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Laurie Schwab Zabin, a Health Care Hero (web article)


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Laurie Schwab Zabin, PhD, professor in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health and founder of the Department’s Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, was named a 2010 Health Care Hero by the Maryland Daily Record. 

Zabin received the top honor in the Advancements in Health Care category at the 2010 award ceremony. She is highly regarded as an expert in issues related to teenage pregnancy and reproductive health and rights, and was nominated for her work promoting reproductive health among women in Baltimore and the global community.

“While I know it is an honor to be recognized by the Daily Record as a Health Care Hero, what I have done pales beside the work of so many of my colleagues a the School. I’m grateful to the many of them who have contributed their lives to public health—I have learned so much from them,” said Zabin. “As undeserved as I know it is, I do hope this recognition will help reinvigorate those in the field of populations and reproductive health to go on promoting the importance of family planning in the empowerment of women worldwide—and here at home.”

The Daily Record established Health Care Heroes eight years ago to recognize excellence, innovation, and service in the health care profession. Winners were chosen in seven categories including Advancements in Health Care, Animal Care Provider, Community Outreach, Health Care Professional, Nurse, Physician and Volunteer and were honored along with other finalists at a breakfast in Baltimore.

Public Affairs media contact for JHSPH: Natalie Wood-Wright at 410-614-6029 or

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