Unit Jointly Runs Road Safety Evaluation Workshop in Mexico
The Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit, together with researchers from the Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, recently conducted a workshop on road safety evaluation principles in Mexico.
Held in Guadalajara on August 8 and 9, 2011, the workshop attracted 20 participants from Leon and Guadalajara, which are the two locations in Mexico for the Road Safety in 10 Countries (RS-10) project. Two individuals from the World Health Organization country office also participated.
Dr. Aruna Chandran, associate director of monitoring and evaluation for the Unit, co-led the workshop which consisted of an overview of road safety evaluation principles, data collection and analysis, and evaluation study design. Participants were encouraged to assess the road traffic data collection methods in their own cities and discuss ways to improve them. It was an opportunity for the participants to learn the importance of evaluation, and to interact directly with key implementers of the RS-10 project from both cities, as well as the RS-10 evaluation team.
For more information about the Unit's work on the RS-10 project or other road safety projects, please contact us.

Dr. Aruna Chandran, associate director of monitoring and evaluation for the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit, leads a session at the road safety evaluation workshop in Mexico on August 8, 2011.