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These are the Students We're Looking For


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Annual Career Fair Connects Students with Potential Employers


Bloomberg School students glimpsed into their futures as they navigated a lineup of 40-plus employers at the school’s 30th annual Public Health career fair on March 7.

They asked questions, networked, dropped off resumes, collected business cards and explored myriad opportunities to put their public health degrees to work.

“This is phenomenal,” said Teresa Pfaff, who completed a joint MPH/MSN degree in December 2013. “Career Services has been amazing in helping us prepare and giving us tips. Everything is very well organized and that makes it less daunting.”

Prior to the fair, the School’s Career Services office held workshops to help students get the most out of the event. Resume touch-ups and a career fair game plan (No. 1 piece of advice: Visit some employers you have not heard of,) as well as follow-up strategies were among the topics covered.

Sporting business attire, fair attendees mingled with recruiters from public, private and nonprofit sectors representing a spectrum of public health disciplines. Participating organizations included Clinton Health Access Initiative, NIH, John Snow, Inc., Rand Corporation, the U.S. Public Health Service Commission Corps and Boston Health Economics.

Alex Secora, an FDA epidemiologist and 2012 alum who connected with the FDA at the Career Fair when he was an MPH student, now is on the other side of the recruiting table, talking to students about positions at the agency’s Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology.

“These are the students we’re looking for,” he said.

2014 Public Health Career Fair

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