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10 Reasons to Start in Barcelona


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Why part-time MPH students opt for Fall Institute in Barcelona


No ordinary Top-10 can convey all the reasons that part-time/online MPH students love the Bloomberg School’s Barcelona Fall Institute, now open for applications. This list, like the program itself, is creatively compressed and unusually cosmopolitan.

Uno: Flexibility.
Students can attend for one week or three, taking a single class or several to jump-start their part-time studies toward an MPH degree.

Dos: World-Class Faculty.
The students may be part-time, but the Bloomberg School faculty is fully accessible and eager to provide the same rich educational experience as classes at home in Baltimore.

Tres: Easier to Apply than Ever.
Starting with the Barcelona Fall Institute (application deadline: August 1) prospective Bloomberg School part-timers can use SOPHAS, the Centralized Application Service for Public Health.

Cuatro: The Food.
Institute founder and Barcelona native Vincente Navarro can’t hide his enthusiasm about Barcelona cuisine: “It’s the best!”

Cinco: Diverse student body.
Last year's cohort included 26 professionals from around the globe, including an oncology nurse from the US., a Canadian attorney, a business manager from France, and a Pakistani physician.

Seis: Customer Satisfaction.
Students consistently rave about the educational quality of the Barcelona experience.

Siete, Ocho, Nueve: Location, location, location.
With a huge harbor and world-class cultural offerings, Barcelona boasts a gorgeous Mediterranean setting that’s convenient to commuters from several continents.

Diez: 11!
What started with a few courses by Hopkins faculty for staff of the Barcelona Public Health Department has grown, expanded and evolved into a full-fledged Institute that’s now in its 11th year.

More about the Fall Institute

Check out the Part-time MPH Program