The Johns Hopkins International Injury Unit travels to Zambia for National EMS Assessment Workshop
In July, a Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU) team led by the Director, Dr. Adnan Hyder was invited to Lusaka, Zambia by the Ministry of Health for a two-day National Emergency Medical Systems (EMS) Assessment Workshop. JH-IIRU Assistant Scientist, Dr. Amber Mehmood coordinated the work and post-doctoral fellow, Dr. Isaac Botchey assisted in providing technical assistance. The workshop was a collaboration between the Ministry of Health, World Health Organization and the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit.
The aim of the workshop was to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the Emergency Care System in Zambia with both local and international stakeholders. Using the results of the WHO emergency care system assessment, the workshop served to develop consensus-based action priorities. In addition, the outcome of the workshop was to set recommendations for policy makers regarding the emergency care system in Zambia and explore possibilities for further partnerships.
While in Zambia, the JH-IIRU team also participated in meetings with local collaborators at the University of Zambia.

Police check speeding in Lusaka, Zambia