Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Presents on American Muslim Violence at APHA 2018
On November 14, Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Research Associate Priyanka Agrwawl, MPH, presented work on interpersonal stranger violence faced by American Muslims at the 2018 American Public Health Association in San Diego, California.
The presentation, entitled "Interpersonal stranger violence and American Muslims: An exploratory study of lived experiences," featured work by JH-IIRU's Agrawal and founding director Adnan Hyder from the past year. In her work, Agrawal explored the interpersonal stranger violence faced by American Muslims in the Maryland area, as well as coping strategies and future recommendations to deal with such violence.
Information generated from the research-- funded through the Bloomberg Initiative-- can be used to make need-based, culturally appropriate recommendations on interventions and programs to improve health and well-being of American Muslims in the United States.

JH-IIRU Research Associate Priyanka Agrawal and Yousra Yusuf at APHA 2018 in San Diego, California.