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Cooley Named to NIH Child Psychopathology Study Section (web article)


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Michele R. Cooley, PhD, MEd, an associate professor in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of Mental Health, has been appointed to a four-year term as a member of the Child Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities Study Section, Center for Scientific Review (CSR).

This U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study section selects members based on their competence and achievement. Membership represents a commitment of professional time and energy as well as an opportunity to contribute to the national biomedical research effort by reviewing and making recommendations on grant applications submitted to the National Institutes of Health.

Cooley’s research focuses on preventing the mental and behavioral effects of youth’s exposure to pervasive community violence. She also designs and implements preventive interventions to address the violence, which has been identified as a significant public health problem of epidemic proportions.

CSR organizes the peer review groups that evaluate the majority of grant applications submitted to the National Institutes of Health. CSR recruits about 18,000 outside scientific experts each year for its review groups.

Public Affairs media contacts for the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: Kenna L. Lowe or Tim Parsons at 410-955-6878 or