Global Road Safety Leadership Course to be Held in Nairobi
Experts from the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU) and the Global Road Safety Partnership will lead a two-week training course on road safety from March 2-17, 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya.
The course, which will be offered to more than 60 participants from across the globe, aims at building leadership capacity to design, advocate for, and implement effective road safety programs and policies. Topics covered in the course include strategic communication, behavior change, advocacy, urban design, economics, and resource allocation.
“We’re thrilled to help coordinate another iteration of this truly lifesaving course,” said Professor Adnan Hyder, JH-IIRU director. “With support from Bloomberg Philanthropies and in collaboration with the Global Road Safety Partnership, we’re able to utilize our team’s expertise and lead sessions to address road safety in low- and middle-income countries around the world.”
In addition to learning modules and group work, the course will take participants on a pair of site visits to Kenyatta Hospital and Kasarani Primary School. These visits will complement lessons learned through the course by placing participants directly into the field to observe post-crash response implementation in Kenya’s largest hospital and understand child road safety interventions in support of school age children, respectively.
“Through this course, we’re able to arm participants with the skills needed to make a significant and much-needed change in their own communities,” said Dr. Abdulgafoor M. Bachani, JH-IIRU deputy director. “Even though low- and middle-income countries account for about half of the world’s vehicles, they represent ninety percent of all road traffic fatalities.”
An additional course on global road safety leadership will be held this summer in Baltimore, Maryland. For more information on the Global Road Safety Leadership Course, please click here.

The regional Global Road Safety Leadership Course will be held from March 2 through March 17 in Nairobi, Kenya.