Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Hosts Trauma and Emergency Care Panel
On May 14, 2018, the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU) hosted a panel of trauma and emergency care experts at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health as part of its ongoing 10th anniversary year. The event, “Trauma and Emergency Care across the Lifespan,” featured multidisciplinary trauma experts JH-IIRU associate director Amber Mehmood and senior technical advisor Junaid Razzak, as well as Safe Kids Worldwide founder Dr. Martin Eichelberger.
JH-IIRU director Adnan A. Hyder welcomed participants—watching both in-person and via a streaming webcast—to the event before deputy director Abdul M. Bachani introduced each panelist and facilitated discussion at the conclusion of each presentation.
Razzak led off the series of speakers with a presentation on emergency care in Pakistan. In his talk, he outlined the definition of an emergency care system and focused on Karachi, Pakistan—the third-largest city in the world.
Mehmood followed with a talk on trauma care in low-income countries and shared a case study on traumatic brain injury (TBI) across the lifespan in Uganda. She shared new results from a collaborative effort with JH-IIRU and Makerere University: a third of all patients presenting with TBI suffered a drop in the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), a critical indicator, during emergency department stay. This finding, Mehmood remarked, should lead to improved assessment and interventions.
Dr. Eichelberger, in the final presentation of the event, discussed pediatric trauma. From his work at Children’s National Medical Center and Safe Kids Worldwide, Dr. Eichelberger shared childhood injury statistics both domestically and globally.
In 2018, the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit is celebrating its first decade of innovation and research in global injury prevention and control. To honor the anniversary, JH-IIRU is hosting a number of special events throughout the year. To learn more about the Unit and its 10th anniversary, please click here.

Dr. Martin Eichelberger presents on pediatric trauma during JH-IIRU’s 10th anniversary event, “Trauma and Emergency Care across the Lifespan,” at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health on May 14, 2018.