The Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Welcomes New Senior Technical Advisor, Dr. Junaid Razzak
Recently, the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU) welcomed Dr. Junaid Razzak as a senior technical advisor, providing overall assistance to the unit, with a special focus on emergency medical service (EMS), acute care and systems development.
Before joining the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in 2015, Dr. Razzak was the chair of Aga Khan University’s Department of Emergency Medicine (AKU-DEM). He also directed the WHO Collaborating Center for Emergency Medicine and Trauma Care at AKU and was the CEO of Aman Healthcare Services, a not for profit organization providing emergency and tele-health and community based services to urban poor in Karachi.
Dr. Razzak’s current research focus is implementing and measuring health system innovations for enhancing access to emergency and non-emergency health care for vulnerable populations especially in the low and middle income countries. Previously he has worked on creating data systems for low resourced health systems around injuries, trauma and EMS.
Among his many achievements, Dr. Razzak founded Pakistan’s first EMS training program at Aga Khan, a program that eventually led to the birth of emergency medicine as the newest medical specialty in Pakistan.
Dr. Razzak has a history of collaboration with JH-IIRU. Along with JH-IIRU director, Adnan Hyder, Dr. Razzak directs the JHU-Pakistan Fogarty International Collaborative Trauma and Injury Research Training Program (JHU-Pakistan ICTIRT). The goal of this program, which has been in place for nearly a decade, is to build a strong network of professionals and help develop sustainable research capacity on acute care of trauma and injuries in emergency medicine in Pakistan.
JH-IIRU is pleased to welcome Dr. Razzak and continue our rich history of collaboration.

JH-IIRU senior technical advisor, Dr. Junaid Razzak