Global Road Safety Leadership Course Travels to New York City, Visits Bloomberg Philanthropies
Participants of the 2018 Global Road Safety Leadership Course heard from city road safety experts and corporate leaders while visiting the office of Bloomberg Philanthropies as part of the offering’s Day 5 site visit to New York, New York on Friday, July 27.
Following a week’s worth of sessions and group work, course participants from more than 20 countries were welcomed to Bloomberg’s office by Kelly Larson, public health program director. Larson briefed the participants on the program’s mission and commitment to reducing the number of lives lost due to motor vehicle crashes around the globe.
Inspector Dennis Fulton of the New York Police Department and Kim Wiley-Schwartz of the New York City Department of Transportation each then took the podium to discuss road safety through the lenses of enforcement and implementation, respectively.
Following an interactive question and answer session and a lunch reception in the Bloomberg Cafeteria, participants had the opportunity to explore the city and examine key intersections for road safety street designs from representatives from the National Association of City Transportation Officials.
The course will continue with presentations, group work, and site visits through Friday, August 3, when participants will present in groups to demonstrate their understanding of road safety and leadership.