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Violence and Suicide Prevention

Through research and outreach, Center faculty have been instrumental in policy efforts aimed at intimate partner violence, sexual assault on college campuses, and suicide prevention.

Explore the Center’s Work in Violence Injury Prevention

Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Prevention in Maryland

The prevention of intimate partner and sexual violence is a major focus of the Center’s long-term partnership with the Maryland Department of Health. Our collaborative work here in Maryland happens through the National Peer Learning Team and with local colleges and universities.

Saving the Lives of Domestic Violence Survivors

With Center support, Core Faculty member Daniel Webster, ScD ’91, MPH and Collaborating Faculty member Jacqueline Campbell, PhD used evidence showing that a few simple risk assessment questions could predict a domestic violence survivor’s homicide risk to develop and evaluate a novel intervention for domestic violence service providers and police officers. The Lethality Assessment Program assesses women’s risk, provides tailored feedback, and connects women to crisis counselors. The Danger Assessment is an instrument associated with this research.

This award-winning program has been disseminated statewide in Maryland. In addition, the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence has trained police and service providers in 30 other states to implement the program. The program offers women a chance to live to their full potential, free from the violence that was dominating their lives.