Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Participates in Workshop as Part of the Alliance Academy
On August 31-September 1, 2016, Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU) Assistant Scientist, Dr. Katharine Allen, traveled to FedEx headquarters in Memphis, TN to participate in a workshop as part of the Alliance Academy.
While in Memphis, Dr. Allen delivered a masterclass on the principles of monitoring and evaluation. She discussed the importance of evaluating road safety interventions and approaches to designing evaluation schemes and selecting appropriate indicators. In addition, she had the opportunity to sit on a panel that reviews National Government Organizations (NGOs) final projects/programs. During this panel session, Alliance Advocates presented their proposed projects, which will be undertaken in their home countries. These projects included interventions to improve helmet use, reduce speeds around schools and to advocate for improved road safety laws. The panel, which also included representatives from the Alliance and FedEx, provided feedback to the participants and suggested ways to make their projects more successful.
The Alliance Academy is a state-of-the-art training program sponsored by the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety. Participants of the Alliance Academy, called Alliance Advocates are a select group of 10-15 NGO representatives that take courses to learn from leaders in the road safety field. The Alliance Advocates become role models for other Alliance members, governments, and their communities and actively advocate for change.
Read more about the training program here.

Dr. Allen presents to the Alliance Advocates (Photo retrieved from YOURS Road Safety Twitter account)