. He tweets strictly on behalf of himself, sending from his smartphone. Because neither assistants, nor editors, nor admins are involved in managing Klag’s communiqués, he can be both prolific and accessible.

His feed is a cascade of photographs documenting the full range of events he attends and participates in. Recently, he’s tweeted about everything from a prescription drug abuse summit featuring President Bill Clinton to the Bloomberg School’s graduation ceremony.

“I like the spontaneity of tweeting, especially when [I’m] at an event,” says the Dean. “It’s a way of capturing a little bit of history in a way that emails and articles can’t.”

Dean Klag recognizes and values the power of this social media tool as an engine for distilling and disseminating public health news. “Sharing insights that provide the public health perspective helps spread the word about the public health approach to framing problems and solving them,” he says.

Apart from the Dean’s own account, the Bloomberg School has an official handle @JohnsHopkinsSPH. As of early August it boasts 310,995 followers worldwide: 47% are from the United States; 29% from 12 countries abroad; and the remaining 24% is unclassified. India (4%) and the United Kingdom (4%) make up the two largest follower clusters outside the U.S.

The public is welcome to ask questions on the School’s page, says Nick Moran, the Bloomberg School’s Social Media Specialist. “The goal is to be completely responsive to prospective and current students.”

What makes Dean Klag’s day, socially speaking? When students and alumni from around the world send in photographs of their work in the field.

—Salma Warshanna-Sparklin

Follow Dean Klag on Twitter

Check out the Dean’s Corner