Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Photo Contest Winners
The Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit is pleased to announce the winners of its photo contest in honor of the Fourth United Nations Global Road Safety Week.
We would like to thank everyone who entered our photo contest! Your participation brought awareness to speed management and what can be done to address this key risk factor for road traffic deaths and injuries. We received many great entries that captured speed enforcement initiatives including speed cameras, police officers enforcing the speed limit, speed limit signs, speed bumps and education.
For the contest, participants were asked to send up to three original photos that captured speed enforcement initiatives. Each entry was judged on the basis of content (relevance to category) and quality (e.g. lighting, composition, focus) by an independent panel of judges.
Congratulations to our first and second place winners:

First place: Vinothkumar Kandasamy
Twitter handle: @vinoth_iROLL
Caption: Hazard: Intersection at curve, high speed traffic, poor visibility, merging road located in down gradient, U turn sign board Rectifications: Warning sign board, thermo plastic rumble strips, cat eyes and posted speed limit.
Location: Tamilnadu, India

Second place: Simin Haghighi
Twitter handle: @SiminHaghighi
Caption: School Children learn new topics about road safety
Location: Mashhad City, Iran