Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Attends 5th Annual Workshop on Road Safety Legislation
On October 11-14, 2016, Johns Hopkins International Injury Unit (JH-IIRU) assistant scientist, Dr. Connie Hoe, traveled to Geneva, Switzerland to attend the 5th annual workshop on road safety legislation. The workshop, organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), was a part of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety and convened 29 lawyers and other professionals from government and civil society organizations in China, India, Philippines, Thailand, Tanzania and Viet Nam. The workshop utilized a mix of presentations, group work, and other interactive activities to expose participants to various road safety topics such as risk factors, media advocacy, policy change, and vehicle regulations.
During the workshop, Dr. Hoe presented on "political priority development," where she discussed the strategies, frameworks and tools advocates can use to get child safety onto the political agenda.
The final day of the workshop was dedicated to identifying concrete ways to improve WHO's capacity development efforts for lawyers and journalists within the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety.
To learn more about the workshop, please click here.

A presentation during the 5th annual workshop on road safety legislation