David Bishai, Senior Technical Advisor for the Unit, Receives Promotion to Professor
The Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit extends its congratulations to Dr. David Bishai, the Unit’s senior technical advisor, on his promotion to full Johns Hopkins professor. Dr. Bishai is a highly valued member of the Unit’s team and has lent his expertise to many projects, most recently providing guidance for the Road Safety in 10 Countries initiative.
Dr. Bishai uses his extensive knowledge of economic theory to study populations, families and the ways in which public health interventions, including injury control, affect population health. He has focused much of his applied work on evaluating public health interventions such as vaccines, injury control measures and STD control activities.
For more information about Dr. Bishai’s important contributions to public health, please visit his webpage.

Dr. David Bishai, Senior Technical Advisor, Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit.