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Students Supported in Tackling Food Issues


Image removed.Center for a Livable Future Names 16 CLF Lerner Doctoral Fellows


A former professional chef and journalist are among 16 doctoral students selected by the Center for a Livable Future for support this year by the CLF Lerner Doctoral Fellowship. Committed to tackling food-related public health issues, the new fellows have wide-ranging interests: from superbugs and aquaculture, to obesity in preschool-aged children and diet-related chronic disease.

Help yourself to a taste of the Center’s Lerner Doctoral Fellowship program by meeting some of them:

A second-year doctoral student of Health Policy and Management, Julia Wolfson formerly worked as a chef in fine restaurants and now intends to explore the potential of school-based interventions that stimulate interest in cooking and eating well, in addition to improving the school food environment.

Benjamin Davis, a second-year doctoral student in Environmental Health Engineering, will examine how microorganisms and heavy metals from unsustainable agricultural practices affect complex bodies of water. A recipient of the CLF’s first Aquaculture, Public Health, and the Environment Research Grant, Davis will investigate oyster aquaculture practices in the Chesapeake Bay.

Patrick Baron, a third-year doctoral student in Environmental Health Engineering, is looking at antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens (aka superbugs) in the nation’s food system. And fourth-year doctoral student Patti Truant, who holds degrees in journalism and public health (MPH ’09), is analyzing risk communication about BPA in the food system.

Each fellowship provides up to one year of support for tuition, stipend and/or research expenses.

Read the press release.