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Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Leadership Attends International Burn Meeting


On June 13-14, Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Associate Director Dr. Asad Latif and Senior Technical Advisor Margie Peden attended the international inter-sectoral meeting, “Reducing the Burden of Global Burn Injury” in Swansea, Wales.

The two-day meeting, hosted at the Centre for Global Burn Injury Policy & Research (CGBIPR), welcomed injury prevention experts from around the world to convene and establish the priorities around global burn care and prevention.

During the gathering, Dr. Latif and Peden, with their colleagues, attended presentations on such issues as paediatric burns and photo journalism. Peden led a session entitled “Lessons from Road Safety.”

The meeting was held with support from Interburns and funding by the Swansea University Global Challenges Research Fund.