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Johns Hopkins Researchers Study HIV Treatment Disparities


Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health contributed to a new study examining the differences in care for persons living with HIV in the U.S. The study found that of the estimated 1.1 million people living with HIV in the U.S., 82 percent had been diagnosed but only 65 percent were receiving any treatment. Of those receiving care, only 32 percent received antiretroviral drugs.

Professor David Holtgrave, a collaborator on the study and chair of the Bloomberg School’s Department of Health Behavior and Society, noted that the study found “significant age disparities” in the continuum of HIV care. He and his colleagues added, “Ensuring that people stay in care and receive treatment will increase the proportion of HIV-infected individuals who achieve and maintain a suppressed viral load, which has implications both for the well-being of clients on treatment as well as for lowering transmission of the virus to HIV-partners.” The study appears in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health media contact: Tim Parsons at 410-955-7619 or