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Popup Symposium Focuses on Flavors

Brian Shea

As a response to increased attention on the topic of flavored e-cigarettes, IGTC convened a popup practice symposium "Flavored e-cigarettes: What the FDA, states and cities are doing and why" featuring experts from across the country.

A large crowd of students, faculty and staff heard about best practices from a federal official as well as experts from Massachusetts and Minnesota. IGTC faculty member Ryan D. Kennedy helped provide the international perspective.

"We brought together this panel because there are many concerns about flavored e-cigarettes," said Joanna E. Cohen, IGTC Director. "Most youth who vape use a flavored product so it's important to learn about what is being done to address the youth vaping epidemic."

The panel included Cathy Backinger, Senior Science Advisor in the Center for Tobacco Products of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA); Mark Hymovitz, Massachusetts Government Relations Director for the American Cancer Society Action Network, Inc.; and Kristen Ackert, Policy and Research Manager for the Association for Nonsmokers-Minnesota.