International Injury Research Unit Attends Vision Zero Meeting at House of Sweden
The Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit today attended “Vision Zero: Best Practices for Safer Roads from Sweden and the United States,” a meeting which took place at the House of Sweden in Washington, DC.
The Swedish “Vision Zero” initiative was passed by its parliament in 1997 and aims primarily to better design transport systems in order to reduce human error. For more information about the Swedish approach to road safety, please visit the Vision Zero website.
Today, the traffic mortality rate in Sweden is one third that of the United States. Much of the meeting was dedicated to the discussion of the differences between the two countries, what the United States can learn from Swedish programs and the many technological advances that are available to help reduce traffic deaths around the globe. For more information about the meeting and its speakers, please visit the meeting's website.

Moderator Jayne O’Donnell of USA Today joins J.T. Griffin of MADD and Helena Linden of the Swedish Abstaining Motorists Association at Thursday’s Vision Zero meeting.